「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:12 AM Post #118,366 of 177,750

I watched this one on my MacBook's "Retina" display:

And although it's only 2880x1800, it was definitely more glorious than 1080p.
Except having a yellow or red hue is objectively beneficial, unlike coloured audio. XD

But is colored audio objectively detrimental?
Whatever hue doesn't matter to me when I'm watching anime before going to sleep 
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:15 AM Post #118,367 of 177,750
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:19 AM Post #118,368 of 177,750
  Gonna try to keep all these responses sorted! Best of luck to myself... I only ever had FF:IX on handheld, but I'll have to look into getting it on the console. Playing through it with a buddy sounds amazing!
Soul Eater was the first anime I watched when I could actually consider myself a "fan." I did watch all the shows as a kid, but that was just me watching Toonami. I wouldn't have remembered the resemblance to Shinobu if you hadn't posted the images. It's supririsingly close! I can dig your preferences though, my attention is also drawn to the extremes most of the time. I can't really get into standard romance of slice of life if there aren't other residing elements to intrigue me. I've not seen Blood-C or Higurashi yet. I do have Higurashi ready to be watched, it's just a matter of doing so. Isn't Blood-C something with vampires? I think I remember glazing over a summary at some point. 
I think the scale of the game would have gone beautifully with online play. In those I tend to prefer cooperative play, but if you could split a party up to allow for multiple people to control, that'd be insane. I doubt I'd be able to stop playing.
You're driving a hard bargain with EarthBound. I'm going to have to pick it up for the Wii U, for sure.
D'aww, you're making me blush! Having to use words instead of pictures isn't always my forte... this'll have to do for now. 

Heyyy, Spada's awake! (I haven't slept yet.)
You mean PSP / PS Vita? If you purchased the digital download from the PlayStation Store, you can play it on multiple devices, including PS3...but if you only have a PS1, it would be cheaper to get a hard copy of the game than getting a PS3.
The Blood franchise is about vampires / vampire-ish monsters, some capable of human form. Blood-C has completely random monsters that are technically vampires since they eat people, in the process ingesting their blood. And lol, Blood-C has totally mindless slice of life stuff just to throw you off - but there are so many subtle creepy hints thrown in. There are only 12 episodes, so you can go through the whole thing in five or six hours.
Promo statement from the back of the Blu-ray case:
"The creators of Blood – the Last Vampire and Blood+ team up with renowned powerhouse CLAMP to inject beauty into a chilling new addition to the Blood line. Horrifying beasts with a hunger for human flesh prey on the citizens of a quiet town. In moonlit twilight, Saya slays the monsters and returns home drenched in blood. As the attacks increase in frequency and intensity, her enemies relay cryptic messages about a broken contract. Limbs are torn from flesh and skulls are crushed and devoured while the huntress struggles with paralyzing visions and gaping holes in her memory. When the humans Saya promised to protect reveal the sickening truth about her role in the violence, she learns her mission isn’t as clear cut as she thought—and her most sadistic foe of all is so close she can taste it."
Yeah, I would thoroughly enjoy a multiplayer Tactics Advance, or equivalent.
Yay for EarthBound! I know just about everything there is to know about the game, so hit me up for tips and keep me updated on your thoughts.
Oh, and check out the goofy pictures I posted/created recently!
I just realized something, because of Shinobu Oshino: Shinobu Sensui from YuYu Hakusho! (One fearsome fellow.)

That anime was on Toonami back in the day, so you may have seen it.
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:34 AM Post #118,369 of 177,750

Wah, that's really nice! If you put your face near the screen, it's almost as if you were there. : p

Except having a yellow or red hue is objectively beneficial, unlike coloured audio. XD

But is colored audio objectively detrimental?

*looks at Beats reviews with reviewers who have listened to a wide variety of headphones and music genres; or vinyl vs CD or digital audio conversations*
Yes? XD
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:35 AM Post #118,370 of 177,750
Heyyy, Spada's awake! (I haven't slept yet.)
You mean PSP / PS Vita? If you purchased the digital download from the PlayStation Store, you can play it on multiple devices, including PS3...but if you only have a PS1, it would be cheaper to get a hard copy of the game than getting a PS3.
The Blood franchise is about vampires / vampire-ish monsters, some capable of human form. Blood-C has completely random monsters that are technically vampires since they eat people, in the process ingesting their blood. And lol, Blood-C has totally mindless slice of life stuff just to throw you off - but there are so many subtle creepy hints thrown in. There are only 12 episodes, so you can go through the whole thing in five or six hours.
Promo statement from the back of the Blu-ray case:
"The creators of Blood – the Last Vampire and Blood+ team up with renowned powerhouse CLAMP to inject beauty into a chilling new addition to the Blood line. Horrifying beasts with a hunger for human flesh prey on the citizens of a quiet town. In moonlit twilight, Saya slays the monsters and returns home drenched in blood. As the attacks increase in frequency and intensity, her enemies relay cryptic messages about a broken contract. Limbs are torn from flesh and skulls are crushed and devoured while the huntress struggles with paralyzing visions and gaping holes in her memory. When the humans Saya promised to protect reveal the sickening truth about her role in the violence, she learns her mission isn’t as clear cut as she thought—and her most sadistic foe of all is so close she can taste it."
Yeah, I would thoroughly enjoy a multiplayer Tactics Advance, or equivalent.
Yay for EarthBound! I know just about everything there is to know about the game, so hit me up for tips and keep me updated on your thoughts.
Oh, and check out the goofy pictures I posted/created recently!
I just realized something, because of Shinobu Oshino: Shinobu Sensui from YuYu Hakusho!

That anime was on Toonami back in the day, so you may have seen it.

Yep, last night I totally lost track of time posting here... I try to get to sleep by 10 Eastern so I can function BEFORE drinking an entire pot of coffee in the morning. I've had nearly a pot today. Oh well! Glory days. 
I did have a Vita, but I didn't use it enough to justify holding onto it. I used it as part of a trade-in to pick up the Wii U a month or so ago. That's where I had FF:IX and if I can get it onto my PS3/PS4, that'd be amazing! I'll look into it for sure.
Blood-C sounds pretty interesting. It reminds me of Shiki, actually. Did you ever watch that one? That one doesn't spare time for SoL at all, but based on the premise the supernatural community and mystery/investigation seems similar between the two. I enjoyed Shiki, so I'll have to give Blood-C a watch. A single cour show should be easy to marathon sometime :)
I'll keep you in mind when experiencing EarthBound. I can't rightly say when I'll get around to it, but it's now in my "to be played" list. That seems like it's growing almost as quickly as my Plan to Watch list... 
Regarding the pictures, I'll creep all over your profile's recent posts. You've earned yourself a stalker, for now. 
edit: Editing in response to your edit... Told you I was stalking you. Nah, I just stumbled across it. I've heard of YuYu Hakusho plenty, but for whatever reason it was never one that I actually watched. Are you telling me there's another for me to add to the list?! 
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:37 AM Post #118,371 of 177,750
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:40 AM Post #118,372 of 177,750
Wah, that's really nice! If you put your face near the screen, it's almost as if you were there. : p

Make sure to check out all the other cool videos on his channel :3
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:43 AM Post #118,373 of 177,750
Yep, last night I totally lost track of time posting here... I try to get to sleep by 10 Eastern so I can function BEFORE drinking an entire pot of coffee in the morning. I've had nearly a pot today. Oh well! Glory days. 
I did have a Vita, but I didn't use it enough to justify holding onto it. I used it as part of a trade-in to pick up the Wii U a month or so ago. That's where I had FF:IX and if I can get it onto my PS3/PS4, that'd be amazing! I'll look into it for sure.
Blood-C sounds pretty interesting. It reminds me of Shiki, actually. Did you ever watch that one? That one doesn't spare time for SoL at all, but based on the premise the supernatural community and mystery/investigation seems similar between the two. I enjoyed Shiki, so I'll have to give Blood-C a watch. A single cour show should be easy to marathon sometime :)
I'll keep you in mind when experiencing EarthBound. I can't rightly say when I'll get around to it, but it's now in my "to be played" list. That seems like it's growing almost as quickly as my Plan to Watch list... 
Regarding the pictures, I'll creep all over your profile's recent posts. You've earned yourself a stalker, for now. 

I edited my post, so scroll up!
Coffee makes me sleepy. I blame the energy drinks!
I also sold my Vita. I'll replace it eventually... You've got a PS3 and PS4. O_O So jealous!
All PlayStation Store purchases are accessible in your account. You can download and transfer them to any compatible device.
Shiki is also on my to-watch list. As you may recall, I linked you to a list of the anime I've seen so far, so if in doubt, consult it.
Unfortunately, there is no way (that I know of) to pinpoint a person's particular posts (there goes my automatic alliteration tendency again!) for a thread directly from their profile. It only tells you the time of the last post they made.
Now I'm thinking about this girl who supposedly got a lock of my hair and knew all this stuff about me. But don't worry, I like stalkers who are into the same things as me! =D
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:43 AM Post #118,374 of 177,750
Wah, that's really nice! If you put your face near the screen, it's almost as if you were there. : p

Make sure to check out all the other cool videos on his channel :3

Yeah I saw the description: "WORLD - CRUISE" in 4K (Ultra HD) and figured it was a part of a video series. It seems to be filmed only in Japan though, which hardly makes it a "world cruise." XD
I'll still check them out though. Now if only they had binaural audio... :rolleyes:
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:49 AM Post #118,376 of 177,750
I edited my post, so scroll up!
Coffee makes me sleepy. I blame the energy drinks!
All PlayStation Store purchases are accessible in your account. You can download and transfer them to any compatible device. I also sold my Vita. I'll replace it eventually...
Shiki is also on my to-watch list. As you may recall, I linked you to a list of the anime I've seen so far, so if in doubt, consult it.
Unfortunately, there is no way (that I know of) to pinpoint a person's particular posts (there goes my automatic alliteration tendency again!) for a thread directly from their profile. It only tells you the time of the last post they made.
Now I'm thinking about this girl who supposedly got a lock of my hair and knew all this stuff about me. But don't worry, I like stalkers who are into the same things as me! =D

I totally saw your edit and responded, but then realized that it contained an external link. Any idea when the site will dub me as a non-spammer so I can include images? I keep forgetting to remove the links from quotes! Regarding that - I've not seen YuYu Hakusho, but I've heard of it plenty. I guess I just never got around to watching it. Is it worth adding to my ever-growing list of things to watch?
You just made me drool. Do I need to have a PS+ account for that to apply? I let mine expire because I've been playing more single player games than multi-, and didn't want to waste the money. 
I'm awful at keeping track of things, I do remember you giving me your list. Whoops... My memory fails me, yet again. 
Obligatory "You're into that?" Angel Beats reference.
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:50 AM Post #118,377 of 177,750
Sigh... the only part of vacationing in China/Beijing I hate is the swelling. Whether it be from some mysterious ingredients from restaurant food, to mosquito bites...to what my family calls 水土不服 ... I always end up with somekind of swelling somewhere...which leaves me bedridden for days (well, it's not that I can't move around, it's just that those swollen areas hurt sometimes, so I just rest at home)...

I remember back in the days when there wasn't even wifi...I had to settle with whatever boring shows were on TV at the time...

So yea, at least I have my laptop+anime right now. Started the Ghost in the Shell franchise today...

end minirant.

That sucks EVEY :frowning2:

Been some time since I last was on that list.

makes me remember the golden days two years ago. Ah the nostalgia.
They'll avoid the Ukrainian airspace, so I really don't have much to worry about.
Now what is in fact worrisome is the financial situation of Malaysia Airlines. If they go bankrupt I probably won't get the money for my ticket back, and in addition I'll have to buy a new (more expensive) ticket. All in all it would cost me about 1400-2000 euros if that were to happen, depending on when it happens.
I'm this thread's Dutchman, mathematician and cynical nihilist.
It indeed is. Burns through freaking anything.

Thats a real predicament. Hope it stays afloat lol

Umm, you're at the top of it for today! XD

...but don't celebrate just yet...

You noobs at posting are cute. Us ole timmers just chuckle

That ain't no Black Edition, this is!!

I remember one time when I went to Hong Kong, I was a bit sick due to '水土不服', and fell asleep in a Fairwood restaurant. What really gets me there is the humidity in summer. 

Nah. Phenom is

So its just an easy swap? Yay ^^

It should be if you put Windows into Out of Box experience before you clone it.

Read up on what it does and how to do it. Im sleepy and on mobile
Listened to Blood Libels. Good stuff.

Forgot to add Deathspell Omega to my list ♥

I love this twisted ****.


Really diggin it! Probably my favorite series this season followed by Space Dandy and Barack Obama.

(Psycho-pass comes in first but doesn't count because re-broadcast :p)

FFT Advanced 2 is one of my absolute favorite games! FE: Awakening was also a lot of fun.

Bravely Default is super good. Even managed to defeat the true final boss :3

Don't care as long as he keeps enriching this world with his shows ♥

I like you.

Durn sure is!

This and the fact that this show is just super interesting and well executed make me look over these faults. The faults are so so minor compared to what we get to see in most other animes.


5th place.....yay~

Yeah, makes everything semi-sepia. Much hipster, wow.

I ... Like tha show. But am still hesitant
Yuuup, I remember swapping mine using Acronis somehow, because I was super lazy to reinstall windows and I didn't want to lose all my programs and settings because they were juuust the way I liked it. :p

It was quite a convoluted process, I think I had to move media files off the drive, then resize the C: partition to be smaller than the SSD size, and then finally I could image the disk. ><

Is it any easier these days?

Me no likey grown ass men screaming, I always listen to the music you post even if I don't say anything most of the time, thanks for that. XD

Yep. Out of box experience mode more or less fixes close to all issues

If that's the case, I'll have to find out how to con more money out of the world to upgrade further. For now, I'm satisfied with the AKG's at home and Klipsh image s4's at work. I wish I could afford custom IEM's...

I'm not familiar at all with Kan Colle, Did the manga get high praise?

Holy YES. I still have my N64 set up in the living room. Right now Pokemon Colosseum is connected, but Snap was so much fun. 

Gonna try to keep all these responses sorted! Best of luck to myself... I only ever had FF:IX on handheld, but I'll have to look into getting it on the console. Playing through it with a buddy sounds amazing!

Soul Eater was the first anime I watched when I could actually consider myself a "fan." I did watch all the shows as a kid, but that was just me watching Toonami. I wouldn't have remembered the resemblance to Shinobu if you hadn't posted the images. It's supririsingly close! I can dig your preferences though, my attention is also drawn to the extremes most of the time. I can't really get into standard romance of slice of life if there aren't other residing elements to intrigue me. I've not seen Blood-C or Higurashi yet. I do have Higurashi ready to be watched, it's just a matter of doing so. Isn't Blood-C something with vampires? I think I remember glazing over a summary at some point. 

I think the scale of the game would have gone beautifully with online play. In those I tend to prefer cooperative play, but if you could split a party up to allow for multiple people to control, that'd be insane. I doubt I'd be able to stop playing.

You're driving a hard bargain with EarthBound. I'm going to have to pick it up for the Wii U, for sure.

Howdy! Am I to assume you're Dutch, or does that have a hidden meaning as well? 

D'aww, you're making me blush! Having to use words instead of pictures isn't always my forte... this'll have to do for now. 

The season shows so much promise. I still have to watch S1 of Space Dandy, so I can't really comment on that one. My favorite two are probably Zankyou no Terror and Akame ga Kill. Zankyou is obvious, but I enjoy Akame ga Kill for the level of absurdity present. These guys are assassins, but it's comical? I also enjoy how little the show dwells on... well, anything. 

I had only ever played Tactics Ogre, but from what I can tell that gaming experience is similar enough across all releases. FE: Awakening was my favorite of all, but I'm a slave to graphical quality so that certainly helped. Bravely Default was a real joy to play through. I could have done with a bit less of the repetitiveness at the end, but getting through it all was certainly worth it. Once you had enough in certain classes, though, most fights were a cakewalk.

Hey dude. I know you are new so just a psa

We take spoilers seriously here. Please use the spoiler tag function. No biggie this time but just note it :)

The function is on your reply control panel

Half this thread are non US internationals :wink:
Jul 18, 2014 at 8:52 AM Post #118,378 of 177,750
This is random, but I just read your username out loud and it reminded me of "espada" in Spanish.

What anime out there actively uses Spanish terms? Bleach of course.

Espada 05

It's actually my name, which originates from any number of languages. Means "sword" in all of them. Espada, Spatha, etc. 
Hey dude. I know you are new so just a psa

We take spoilers seriously here. Please use the spoiler tag function. No biggie this time but just note it 

The function is on your reply control panel

Half this thread are non US internationals 
My bad, I went back and edited the post. I didn't see the "More" option, so I didn't know about the spoiler tags. 

Jul 18, 2014 at 9:08 AM Post #118,379 of 177,750
  I totally saw your edit and responded, but then realized that it contained an external link. Any idea when the site will dub me as a non-spammer so I can include images? I keep forgetting to remove the links from quotes! Regarding that - I've not seen YuYu Hakusho, but I've heard of it plenty. I guess I just never got around to watching it. Is it worth adding to my ever-growing list of things to watch?
You just made me drool. Do I need to have a PS+ account for that to apply? I let mine expire because I've been playing more single player games than multi-, and didn't want to waste the money. 
I'm awful at keeping track of things, I do remember you giving me your list. Whoops... My memory fails me, yet again. 
Obligatory "You're into that?" Angel Beats reference.

I tend to fine-tune my posts a lot, so double-checking doesn't hurt.
The Posting Guidelines state that "new members that make posts including links, images or videos will need those posts to be approved, initially, as our forum is a huge target for spammers. Please do not repost if your post requires moderator approval. Please wait until it appears."
All the anime I've watched through (ie on that list) is worth watching - otherwise, I wouldn't have sat through them all!

No PlayStation Plus account required. Permanent access to everything you've paid for is a basic function of the PlayStation Store, with the exception of paid video content, which can only be downloaded once.
You noobs at posting are cute. Us ole timmers just chuckle

You're the master Panda, what can I say? It was the first time I've been featured on that list - an exciting moment for me!
It's actually my name, which originates from any number of languages. Means "sword" in all of them. Espada, Spatha, etc. 

Spada is your real name. Coolness +1. If you don't mind divulging, are you male or female? Because I want to occasionally call you "sword man" or "sword chick"!
Jul 18, 2014 at 9:21 AM Post #118,380 of 177,750
I tend to fine-tune my posts a lot, so double-checking doesn't hurt.
The Posting Guidelines state that "new members that make posts including links, images or videos will need those posts to be approved, initially, as our forum is a huge target for spammers. Please do not repost if your post requires moderator approval. Please wait until it appears."
All the anime I've watched through (ie on that list) is worth watching - otherwise, I wouldn't have sat through them all!

No PlayStation Plus account required. Permanent access to everything you've paid for is a basic function of the PlayStation Store, with the exception of paid video content, which can only be downloaded once.
Spada is your real name. Coolness +1. If you don't mind divulging, are you male or female? Because I want to occasionally call you "sword man" or "sword chick"!

Yeah my previous post went *poof* for now. I edited it with an additional quote and accidentally included an external link. Playing a waiting game for now. 
I'm a guy. Sword man works... lol. That'll be a first, I must say!

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