May 15, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #811 of 845
The "artificial" sound is interesting, as I feel they are the opposite, presenting instruments in a more natural way than other IEMs I've tried, especially percussion, at least when used with my DX100. 
DO read a_recording's review. The crossover in the XBA3s and 4s cause some weird issues with different amps (sources if were talking about DAPs) that change the frequency response.
May 15, 2012 at 9:00 PM Post #812 of 845
As I've posted before, no issues with the J3, they sound excellent with the XBA4. I do use the BBE EQ settings. One of the better, and more fun earphones I own.
May 15, 2012 at 9:02 PM Post #813 of 845
I auditioned them all with my iphone 4, granted if i return to the sony store to listen to them again, i'm bringing my c421. Both have sub-1 ohm output so they should fare well i think. 
I honestly have to agree. I did find the xba-4 to be pleasant enough in line with the rest, but various nuances of the sound didn't match what i was expecting having listened to my standard "audition tracks" hundreds of times. However, from what i remember the reason I enjoyed the xba-3 so much is that it had detail, it was extremely smooth, while still presenting the music extremely naturally.
However that's why i'm asking for the sanity check, because my experience doesn't much line up with most others. It would make sense that the XBAs are source-dependent, explaining all the bad impressions. I do know that the iphone 4 is a relatively good source.
I am something of a purist however, i tend to refuse to EQ anything.
May 15, 2012 at 9:14 PM Post #814 of 845
I worked in a nightclub for years, often sat right behind the sound man. Saw hundreds of bands.  EQ'ing is part of the sound, IMHO. As long as one is only making it sound as one thinks is best, and that is the tricky part.
Then again, even what the musicians intended was often not was was released on record or CD, after the various studio people got their hands on the masters.
May 15, 2012 at 9:41 PM Post #815 of 845
I've always found it to be too much trouble. If I'm dissatisfied by a headphone's sound, i just sell it and try something else, otherwise listen to it when in the mood and treat it as an experience. I'd rather let it sound the way it was designed, rather than try and make it sound how i'd like. I'd rather have a pair of headphones i like from the box, than have an intricate EQ, especially since i tend to use a variety of sources.
EQ different than mixing a live performance, i believe. I've been to quite a few concerts (and picked up tinnitus), and have experienced some rather horrible mixing.
May 15, 2012 at 10:13 PM Post #816 of 845
I've always found it to be too much trouble. If I'm dissatisfied by a headphone's sound, i just sell it and try something else, otherwise listen to it when in the mood and treat it as an experience. I'd rather let it sound the way it was designed, rather than try and make it sound how I'd like. I'd rather have a pair of headphones i like from the box, than have an intricate EQ, especially since i tend to use a variety of sources.
EQ different than mixing a live performance, i believe. I've been to quite a few concerts (and picked up tinnitus), and have experienced some rather horrible mixing.

That's why I hung out behind sound guy, he understood the damage standing next to the speakers can bring on...
Actually, shouldn't joke about Tinnitus, my wife has it, two cousins have it, and two friends have it. One of my friends, who use to book the same club, lost about 90% of hearing in one ear, and about 50% in the other. My own hearing is a mess in a crowded room.
As for EQ'ing the J3, I don't change it from earphone to earphone, that would be to much trouble (but easier than one would think with the J3 presets).
I just hooked up the XBA-4, let them burn in for a day or so, then started listening and enjoying the music. Not sure if burn in was needed.
BTW, I always enjoyed the sound within a club more than the big concert stadiums. Much more intimate, beside the obvious plus of being able to see the band just yards away, the bands and sound guy (or guys) often used the smaller space to sonic advantage. But that was the eighties/early nineties, most bands feel that they are to big for clubs if they just release one song on the internet! And most of the best clubs have all closed up shop anyway.
Sorry for the ramble..
May 16, 2012 at 8:34 AM Post #817 of 845
I auditioned them all with my iphone 4, granted if i return to the sony store to listen to them again, i'm bringing my c421. Both have sub-1 ohm output so they should fare well i think. 

I honestly have to agree. I did find the xba-4 to be pleasant enough in line with the rest, but various nuances of the sound didn't match what i was expecting having listened to my standard "audition tracks" hundreds of times. However, from what i remember the reason I enjoyed the xba-3 so much is that it had detail, it was extremely smooth, while still presenting the music extremely naturally.

However that's why i'm asking for the sanity check, because my experience doesn't much line up with most others. It would make sense that the XBAs are source-dependent, explaining all the bad impressions. I do know that the iphone 4 is a relatively good source.

I am something of a purist however, i tend to refuse to EQ anything.

Trust your ears. FWIW (not much really), I am in total agreement with all your points above and I don't particularly dislike my iphone 4 > xba3 combo, my reference being my home rig. It's actually my favorite earphone from those I've owned over the years, some costing several times the price of the xba3 (in japan that is).
May 26, 2012 at 3:47 AM Post #820 of 845
I auditioned them all with my iphone 4, granted if i return to the sony store to listen to them again, i'm bringing my c421. Both have sub-1 ohm output so they should fare well i think. 
However, from what i remember the reason I enjoyed the xba-3 so much is that it had detail, it was extremely smooth, while still presenting the music extremely naturally.

Link to a couple tracks, and define "extremely natural", which IEM's have you heard?  Have you heard the Sony EX series, for example?
I used to think the output impedance gave mixed reviews, I've tested XBA-3 and -4 with 0.5 and 32 ohm output impedance on the same source, my hunch is under 5 should be fine, it's the new sound and decidedly less than perfect performance which gives mixed reviews, they're 'ok' for the asking price however on a technical level with all cards dealt the MDR-7550 / EX800ST is clearly the higher-end IEM.
May 27, 2012 at 10:01 AM Post #821 of 845
A while ago I made some bad comment about XBA-4 I like to take some of them back and say that XBA-4 is not a universal IEM, you have to be selective with you music genre. Fast pass music is not suitable for them. And also after a number of source I found Sansa clip works best for them! (Without any amp!)
May 28, 2012 at 2:01 PM Post #822 of 845
I joined the forum to put in a good word for the XBA-1. Based on reviews of the XBAs, I had been planning to get the XBA-2 but after a month of not being able to make a final purchase decision I had a sudden impulse to visit Best Buy and get the XBA-1 which is the only one they had.
I've been using Sony's MDR-EX310 and they've constantly frustrated me by not fitting the way I want with any the various tips I tried. Although I can't rule out user error, I figure it's the body shape that doesn't let me put them in far enough.The XBA-1 instantly fit perfectly, deep and adequately tight without a hint of discomfort after hours of continuous use with the tips that come pre-installed, I rate the sound isolation being close to good ear plugs which is what I hoped for.
The sound is louder than what I've been getting with other headphones, at least for DVDs on my laptop where volume is just barely adequate when all the settings are maxed out, which seems to be consistent with the sensitivity rating of 108 dB/mv being higher than the others.
I'm not qualified to say much about sound quality. Just so long as there is no really obvious defect I tend to adapt to whatever I'm using and think it's the best ever. So far I listened to enough to be confident that no sound quality issues will spoil these headphones for me.
May 28, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #823 of 845
A while ago I made some bad comment about XBA-4 I like to take some of them back and say that XBA-4 is not a universal IEM, you have to be selective with you music genre. Fast pass music is not suitable for them. And also after a number of source I found Sansa clip works best for them! (Without any amp!)

I'm curious what you mean by fast pass music? And yes the Sansa clip would be an ideal source for them.
Link to a couple tracks, and define "extremely natural", which IEM's have you heard?  Have you heard the Sony EX series, for example?
I used to think the output impedance gave mixed reviews, I've tested XBA-3 and -4 with 0.5 and 32 ohm output impedance on the same source, my hunch is under 5 should be fine, it's the new sound and decidedly less than perfect performance which gives mixed reviews, they're 'ok' for the asking price however on a technical level with all cards dealt the MDR-7550 / EX800ST is clearly the higher-end IEM.

Definitely the EX1000 (and I would hope the EX800 though I haven't heard them) is superior on a reference level. I actually can't imagine though people buying these outside of Head Fi and not enjoying them, unless they were somehow serial collectors of earphones and *not* on head fi.
I've been playing through Diablo 3 with the XBA's. The bass is startlingly good for it! On the EX1000 the endless sound effects are just fatiguing.
I joined the forum to put in a good word for the XBA-1. Based on reviews of the XBAs, I had been planning to get the XBA-2 but after a month of not being able to make a final purchase decision I had a sudden impulse to visit Best Buy and get the XBA-1 which is the only one they had.

Glad you are enjoying them! They are very comfortable and would probably be one of my first recommendations to people for something under $100.
May 28, 2012 at 10:57 PM Post #825 of 845
by fast pass i meant to say fast pace like electronic music

Hmm, that's odd because I would consider electronic to be the XBA-4's strongest genre!

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