May 29, 2012 at 12:27 AM Post #827 of 845
So far I dont have a nice experience with most of my electronic music. However with Jazz it is a total different story it is just nice! 

I had a brief time with them, I listened to a couple electronic, it works, but doesn't have the mid-bass for it.  I would agree Jazz is beautiful with it, as is rock. 
May 29, 2012 at 1:19 AM Post #828 of 845
I agree they are very nice for jazz, but I actually think they are quite mid-bassy. This is compared to the EX1000 which I consider reference-neutral. This is a little strange... can I ask what sources and what tips are you guys using?
May 29, 2012 at 2:03 AM Post #829 of 845
I agree they are very nice for jazz, but I actually think they are quite mid-bassy. This is compared to the EX1000 which I consider reference-neutral. This is a little strange... can I ask what sources and what tips are you guys using?

As with all my reviews, I used an iPod Touch 4G with the stock tips.  I forgot if they were small or x-small (I no longer have them as they were a loaner unit).
May 29, 2012 at 2:57 AM Post #830 of 845
I agree they are very nice for jazz, but I actually think they are quite mid-bassy. This is compared to the EX1000 which I consider reference-neutral. This is a little strange... can I ask what sources and what tips are you guys using?

My source is my laptop/logitech squeezebox touch, sony A series walkman, Sansa clip+, HM-601 and ipod. I had a brief positive experience with the walkman but I realize it added a load of colouration, made them sound good but it was not what the song they way the artist wanted.

But sansa clip+ is just a wonderful match with the XBA-4. The light weight of Sana and the fact that I can clip it on my shirt allowed me to finally find a way to use the XBA-4 on the go. 

I am waiting for Rocoo BA to arrive sometimes this week. If you can find the XBA-4 for less 250-290 US you cannot go wrong with it. It is not worth more than that. I would not consider them a IEM which can be used cross-genra (unlike the TF10) however for Jazz it is really has this special sound which made me keep them. 

May 29, 2012 at 2:54 PM Post #831 of 845
I, too, find the XBA-4 to be excellent for Jazz. Often with other earphones, the bass is to recessed to be clear, but as in a live jazz club, the bass should be clear and heard. Of course there are probably some exceptions to this. 
May 29, 2012 at 9:47 PM Post #832 of 845
I suppose I'll try the XBA-3 with jazz then (not my genre).
On a technical level, don't you think the XBA-3/-4 could suffer from phase shift, which is giving these unfavourable impressions here and there?
Basically, the drivers are overlapping in frequency response, and the time at which the output of one driver reaches your ear with be nanoseconds different than the other driver, this is an annoying effect which I think I heard in the TF10 as well...
May 29, 2012 at 10:17 PM Post #833 of 845
I dont know the technicality behind the reason why they XBA-3/4 sound they way they do but with fast pace music the music sounds 'confused'. There is just too much going on, everything is just confused. Its seems like the armature used are working against one another. I always compare my IEM with the good old ER4S. With smooth jazz, soul and live Jazz and most classical music with dominant presence of Cello the XBA-4 do a fantastic job( In particular with how they deal with upright bass.)
Overall for string instrument I have had a positive experience. In particular where it was a solo presentation like Yo Yo ma Cello, or Vincent Amigo solo, or Sitar Solo of Jaffar Ali Khan. XBA-4 in my opinion does not do well where there are a lot instrument involved. Fewer instrument it can maintain a nice preservation in detail and presentation, but increase the number of instrument and your expreince might be a negative one (I suppose that goes for almost all headgear instrument. Classical music is best heard live, and than with large speakers with nice woofer and tweeter. )
If you can find it below $300 and you listen to a lot of jazz/soul/ instrumental music I recommend it. If you want a cross-genre IEM than I would recommend to give it a pass.
Footnote on TF10: It was a long time since I had the TF10. For some reason TF10 left a positive impression on me. I could use the TF10 with a larger variety of music. Never had any problem with trance music(not that I can remember). If it was not for the poor construction and their odd fitting I would have kept them. I actually did not sell them. There build quality was very poor, I made logitech Australia to give me a voucher. I did not want to sell them to anyone as I felt I will be ripping people off. 
May 29, 2012 at 11:44 PM Post #834 of 845
I don't like solo violin on the XBA-3, then the JVC FX500 is better, or the Sony EX series.
The XBA-3 just doesn't click with me and dented my 100% perfect track record with Sony lol, time to check out the new JVC's haha...
The Sony EX series is fantastic though and looking forward to their next IEM, just sharing my view.
May 30, 2012 at 1:30 AM Post #835 of 845
I am waiting for the upcoming Cardas dynamic IEM. I dont think I will buy any other BA IEM (unless I decide to go ahead with a custom IEM which is highly unlikely or I find agreat deal on Shure 535 or W4)
I cant say I have ever tried any JVC audiogear till now, might do so in near future if Cardas review are not what i am expecting them to be.  
May 30, 2012 at 3:45 AM Post #836 of 845
I don't like solo violin on the XBA-3, then the JVC FX500 is better, or the Sony EX series.
The XBA-3 just doesn't click with me and dented my 100% perfect track record with Sony lol, time to check out the new JVC's haha...
The Sony EX series is fantastic though and looking forward to their next IEM, just sharing my view.

I agree that just about every instrument sounds better on an EX1000 than an XBA-4, though I do like the body on piano with the XBA-4. 
And oh man, those JVC's look incredible. I want them. Did JVC merge with Kenwood? When did that happen?
Edit: That looks like a really clever way to eliminate microphonics, though hopefully it's sturdy.
May 30, 2012 at 9:36 AM Post #837 of 845
May 30, 2012 at 10:57 AM Post #839 of 845
JVC prices are extremely reasonable, I mean look at designs like the FX500 which is quite the complicated IEM since since every driver is made out of a uh... tree...
Now we have the FXD80 which is using technology in the driver that will be used in Intel CPU chips in 10 years from now.
No one listened to Katun and I about the JVC FXC51 because it was 'too cheap' lol.
May 30, 2012 at 11:06 AM Post #840 of 845
  And oh man, those JVC's look incredible. I want them. Did JVC merge with Kenwood? When did that happen?
Edit: That looks like a really clever way to eliminate microphonics, though hopefully it's sturdy.

  Those JVC's are available:  at a very reasonable $135 plus shipping. 

JVC prices are extremely reasonable, I mean look at designs like the FX500 which is quite the complicated IEM since since every driver is made out of a uh... tree...
Now we have the FXD80 which is using technology in the driver that will be used in Intel CPU chips in 10 years from now.
No one listened to Katun and I about the JVC FXC51 because it was 'too cheap' lol.

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