「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:07 AM Post #34,608 of 177,747
I wouldn't worry too much about it. IME, the more you get into this, the more you realize that price does not necessarily equal good/better, sound. Learning your preferences, how to distinguish honest reviews from hype and ignorance, and how to correlate personal experiences to measurements are most important. And diminishing returns is very real. Once you've spent ~$150 on headphones, you are already most of the way there in terms of quality (though you may not be able to find your preference in a certain price range unfortunately). Though being audiophiles, we do want to extract those last several percentages anyway. Also, DACs and amps are not even half as important as transducers. I wouldn't say they're even 1/4 as important. I'd take "$1000" headphones out of an iPod over "$300" headphones out of a $2000 DAC and a $3000 amp any day of the week. Though I haven't heard any ~$1000+ headphones. It's possible that there really is another big quality jump somewhere, but I'm not so sure about that. It could also be that I'm somewhat of a semi-failed audiophile or something. I don't analyze sound for pleasure, I listen to music :) Sorry for the random little rant. This is just my humble experience of course.

This post is true, except for the bolded part. I dare you to use Q701 directly from an iPod LOL

Oh crap its 1:30 am. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oops I have lab in 6 hours. g'night everyone ^_^; had a fun first day sortofish here. You'll probably see a lot of me in the future. Also I leave you with these photos of ohayocon from last year.

Also I refuse to tell you which one I am! HAH.

Yeah right. You're the guy in the first 3 pix LOL
Looks kinda cute btw LAWL
After seeing pictures of western side of anime cons, I can say I prefer Malaysian. Because most cosplayers are Chinese, thus have that Asian face
Just my 2cents

Also @akha real quick; refurbished means that they were sent back to the manufacturer for some error; that error was fixed and now they're reselling it. It's still used but some people don't like it. I got it because it was cheaper and I was a broke college student at the time but it doesnt effect the quality of the cans at all unless you get a defective unit; and if you're buying from a good reseller you can usually return it for a different pair anyways. 
On an second note; the m-50's aren't really what I wanted; I didn't want a closed headphone and they weren't nearly as comfortable as the 558's for me; my roommates feel like the clamp down a bit after I listen to them for a while but those are just my preferences.

I never even as much as look at refurbished products. I like virgin products

LFF said the Paradox were tuned using the FA-003 pads (the Hifiman pads apparently don't sound any different though). I'm not sure suing any other pads would work, or at least, they would alter the sound.

Not sure about the HiFiMan since they don't generally use that(as far as I know) the most popular ones are FA-003/HM5 and 840 pads

Verified. Guy in blue element shirt.

Welcome (?)
LOL. That's supposed to be Obob Lupin version

Oct 9, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #34,609 of 177,747
This post is true, except for the bolded part. I dare you to use Q701 directly from an iPod LOL

I just took it for granted that the headphones would be hypothetically sensitive enough to be driven out of the iPod (which was an arbitrary example to begin with, I just wanted to name something not super expensive and not "audiophile") in order to get the point across, haha.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:19 AM Post #34,610 of 177,747
I'm going to avoid any questions directed at my identity ;]. Also what the hell amazon. The m80's keep changing prices like mad. It was 150; then it jumped to 200; now its back to 150... SCREW IT IM GOING TO BITE.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #34,612 of 177,747
And I just officially hit my spending limit; or atleast until my dad sends me money for some of my bill payments and until next monday when I get paid. I should have enough to throw in for a preorder fee for project H still though; if its urgent and can't wait a week or so~. And I want to finish macklemore's album one more time before I sleep... only like 5 more tracks to go ok >_>.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #34,613 of 177,747
This post is true, except for the bolded part. I dare you to use Q701 directly from an iPod LOL

I'm with manveru on this, the headphones are by far the most important component in my experience. I'd use the Omega 2 + tiny little SRM-252 over a Lambda + KGSSHV any day of the week.
I would just like to say that I'm very, very confused by all your avatar's, must be the new FOTM?, I still recognise some of the oldies though. 

Caught up on the new season, I don't really like anything yet, let's see if the next few episodes change anything.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:24 AM Post #34,615 of 177,747
I'm with manveru on this, the headphones are by far the most important component in my experience. I'd use the Omega 2 + tiny little SRM-252 over a Lambda + KGSSHV any day of the week.
I would just like to say that I'm very, very confused by all your avatar's, must be the new FOTM?, I still recognise some of the oldies though. 

Caught up on the new season, I don't really like anything yet, let's see if the next few episodes change anything.

Where have you been lately?
Dropped 1 post before and like 200 posts after, another one...
Yeah, it's Obobtober
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:25 AM Post #34,616 of 177,747
You're just spending too much...

How is it too much o_o. I've been watching these waiting to buy for about a month; this is the 2nd lowest price its ever been at the 1st being at 139.99. I haven't spent more than $100 on any purchase since august and I've been working 20 hours a week since school started so I have a decent amount saved up.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:28 AM Post #34,618 of 177,747
I would just like to say that I'm very, very confused by all your avatar's, must be the new FOTM?, I still recognise some of the oldies though. :p

Caught up on the new season, I don't really like anything yet, let's see if the next few episodes change anything.

Check out my sig for the latest fad, and planning for incoming fads.
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:29 AM Post #34,619 of 177,747
Ahh been a little busy lately, catching up with life after no-lifing GW2. 

Okay, Project H, sounds tasty.
Can someone catch me up to speed?

Heres the big old thing I got directed to when I asked about it:
Not sure if you've been following up but our thread is designing a unit codenamed project H
It will be the size of a Schiit Asgard if not smaller.

It is a budget unit for people in our thread that want price to performance ratio

It is composed of:
An Custom Objective 2 Amplifier with Burr Brown op amps(2134 or 2228 or whatever you want)
A custom PCB with microprocessor for I/O and controls
Cirrus Logic CS4398 DAC with optical or coaxil(choose one) input for 192KHz and USB for 48KHz

Basically the idea is that as you can easily make and DIY these in HK where our friend Borisu is, this will work. Many of the steps have been cleared already

The O2 and the DAC will retain their inputs or outputs. Meaing the DAC will have its own RCA fixed line out on the back and the O2 will retain its RCA input on the back as well. This is where the microproccessor custom board that was made by Borisu comes in. The two parts themselves generally function as one internally but with this complex middle man, it will be safely and easily switchable so that you can just be using the CS4398 and use some other amp you just got from the store with it or use the O2 with another DAC you just got, using a switch was the first thought but that would be unsafe as from Borisu's calculations, you can fry a unit if you forget to switch it.

The mounting and types of screws and switches are being designed in CAD or 3D design shops right now but most of the buttons should be push in and side illuminated(think the power button on the E17).

The case will be custom made as well.

Our target price total, after parts, borisu building these, initial costs as he needs to pay for the recuperation of the custom designs, him building it, the mass 10 boards he will be getting for O2's and total shipping form HK to U.S.A or HK to anywhere is expected to be $150-$200

It will use a 6.3mm headphone jack of course.

We now have 3-4 people getting it, with 5, we may be able to drop total cost down to $130.

The CS4398 is Cirrus Logics FLAGSHIP, I do not have exp with WM8740 in E17 and CS4398 but Kiteki, you know who that is, has, and he prefers the CS4398. As it sounds less digital in his words and much more natural.
It will have USB and S/PDIF
its amp section is a REAL FULL Objective amplifier inside it with Burr Brown op amps
the DAC and amp will retain their RCA inputs and outputs. How?
With a custom PCB with a CPU onboard controlling it so you can still use the DAC with any other amp you buy new
or with the O2 you can use any other DAC as they will have RCA inputs and out on the back controled by a custom PCB. It will be housed in a custom case the siz eof if not smaller than a Schiit Asgard
price after shipping and workman costs if we get 5 people (we have 3-4) is about $150 if not LOWER.
6.3mm (1/4) inch headphone jack output
and push in light up switches like the power button on the E17
if you want one, you can pre order it for $30+
Oct 9, 2012 at 2:33 AM Post #34,620 of 177,747
How is it too much o_o. I've been watching these waiting to buy for about a month; this is the 2nd lowest price its ever been at the 1st being at 139.99. I haven't spent more than $100 on any purchase since august and I've been working 20 hours a week since school started so I have a decent amount saved up.

You are saying that because of the differences of living standard. $150 is a lot here actually. Though, food is a different matter. That amount of money is enough for a month at least
Ahh been a little busy lately, catching up with life after no-lifing GW2. 

Okay, Project H, sounds tasty.
Can someone catch me up to speed?

LOL. I heard GW2 is boring especially at the end game
Well, nothing much except Project H. Wanna get one too?

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