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Jun 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM Post #13,681 of 177,750
Many more years... you were 14 right? I'm older than you and even then after moving out will be an issue :frowning2:
What was your impression of it!?

I'm almost 15! My birthday is on the 27th of june! I'll just deal with whatever issues that come up, everyone has to....eventually.
5cm was...well, really good but I kinda lost interest during part 3.I just can't stand the heroine falling for someone else other than the protagonist, it saddens and angers me at the same time. This applies to all animes and manga. 

He should've just gone with the girl in the country side, I seem to have a thing for those characters; loves the protag, but never gets him.
Sounds like a pretty solid plan in my book.
I did something very similar last autumn break. I spent a week just watching anime, typically 8-12 hours per day, but one or two days it was closer to 16 hours.
It was the best week ever. Although I had a feeling of being hungover the week after that, so I don't know whether I spent my break wisely in terms of relaxation.

I've always wanted to experience a hangover....no idea why though.
Jun 16, 2012 at 7:06 PM Post #13,682 of 177,750
I'm almost 15! My birthday is on the 27th of june! I'll just deal with whatever issues that come up, everyone has to....eventually.

5cm was...well, really good but I kinda lost interest during part 3.I just can't stand the heroine falling for someone else other than the protagonist, it saddens and angers me at the same time. This applies to all animes and manga. 

He should've just gone with the girl in the country side, I seem to have a thing for those characters; loves the protag, but never gets him.

I've always wanted to experience a hangover....no idea why though.

I've never had a hangover due to alcohol, but there is the feeling of being slow and having headaches when staying up really late and doing nothing. Not drinking enough water, or doing excessive physical exercise can cause this too.
Jun 16, 2012 at 7:36 PM Post #13,687 of 177,750
@Music lover
I know how you feel about changing...but to evoke feelings... Shinkai HAD to do it!! !!!
@Rikkun and Manveru
Never had a huge one....

Well, I am a light weight however. I've only been drunk twice before, got horribly sick both times. Even before I got sick though, don't get what all the fuss is about.

Tell me which of these pics you guys like.

This one.
Jun 16, 2012 at 7:51 PM Post #13,690 of 177,750
Still not happy. No estoy contento. 

I wasn't either but it made me like the movie so much more!
Well, I am a light weight however. I've only been drunk twice before, got horribly sick both times. Even before I got sick though, don't get what all the fuss is about.
This one.

The fuss? I guess to be cool or something. Getting drunk.
Thanks for the choice. Somehow I got the wood to reflect off the dial and color the 4 and 2
Jun 16, 2012 at 7:58 PM Post #13,691 of 177,750
The fuss? I guess to be cool or something. Getting drunk.
Thanks for the choice. Somehow I got the wood to reflect off the dial and color the 4 and 2

Cultural thing. I've never understood it. Same thing with cigarettes. I swear the only reason a lot of people do it is because it's in style or something. Have you ever smoked one before? Besides the fact that it's wildly unhealthy, it is really gross.
Yeah. Looks good.
Jun 16, 2012 at 8:04 PM Post #13,692 of 177,750
Cultural thing. I've never understood it. Same thing with cigarettes. I swear the only reason a lot of people do it is because it's in style or something. Have you ever smoked one before? Besides the fact that it's wildly unhealthy, it is really gross.
Yeah. Looks good.

Smoked what??
I ...didn't really like it :frowning2:
Jun 16, 2012 at 8:10 PM Post #13,693 of 177,750
How's the rail voltage?
just to confirm my suspicion, set your meter to measure current and connect one side to the input while the other side to ground.
If there's any current at all, one of the JFET's probably broken....

Rail voltage? As in power supply? That's just the normal +/- 30V.

I measured current between input pad on the amp and ground pad on power supply and got 0mA. I didn't go into uA mode, but I can if I have to.

Just FYI, there is also a signal ground pad, which is connected to the RCA inputs. I did not do any measurements with this. All measurements I made relative to ground where at the ground pad of the power supply.

Sorry for the wait..
I fell asleep at 5AM and woke up again at 8AM (Now).
Um.. in that case un-ground the input, take out R1 and measure the voltage of each of R1's pads relative to the ground.
to find out weather this mysterious 0.5V came from the inside or outside.

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