「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:13 PM Post #50,942 of 177,750
Bowei, ready to fail the first 2 midterm tests tomorrow? I think I am.

By fail I obviously mean getting a B+ or below, unless your definition of fail is the average definition of fail meaning an F.

Nope. Ive been studying :)

I dont have any real mid terms tomorrow

French and video adv

French is hard and i get 85 avg on final and midterms but he doesnt care or see the point. Video pro is easy

Well, I need to see how much PCBs will cost first. If I can etch my own or get them made cheap enough, it could work out. I also need to see how long making a case for mine will take as well... The parts alone (not including PCB) are ~$47.
[rule]Anyone feel like posting some of their favorite wallpapers?

Sounds expensive >_<
Why did you beed a phono pre amp?
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:14 PM Post #50,944 of 177,750
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:14 PM Post #50,945 of 177,750
Ooh, where did you find the download links to those wallpapers?

Android Jelly Bean Wallpapers: http://browse.deviantart.com/#/d55arpb
Spectrum (the retro styled one): http://themindofmadness.deviantart.com/gallery/2902399#/dgo1ts
He also released Spectrum II recently, which I was not aware of.
Link: http://themindofmadness.deviantart.com/art/Spectrum-II-28348188?q=gallery%3Athemindofmadness%2F2902399&qo=0
Downloading Spectrum II now.
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:25 PM Post #50,947 of 177,750
I hope season 2 of oreimo doesn't use a trait/object/person/event

that she gets from being in America...
as a drama component... it'd ruin the style. But first, I will read the LN!
Vol. 4 Ch. 4 is the ending :D
Maybe not. Oreimo 1 used those very well to its advantage.

Otasumi miina. Wish me luck on my tests tomorrow.
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:25 PM Post #50,948 of 177,750
I feel sad.. I can't tell the difference between 128 and FLAC...http://www.head-fi.org/t/646411/lossless-vs-128kbps-mp3-vs-320kbps-mp3-blind-test#

Going from my Netbook directly to my Mad Dogs I can't either...
Nope. Ive been studying

I dont have any real mid terms tomorrow

French and video adv

French is hard and i get 85 avg on final and midterms but he doesnt care or see the point. Video pro is easy
Sounds expensive >_<
Why did you beed a phono pre amp?

Haha, you guys and your studying...
I'm guessing if I sell them on eBay I'd charge ~$150 or more :p
The preamp is needed because the bass is reduced during the cutting of vinyl, so they can fit more info on the disc or lower distortion or something like that, so this curve needs to be applied before being sent to an amplfier and then your cans:

Android Jelly Bean Wallpapers: http://browse.deviantart.com/#/d55arpb
Spectrum (the retro styled one): http://themindofmadness.deviantart.com/gallery/2902399#/dgo1ts
He also released Spectrum II recently, which I was not aware of.
Link: http://themindofmadness.deviantart.com/art/Spectrum-II-28348188?q=gallery%3Athemindofmadness%2F2902399&qo=0
Downloading Spectrum II now.

Arigatou! Downloaded them all :D
I hope season 2 of oreimo doesn't use a trait/object/person/event
that she gets from being in America...
as a drama component... it'd ruin the style. But first, I will read the LN!
Vol. 4 Ch. 4 is the ending :D

I can't find any of the LNs translated to English after 4....
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:27 PM Post #50,950 of 177,750
I just noticed my weird OCD/tendency to simply change the file extensions on all of my wallpapers from JPEG to PNG. Guess it's become a habit after finding the difference in quality of file formats (well, I could go with RAW files...).
Anyways, I need to go to bed soon like bowei. Our school is hammering us with 4 straight days of testing.
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:28 PM Post #50,953 of 177,750
I just noticed my weird OCD/tendency to simply change the file extensions on all of my wallpapers from JPEG to PNG. Guess it's become a habit after finding the difference in quality of file formats (well, I could go with RAW files...).
Anyways, I need to go to bed soon like bowei. Our school is hammering us with 4 straight days of testing.

HAHA! I only have 3 days of testing :D
Jan 21, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #50,955 of 177,750
HAHA! I only have 3 days of testing :D

They used to do it here so you'd have 2 days of testing, then a quick break, and then another 2 days of testing. Unfortunately, they decided to change that this year. Maybe because of Hurricane Sandy?
Sometimes I mix up Sandy and Irene, thinking Irene was the more recent one. Has to do with the fact that I'm confusing them with Intel's Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge. *facepalm*

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