「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:29 PM Post #119,176 of 177,750
Eyaaaaaaah...about that. >.>

Their products may sound good, but their customer service is pretty darn bad. I don't want to say they're as bad as Comcast, but they're one of the ones on the bottom of my list. Supposedly pre-orders are shipping now. I had to send mine back thinking it was defective due to a hissing sound with the low-impedance output. I'm hoping they fulfill what I requested since I apparently had one of the last blue Geek Out 450 units.

Bah...proper BBCode doesn't work here.

That sucks. I'm really wanting to have a portable setup, and this seemed like a decent place to start.
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #119,177 of 177,750
Well, I do like the idea of having my own audio equipment company that doesn't resort to hype, but instead develops technology entirely focused on delivering the best sound at the best price. But it's just an idea. Actually pulling it off is no small feat.
On the other hand, high-end gear is targeted to high-end buyers. Those who can't afford it complaining about the price is somewhat comedic. Same goes for supercars. No one needs them, but they sure are great to look at, hear about, and experience for yourself.
I understand the law of diminishing returns; however, for some people, that extra bit of quality is worth it to them. Value is a subjective thing. The entire concept of summit-fi, hi-fi, or whatever you want to call it is getting the best there is regardless of cost. If the best there is is actually something far cheaper, great!
As for me, I am mainly curious about hearing how all the stuff out there sounds. I know I said I don't usually read anime reviews, but audio reviews are different. I love hearing what people think about what they hear when it comes to music.
It's disrespectful towards the countless people who have invested their hard-earned money to tell them that they have wasted it, when in fact, many of their lives have been greatly enriched as a result. Speakers made of solid gold would have nothing to do with sound quality, so you are avoiding the issue there.
To sum it all up: if you're not into it, it would be best to discuss things you are into.

I can't remember saying anything disrespectful.
If these people have the money to buy things like this, that's totally cool! If they buy them and love them to bits it's even better!
Who am i to judge these people? As long as I don't have to buy these high priced goods....whatever :p
It's just that I don't see why these things are so damn expensive and I would really really love to know the whole reasoning behind the price tags.
So you are only paying for the sound? I don't quiet get that, sorry.
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:38 PM Post #119,179 of 177,750
Oh, tom, have you had this before?

I just had some on a hamburger and it's not too bad. It's not really a curry flavour though, or if it is, it's very very very weak. It's really sweet though, sweeter than Heinz ketchup with high fructose corn syrup as the third ingredient and corn syrup as the fourth. 'Merica!
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:44 PM Post #119,180 of 177,750
  I can't remember saying anything disrespectful.
If these people have the money to buy things like this, that's totally cool! If they buy them and love them to bits it's even better!
Who am i to judge these people? As long as I don't have to buy these high priced goods....whatever :p
It's just that I don't see why these things are so damn expensive and I would really really love to know the whole reasoning behind the price tags.
So you are only paying for the sound? I don't quiet get that, sorry.

If you told someone who spent that much money that it is impossible to justify the price and they have no common sense, they would most likely be insulted.
I totally agree with you that in objective terms, it's not worth the money...not even close.
It's just that you have to pay that much money to get it in the first place, in order to hear it on a consistent basis. (Unless you're close friends with someone who owns it.)
If more companies came out that released competitive products (ones that truly sound equal to or better than the ones costing many times more), the industry would take a turn for the better.
Perhaps the best people to talk to about the reasoning behind the prices are the creators themselves. This may take some time...developing relationships, asking tons of questions, and so on.
Anyway, you don't seem to be that interested in high-end audio at all. (Nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of systems that cost less than $1,000 that would make most people happy for life.) If you had read as many reviews as I have, you may have a better understanding of the excitement involved. I don't think all these people are being fooled into believing their gear sounds better. Some of it really does.
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:45 PM Post #119,181 of 177,750
Oh, tom, have you had this before?

I just had some on a hamburger and it's not too bad. It's not really a curry flavour though, or if it is, it's very very very weak. It's really sweet though, sweeter than Heinz ketchup with high fructose corn syrup as the third ingredient and corn syrup as the fourth. 'Merica!

This reminds me! What is up with all these anime having curry and Indian themes randomly showing up?
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:48 PM Post #119,182 of 177,750
I think my grandaparents buy it every time they are in Germany, since it's not available in Poland. Although I think that was curry ketchup, not just curry sauce. At least it's in the same bottle.
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:02 PM Post #119,183 of 177,750
I just had a moment of insight

Barakmon, the anime that is showing this season. Instead of sounding like Barack Obama. Sounds like you are saying Black Man in a Jamaican accent....

-_- :blink:  :basshead:

Lol, you're right! :xf_eek:


I believe I already have a copy of that OST, at least that's where I think I got the song from...

If you know of any other good modern disco songs, especially in anime, hit me up!

Full-length versions of the four songs are available here and here.

Nana Mizuki is the bomb.

Well said. She also did the ED for Blood-C and countless others.

Groovin' magic by round table feat Nino!

1: Pretty much. :p
2: Oh no, that makes it soooo much harder to replace, I dunno if I can do it now!!! XD
3: Ah, good point.
Ooooh, that's too bad. Mine's slim enough that I can fit it to the back of my N4 and throw it in my pocket, though I usually don't.

Do headsets with inline remotes work with the Nexus 4? I know it didn't come with one to cut costs, so it's a bit confusing. 

Yep, the XBA-H3 remote and mic work just fine!

This is so catchy it's scary. O_O

I know, right? I especially love this variation of it from the OST:

Instead of being a mashup of traditional Japanese music with disco music, it's full-on traditional. Sounds amazing in FLAC!

Whoa, where can I get this in flac?!?

Good song, great song.

Reminds me of Project-H, I really should fire it up one of these days. (The original song's artwork is what was engraved on my unit)

Don't exactly have a dynamic headphone to use though....#FWP

Don't you have the earpods?

Wow, good song!

I got ordained during College...and I was asked today if I could marry a couple.

Hmm, I may do it

Why were you ordained in college though???

Well this has been the most disappointing TI ever... Alliance(TI3) lost before reaching the main event, Navi(TI1) and iG(TI2) lost before passing 1st round of the playoffs, and even DK got eliminated before reaching the semi-finals... Well, at least rOtK is a pretty cool guy. 5million prizepool can bring out the hunger to win in people.

Glad you didn't come over to Seattle this year then?

What a beautiful knife....but it's $400ish. orz

Did we have any knife nuts here?

Up, I have some Kershaw knives along with some no name butterfly knives and switchblades... :O

So I made a nice sandwich with slow cooked ham, cracked black pepper deli turkey, and Swiss cheese...sat down to watch Fate/Zero on Crackle...only to find that they just removed it! Gah...

Watched some of Resident Evil: Damnation instead. I had already seen it three or four times, but would rather watch something I know I like than most of the junk on there. (Resident Evil is the only zombie franchise I care about.)


This guy I've known since 1999 wants to be the mayor of his town and insists on being referred to as "Honorable Reverend Doctor Edward Hoover Gorman The Third"...lol

Meh, too much fluff to sift through; not worth the effort. : p

I just remember hearing that autographs are starting to fade out from today's era and that was the first thing I found.

^ It was just a few posts back.

Maybe I should tag people in my posts in case they don't check the recent thread history. That could get annoying, though.

Oh maaaaan, ham and Cheese sandwiches are great!


Listening to the Blood+ soundtrack at the moment. Sounds even more amazing with my new cable and Rockbox!

Personally, I enjoyed Blood-C more than Blood+ (for both the anime and soundtrack), but I'm certainly in a minority.

I am so hyper right now! The sudden dynamic swings in these sci-fi-ish tracks are making it worse, jolting me to jump at their increased realism.

...I wonder how many frequenters of this thread make it a habit to go back and check the posts they missed. I tend to stay up at night, so most of my posting is in the wee morning hours. I get the feeling that my efforts are lost to the ones that would appreciate them.

I do! Gives me something to do at work during lunch! Lol

Touhou + Sailor Moon :D:D

...If only the anime was this hot. (Haven't seen it in forever.) Please show me anything that is remotely similar to that image in anime form!

I did hear that soundtrack, nice stuff, sad thing is the limited budget as always, and you filthy guys who download this and tat should blame yourselves!:deadhorse:  while I realized i did the same:frowning2:  

That's why I will probably refrain from recording any of the thousands of (incomplete) songs I've composed until at least a few years from now. I want them to sound exactly as I envision, not some cheap attempt.

I've spent $20-30K on my music collection and have imported a good amount of music from Japan, including rare stuff. Average cost is like $30-100 per album. Amazon can't help either, as they are plagued with bootlegs. I made the mistake of ordering some Final Fantasy soundtracks from an Amazon seller. He didn't even realize they were fakes, so he gave me a refund and let me keep them.

Jeeeezus, what $100 albums are you buying? :0
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:06 PM Post #119,184 of 177,750
Oh, tom, have you had this before?

I just had some on a hamburger and it's not too bad. It's not really a curry flavour though, or if it is, it's very very very weak. It's really sweet though, sweeter than Heinz ketchup with high fructose corn syrup as the third ingredient and corn syrup as the fourth. 'Merica!

This reminds me! What is up with all these anime having curry and Indian themes randomly showing up?

Well in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, the main antagonist hides in Egypt and the protagonists from Japan travel through India to get there.

Other than that, curry is a popular sauce in Japanese cuisine from what I can tell. Curry katsu anyone?

Japanese curry is usually very mild and salty/sweet and has ingredients like a stew. Thai curry is usually spicy with coconut milk, and Indian curry is really rich and creamy.

Speaking of curry and katsu, mechgamer123 you still need to go here some day:
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:16 PM Post #119,185 of 177,750
Oh, tom, have you had this before?

I just had some on a hamburger and it's not too bad. It's not really a curry flavour though, or if it is, it's very very very weak. It's really sweet though, sweeter than Heinz ketchup with high fructose corn syrup as the third ingredient and corn syrup as the fourth. 'Merica!

Wow, they sell that stuff in the US? The more you know :|
Hmmm it's alright. There are a lot of better curry sauces/ketchups out. This one is still kind of unique.
If you told someone who spent that much money that it is impossible to justify the price and they have no common sense, they would most likely be insulted.
I totally agree with you that in objective terms, it's not worth the money...not even close.
It's jst that you have to pay that much money to get it in the first place, in order to hear it on a consistent basis. (Unless you're close friends with someone who owns it.)
If more companies came out that released competitive products (ones that truly sound equal to or better than the ones costing many times more), the industry would take a turn for the better.
Perhaps the best people to talk to about the reasoning behind the prices are the creators themselves. This may take some time...developing relationships, asking tons of questions, and so on.
Anyway, you don't seem to be that interested in high-end audio at all. (Nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of systems that cost less than $1,000 that would make most people happy for life.) If you had read as many reviews as I have, you may have a better understanding of the excitement involved. I don't think all these people are being fooled into believing their gear sounds better. Some of it really does.

I don't really know if these people really care about what such a audiophile-lowlife as me thinks about their purchases :D

Do you believe in something as a "rip-off"?

Nah, you can find this kind of excitement in any kind of review, let it be budget-, mid- or hi-fi. Totally not exclusive to super high priced gear.
Oh I'm 100% sure that most of it sounds a lot better. Not even the stupidest company has the balls to offer an amp for 5k or whatever without making sure that it sound stunning. But how stunning is another thing :3
This reminds me! What is up with all these anime having curry and Indian themes randomly showing up?

Oh that's not random at all. Curry in all its forms and flavors is somewhat of a national dish there.
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:20 PM Post #119,186 of 177,750
Why were you ordained in college though???

Whoa, hold the phone!
I totally skipped that earlier.

I never knew you were a believer, Bowei!
Please tell me you are a Shinto priest or something cool like this!
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:23 PM Post #119,187 of 177,750
Why were you ordained in college though???

Oh maaaaan, ham and Cheese sandwiches are great!


I do! Gives me something to do at work during lunch! Lol

Jeeeezus, what $100 albums are you buying? :0

It obviously involves a panda cult.

I think mixing the two meats was a mistake. I feel woozy...though it could also be from soda / lack of sleep.
Look at the bear images I posted!
Rare music can become expensive, even if it was originally cheaper. One example:

Did you ever play the PlayStation game Cool Boarders 2? I'm one of the few who owns the soundtrack on CD.

Well in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, the main antagonist hides in Egypt and the protagonists from Japan travel through India to get there.

Other than that, curry is a popular sauce in Japanese cuisine from what I can tell. Curry katsu anyone?

Japanese curry is usually very mild and salty/sweet and has ingredients like a stew. Thai curry is usually spicy with coconut milk, and Indian curry is really rich and creamy.

There was some...over the top curry content in a few episodes of Black Butler and Rosario + Vampire. I noticed similar things happen in other anime. It's a curry conspiracy!
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:25 PM Post #119,188 of 177,750
I don't really know if these people really care about what such a audiophile-lowlife as me thinks about their purchases :D

Do you believe in something as a "rip-off"?

Nah, you can find this kind of excitement in any kind of review, let it be budget-, mid- or hi-fi. Totally not exclusive to super high priced gear.

Oh I'm 100% sure that most of it sounds a lot better. Not even the stupidest company has the balls to offer an amp for 5k or whatever without making sure that it sound stunning. But how stunning is another thing :3

Yeah there's a chain of world foods stores that sells it.

That's also where I get Aero chocolate bars and Digestive biscuits for when I'm in the mood to eat biscuits and tea (not very common in 'Merica). : )

And yup! Have your $23k cable that's made of pure gold because gold sounds the best and it's wrapped in a pure platinum coating to improve the sound quality and that's wrapped in 24k diamond like a chain so that it will prevent ultraviolet rays from destroying the audio quality and it's got 100% pure copper on the outside to prevent thieves from stealing it and terminated with a 30-year old nickel 2.5 mm tip-sleeve jack for the maximum vintage sound. You can add an additional $3k to get it wrapped in special acoustic llama fur from Cuba to prevent jitter from occurring, another $5k to wrap it in patent-pending top-secret military-grade rubber to prevent your standard wear and tear and product durability up to 30 days, and another $10k to wrap it in a flexible PCB to prevent RFI and other x-ray interference from messing up the sound quality. 6/6 from 6Moon Audio, highly recommended by voodoo people at Magic Cable Shop, and 15/10 from your local Sterileophile hobbyists. If you pay up-front in cash with a 10% service fee, you get a 1-day trial guarantee or your money back! All of the audiphiles are raving about this product, so get your cable today! :D

Product preview:

* note the fine details of the copper and the intricate handiwork
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:26 PM Post #119,189 of 177,750
  Wow, they sell that stuff in the US? The more you know :|
Hmmm it's alright. There are a lot of better curry sauces/ketchups out. This one is still kind of unique.
I don't really know if these people really care about what such a audiophile-lowlife as me thinks about their purchases :D

Do you believe in something as a "rip-off"?

Nah, you can find this kind of excitement in any kind of review, let it be budget-, mid- or hi-fi. Totally not exclusive to super high priced gear.
Oh I'm 100% sure that most of it sounds a lot better. Not even the stupidest company has the balls to offer an amp for 5k or whatever without making sure that it sound stunning. But how stunning is another thing :3
Oh that's not random at all. Curry in all its forms and flavors is somewhat of a national dish there.

Can't believe I neglected to mention this: While some audio equipment manufacturers overprice their products (consequently raking in large profits), others (like HeadAmp) are more honest about it and barely even cover their own costs for their high-end offerings. Not all of them are rip-offs. :)
hehe, well, as I mentioned in my last post, I was referring to over the top shenanigans that happened to involve curry; not just curry being eaten or whatever.
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:29 PM Post #119,190 of 177,750
Dayum you guys went hard. Read through it but nothing really to quote quote.
Besides the casual PC Muster race, Barack Obama anime or such
But hey, nice to see we are discussing audio for once in here 

My One Plus One shipped yesterday! 
 USPS says it has 2 day guaranteed shipping 


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