1964 EARS V6 Thread
Nov 2, 2012 at 3:32 PM Post #241 of 931
I am going through my music library right now and one thing I am constantly noticing is that the V6 are extremely revealing of poor recordings. If your library consists of Mp3s below 320kbps, then you might want to do something about that before getting the V6. 
I am listening to Joshua Redman's albums (which are very well recorded) 16/44.1 khz (it's not even hi-res) and what I am hearing is absolutely delightful. 

Great! I will be mainly listening to jazz.
Nov 2, 2012 at 4:19 PM Post #242 of 931
HD650 and the V6 are nothing alike. I have not heard the V3 but I can say that a comparison between these phones would be more accurate: 
V6: HD600
Quads: HD650 
Even then I think 1964 Ears sound signature is quite different than the Senns. People may disagree but HD650 were too boring for me whereas neither the Quads nor the V6 would be in a "dark sounding" category. They're quite lively and upfront. Also don't expect the soundstage of Senns to be found in these customs. It's not completely absent but not as good as a full size open can. 

I agree with this, the V6 is more comparable to the HD600 as I also mentioned in my initial impression. And the sound stage of course can never be compared to a full size open headphones.
Nov 2, 2012 at 5:59 PM Post #243 of 931

Pre-production graph that vitaliy sent me. Posted this elsewhere because I have no idea what this means, but they said treble spikes are bad? Idk LF> more info.

That's a fine looking curve with whay looks like good low bass and smooth top once compensated. They usually look a lot more ragged in the highs.
Nov 2, 2012 at 7:21 PM Post #244 of 931
Hmmm, wouldn't this cause a majorly V shaped sound signature? I remember reading something about the ear canal amplifying mids and in-ear's not needing a lot of treble because of the proximity of the speakers...

Also, how long does it take for USPS to send you the tracking number? Anastasia AND Vitaliy said my monitors would ship yesterday and they said USPS should send me my tracking number but I've yet to receive anything.

I think I'm the most impatient person in the 1964 crowd hahaha.
Nov 2, 2012 at 11:24 PM Post #245 of 931
HD650 and the V6 are nothing alike. I have not heard the V3 but I can say that a comparison between these phones would be more accurate: 
V6: HD600
Quads: HD650 
Even then I think 1964 Ears sound signature is quite different than the Senns. People may disagree but HD650 were too boring for me whereas neither the Quads nor the V6 would be in a "dark sounding" category. They're quite lively and upfront. Also don't expect the soundstage of Senns to be found in these customs. It's not completely absent but not as good as full size open cans. 

I see what you mean,appreciate.I can't afford any mid-hi end custom at the moment ,but i guess soon i will be getting into this "method" of music appreciation,and it would be probably with some V3.
Nov 2, 2012 at 11:29 PM Post #246 of 931
Hmmm, wouldn't this cause a majorly V shaped sound signature? I remember reading something about the ear canal amplifying mids and in-ear's not needing a lot of treble because of the proximity of the speakers...

Also, how long does it take for USPS to send you the tracking number? Anastasia AND Vitaliy said my monitors would ship yesterday and they said USPS should send me my tracking number but I've yet to receive anything.

I think I'm the most impatient person in the 1964 crowd hahaha.

I understand that feeling... I literally check my tracking numbers like up to 5 times a day for multiple packages.
Still juggling deciding between these, another brand, or just cans. I'm too indecisive and it'll probably end up being a mildy drunk purchase when I finally do decide to take the dive...
Nov 3, 2012 at 1:28 AM Post #247 of 931
So turns out my iem's were actually given over to USPS today instead of yesterday...


So that's a monday delivery. Please pray for me.

Nov 3, 2012 at 10:36 AM Post #248 of 931
For those trying to make sense of the V6 graph - check out these measurements from a few different Unique Melody models.
First, my Merlin prototype which has a little less bass than the final product:

Next, the final tuning on the Merlin which is what you can currently buy:

Lastly, a Miracle:

The usual caveats apply about every measurement system producing slightly different results. So direct comparisons are not really applicable. But in general terms, we can see that the V6 appears very similar to the prototype Merlin that I have. At one point I had both the prototype and final Merlins for comparisons, and although I loved them both, I preferred the prototype by a small degree which is why I purchased it. 
The Miracle appears similar as well with a slightly shelved down bass response. For what it's worth, I never felt like the Miracle needed less bass - I loved it as-is. Still, based on the graphs alone (again, more of a guideline than a strict description of the sound) the V6 should be quite good. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 12:57 PM Post #249 of 931
For those trying to make sense of the V6 graph - check out these measurements from a few different Unique Melody models.
First, my Merlin prototype which has a little less bass than the final product:

Next, the final tuning on the Merlin which is what you can currently buy:

Lastly, a Miracle:

The usual caveats apply about every measurement system producing slightly different results. So direct comparisons are not really applicable. But in general terms, we can see that the V6 appears very similar to the prototype Merlin that I have. At one point I had both the prototype and final Merlins for comparisons, and although I loved them both, I preferred the prototype by a small degree which is why I purchased it. 
The Miracle appears similar as well with a slightly shelved down bass response. For what it's worth, I never felt like the Miracle needed less bass - I loved it as-is. Still, based on the graphs alone (again, more of a guideline than a strict description of the sound) the V6 should be quite good. 

Not that i am an expert of graphics - well, far away from this - , but the V6 are supposed to be on the warm side of the neutral,instead of coldish Ety's reference side?I guess ( or hope) so.  X-D
Nov 3, 2012 at 1:43 PM Post #250 of 931
Not that i am an expert of graphics - well, far away from this - , but the V6 are supposed to be on the warm side of the neutral,instead of coldish Ety's reference side?I guess ( or hope) so.  X-D

Essentially it points towards the general idea that the V6 should sound vaguely like my UM Merlin - that is, a Merlin with a somewhat less boosted bass region. Notice I'm being pretty clear to not say this is exactly what it will sound like? FR charts only give us a hint at the sound, and without these even being measured by the same setup, it's only of limited and speculative value. 
But in a nutshell, I'd say yes the V6 should be on the warm side, not cold and analytical. 
I wish 1964 would post a similar chart for their V3 model. I bet it has a slightly bigger bass boost and a somewhat lower jump in the 7kHz region. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 2:17 PM Post #251 of 931
Essentially it points towards the general idea that the V6 should sound vaguely like my UM Merlin - that is, a Merlin with a somewhat less boosted bass region. Notice I'm being pretty clear to not say this is exactly what it will sound like? FR charts only give us a hint at the sound, and without these even being measured by the same setup, it's only of limited and speculative value. 
But in a nutshell, I'd say yes the V6 should be on the warm side, not cold and analytical. 
I wish 1964 would post a similar chart for their V3 model. I bet it has a slightly bigger bass boost and a somewhat lower jump in the 7kHz region. 

Ask for thou shall recieveth~:

Nov 3, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #253 of 931
But in a nutshell, I'd say yes the V6 should be on the warm side, not cold and analytical. 

It is on the warm side :)

My Miracle can't come soon enough, then I can do some comparison.

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