「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Feb 26, 2014 at 8:12 PM Post #106,202 of 177,747
Saw this picture on Pixiv and had to laugh really hard.

I mean it looks really good but the expression on her face is priceless :D
She seems to think something something like "I don't know how to car. I'll just wave for help. Also someone stole my nose".
Looks like some kind of radar trap photo.
Feb 26, 2014 at 8:14 PM Post #106,203 of 177,747
I swear I have the weirdenst grin whenever I watch D-Frag


Very lovely.

This, on the other hand is the kind of defrag I prefer (if you don't want to watch the whole, at least check out the ending credits, from the beginning of them. Although I recommend watching all of it):
Feb 26, 2014 at 8:30 PM Post #106,204 of 177,747
So I got around to measuring my speakers again, this time both with and without my receiver's EQ...
Here is the measurement with EQ:

And the one without the receiver's built in EQ:

I'm guessing the reason they don't match Stereophile's measurements here:
(especially that spike)

is because the tweeters are sitting about ~.6m below my head. Still, not bad for a starving student setup.
Feb 26, 2014 at 8:53 PM Post #106,205 of 177,747
  I swear I have the weirdenst grin whenever I watch D-Frag

Maybe it's just me but I want to know if they meant to reference Aeris.




The 3rd one

Feb 26, 2014 at 10:05 PM Post #106,209 of 177,747
Anime must be discussed not watched together, like porn

Different strokes for different folks. Quite a lot of people went to go watch the AnoHana movie when it came out in theatres.
There was a time when I got the chance to watch anime with my friends. I couldn't do it because it doesn't feel like something I should be watching with other people. Regular american based tv shows are different though, as they do feel like actual movies worth watching with a group.

There was a time when the gym was being taken up by the badminton team, when the archery team was clearly scheduled two weeks beforehand. The principal saw our angry faces and pointy things, offered us an open lecture hall and free pizza. We decided to watch Angel Beats! on the projector alongside the archery coach. All I can say is that it felt very awkward and I didn't feel engaged as I usually do watching anime alone.
Feb 26, 2014 at 10:26 PM Post #106,211 of 177,747
@panda's tl;skimmed post
the industry would go out of business if they had it all on netflix/amazon 

I know top 10 for manga on SJ goes by the guy who owns it (rigged rankings). He doesn't like it, the work is scrapped (medaka box). Otherwise, he keeps the gold mines and what he likes 

  Question for those who have seen the TV version of Evangelion and the two movies that followed (not the Rebuild of Evangelion).
I only have seen the theatrical version and since I really don't want to wait till winter 2015 for the final movie, I might as well watch the TV version with the two movies. Without giving any spoilers, I want to know if the TV version gives a more in depth story of Evangelion than the theatrical version or are they different from each other that I won't get too spoiled when the 4th movie comes out?

Movies derail after 3rd. Up till that point it was the same. It's a retelling of the series the way the dude wanted it. At the time he had budget set-backs and was depressed... so the original is the result of that.
found this so nicely dubbed

Feb 26, 2014 at 10:33 PM Post #106,212 of 177,747
  It's more of a pain to make my way to the club than anything really, my anime watching time isn't meant to be a group activity type or anything. 

Anime must be discussed not watched together, like porn

What is this nonsense you speak of? Anime is always more fun when watched in groups!*
*Assuming it's not hentai, ecchi, or nakige.

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