「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 16, 2014 at 5:30 PM Post #117,991 of 177,750
  Your wishlist is a compilation of the most expensive audio gear in existence :|
Even if I had the money to buy all this stuff, I never ever would. But that's just me :3
Best of luck to you and your company/career!
Once you have the Dark Star Opulence, please buy me a jet so I can fly over and give it a good listen.

Still waiting for your Metal list thing!

Thanks! I'm too ambitious for my own good...
The premise of the wish list is basically "if you could have any audio gear you wanted - price no object - what would you get?"
There's no way I'd buy most of that stuff until it wouldn't affect me at all. Perhaps I will host private, invitation-only meets when that time comes. 
And you better believe I will post reviews describing whether I feel they are significantly better-sounding than more realistic options.
I wanted to include it with the playlist, which would take longer to put together...but I could go and post the band list before I pass out from exhaustion again. If you have your own list, feel free to link me!
Jul 16, 2014 at 5:53 PM Post #117,992 of 177,750
  I wanted to include it with the playlist, which would take longer to put together...but I could go and post the band list before I pass out from exhaustion again. If you have your own list, feel free to link me!

Oh I don't use/make playlists. Only thing I could do is list some of my favorite bands :p
Jul 16, 2014 at 5:54 PM Post #117,993 of 177,750
Today's Free! episode was very good! Lots of laughter and silly things even if some were predictable.
And Love Stage!! episode 2 was also equally good and maybe even funnier than the manga!
Jul 16, 2014 at 7:04 PM Post #117,994 of 177,750
  Oh I don't use/make playlists. Only thing I could do is list some of my favorite bands :p

The deed is done! \m/
A list of your favorite bands is what I meant. A YouTube playlist is much more convenient than spending hundreds of hours discovering the bands on your own, anyway...so sit back, relax, and await my über-epos playlist! (I said that without even remembering you're in Germany, so correct me if that phrase is off.)
Jul 16, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #117,995 of 177,750
Well, I was in the cinema today.


It was... strange to say the least. Not bad, though. I guess I quite liked it, although one review said that "it kinda looks like it was made to please the Sundance crowd" (but he still liked it), so maybe someone with more experience will think less of it because it's not as original or something. And yeah, Fassbender was really good, especially considering he had to act without using his face at all. Also, it was nice to see it because of the music. :wink:
Jul 16, 2014 at 8:20 PM Post #117,996 of 177,750
I guess everyone is different.
I personaly don't care for most of your points as they don't apply to me. 

There's a weird thing about Head-Fi and other people's personal preference. I can't quite put my finger on it.
The real question is: Why did you go with any of the gazillion phones Samesung makes?

Mainly for Samsung's Download Mode. No matter how badly I screw up the software, as long as the hardware is all fine, I can make it work again. HTC and Sony on the other hand, use weird things like S-off and Flashtool and stuff. I don't have 100% confidence with those phones. And also, I like Samsung's Super AMOLED screens for their infinite contrast ratio and vivid colors. Sure, it is a bit oversaturated, but people complain about it because they're idiots and don't know that it can easily be fixed in the software. If your screen is undersaturated, then tough luck; software can't fix what the hardware is lacking.
I still can't stand the feel and build of Korean plastic.

.... Especially the Note 3...

Well, a lot of people can, and its sales figures proves it. I'd prefer it over LG's Korean plastic or HTC's Taiwanese aluminum any day.
FYI, Samsung uses Chinese and Vietnamnese plastic as well.
Same. Give me glass and metal anyday. A big reason why I bought the Z1. And probably another Sony in the future

I considered the Sony Xperia Z1 or Z2, but What is up with the anti-shatter film? How often do you shatter the screen vs. how often you'd unintentionally scratch it? It scratches so easily, and you can't remove the film or else you void the warranty.
Plus, I'd prefer a phone that has its USB port on the bottom and isn't covered by a cover because my Samsung DA-E750 doesn't like that kind of stuff.

 Ahh gatcha
They aren't bad. The reviews pretty much have it right on them. And unlike most armchair smartphone opinionairs. I actually have the S5.
Its a good flagship, but doesn't really blow anything out of the water. And Samsung is very terrible in its gimmicks. The majority of its 'air' functions and sensors and fingerprint stuff don't work well if at all reliabily. Not to mention that it has native app crashes A LOT, and since it is Android based, it has a LOT of redundant programs that do the same thing.  Basically Android, Samsung, and ATT all loaded apps and there are apps that come with the phone that do the same schiit and is annoying when my mom doesn't know What to use or is going on or why something isn't doing it the same way. 
I've been personally using Android for about 1.5 years now so I'm not an armchair smartphone opinionaire. And my opinion of it is, is that the consumer roots are hella bad. Many of you know this already, but it doesn't make for good compairoins when you talk about a phone and don't include its native OS. Yes, other roots are good, but its not a fair compairson against other companys like Apple when you do that.
And so on a native scale, Android is hella schiit. Samsung, the premier Android smartphone pusher-outers OS barely works. It crashes like hell, and gives you convuleted options that are too many and don't actually do what you want. It also has some slight usability issues in quickly swaping screens, doing other stuff. Hell, half the time, you keep doing and pressing schiit you didn't mean to press. Mainly due to the screen size, and the touch buttons on the bezel.
My rant on Android. iOS isn't perfect as well, but thats a rant for another time.
Cool kids are buying ole Nokias. Duh

"Armchair Smartphone Opinionairs"?
Sounds like most of your rants are about OEM skins. AOSP, on the other hand, is as stable as it gets. And if it's missing something, Xposed or some other thing will fix it.

My iPhone 4S is going strong still. Jailbreaking it really makes it bearable though since the iPhone by itself is lackluster...

The iPhone 4S is hands-down the least BS and best iPhone ever made.
Jul 16, 2014 at 8:26 PM Post #117,997 of 177,750
  There's a weird thing about Head-Fi and other people's personal preference. I can't quite put my finger on it.
Mainly for Samsung's Download Mode. No matter how badly I screw up the software, as long as the hardware is all fine, I can make it work again. HTC and Sony on the other hand, use weird things like S-off and Flashtool and stuff. I don't have 100% confidence with those phones. And also, I like Samsung's Super AMOLED screens for their infinite contrast ratio and vivid colors. Sure, it is a bit oversaturated, but people complain about it because they're idiots and don't know that it can easily be fixed in the software. If your screen is undersaturated, then tough luck; software can't fix what the hardware is lacking.
Well, a lot of people can, and its sales figures proves it. I'd prefer it over LG's Korean plastic or HTC's Taiwanese aluminum any day.
FYI, Samsung uses Chinese and Vietnamnese plastic as well.
I considered the Sony Xperia Z1 or Z2, but What is up with the anti-shatter film? How often do you shatter the screen vs. how often you'd unintentionally scratch it? It scratches so easily, and you can't remove the film or else you void the warranty.
Plus, I'd prefer a phone that has its USB port on the bottom and isn't covered by a cover because my Samsung DA-E750 doesn't like that kind of stuff.
"Armchair Smartphone Opinionairs"?
Sounds like most of your rants are about OEM skins. AOSP, on the other hand, is as stable as it gets. And if it's missing something, Xposed or some other thing will fix it.
The iPhone 4S is hands-down the least BS and best iPhone ever made.

And yeah, I noted in my post, that my rant is on stock ROMs and the reasoning for it. 
Jul 16, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #117,998 of 177,750
Meh, depends on how you look at it or use it

I need my phone to just work. Like a mainstream consumer. Hence why I prefer vanilla iOS.

Oh you simple folk. XD

I use Activator to make my life easier with custom gestures and having physical media buttons for music playback >>>>>>>> touch controls.

JellyLock7 for Android-like shortcuts so it's easy to reach Safari, Phone, Message, or Google Maps with a single swipe gesture on the lockscreen.

SBSettings to hide all the useless garbage apps that Apple automatically installs on every device. When was the last time you used Voice Memos or the Compass or the Reminders or the Passport apps? Or Maps over Google Maps?

I use SwipeSelection as one of the essential tweaks for the keyboard so that I can swipe on my keybord to move the cursor left/right and/or highlight text instead of using the stupid clumsy press and hold method which is super inaccurate.

CCControl to control the Control Center applications to have more than just the limited default 5 toggle buttons and to move the brightness slider so I don't have to strain my hand to reach near the top of CC just to control the brightness.

Convenience at your fingertips, literally.

OMG I'm in love with this game! 2$ well worth it!

What game is that?

It got it a year after launch, so in 2012. I'm hoping to get an Android phone after this since I don't like how light the iPhone 5/5S/6 are/will be (sometimes I attach the JDS Labs C5 to my iPhone to add more weight). XD

I have yet to install Windows on my computer, so I haven't been able to play it yet unfortunately. T_T
I've been organising my files and re-tagging my music...which takes me an awful long time since I'm so picky with things.

I used to think the iPhone 4 was a good weight/thickness and going lighter/thinner wouldn't be liked, I've changed my mind. All I ask is it feels sturdy, enough that if I tried to torque it, I would think "God da*it that's what I'm talking bout homie, engineering magic. Do you guys have a paypal account? I'll send ya more money cuz that's how much I appreciate y'all bringing this beauty into existence!"

I don't know how much battery life would be gained keeping the size and using the extra space for a bigger batt but I always found this worth considering.

I understand, will check back with you at a later time.

Phones of the same screen size with a bigger battery? What kind of nonsense are you speaking of? Everyone knows you need to have a bigger screen in order to fit a bigger battery. XD
Pretty soon we'll be using tablets as our phones; oh wait....

Nooo! Anyone who even calls his-or-herself an anime fan must watch FMAB! :'(

I'm an entrepreneur who has invested tens of thousands of dollars into my music collection (sadly, before I got into the audiophile side of things) and thousands more into my education. Think high-end marketing courses to help out with ad campaigns.

Should I watch it even if I haven't finished the original Full Metal Alchemist? I got kind of bored with FMA and searching for the Sorcerer's Stone or whatever Harry Potter was looking for too.

Yes, absolutely. It is far superior. However, the first FMA anime does have some good episodes - just more filler to work through. It's the Philosopher's Stone, for the record.

Brotherhood is an alternative version, not a sequel.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is faithful to the manga, whereas the first Fullmetal Alchemist mostly had its own story.

No. If you don't like the original enough to even finish it, then don't bother with the other one. It's mostly the same anime, albeit a good bit better.

It's only "mostly the same" near the beginning. Everything else is different.

Hm, mmk. I've seen some of the fight scenes on YouTube like with Bleach and One Piece and they look really good compared to what I remember with FMA. XD

The battles in Brotherhood are epic. Much better than most anime battles I've seen.

Bah, marketing people. XD

But maybe I'll give FMAB a try then.
Jul 16, 2014 at 8:48 PM Post #117,999 of 177,750
Oh you simple folk. XD

I use Activator to make my life easier with custom gestures and having physical media buttons for music playback >>>>>>>> touch controls.

JellyLock7 for Android-like shortcuts so it's easy to reach Safari, Phone, Message, or Google Maps with a single swipe gesture on the lockscreen.

SBSettings to hide all the useless garbage apps that Apple automatically installs on every device. When was the last time you used Voice Memos or the Compass or the Reminders or the Passport apps? Or Maps over Google Maps?

I use SwipeSelection as one of the essential tweaks for the keyboard so that I can swipe on my keybord to move the cursor left/right and/or highlight text instead of using the stupid clumsy press and hold method which is super inaccurate.

CCControl to control the Control Center applications to have more than just the limited default 5 toggle buttons and to move the brightness slider so I don't have to strain my hand to reach near the top of CC just to control the brightness.

Convenience at your fingertips, literally.
What game is that?
Phones of the same screen size with a bigger battery? What kind of nonsense are you speaking of? Everyone knows you need to have a bigger screen in order to fit a bigger battery. XD
Pretty soon we'll be using tablets as our phones; oh wait....

Bah, marketing people. XD

But maybe I'll give FMAB a try then.

People that even know about stuff like this obviously won't ever use passports, reminders, or all those silly apps. But legit users...sometimes do. 
I know of those apps, mainly SBSettings, but it never worked for me. Literally never cared enough
Man, I want a coolpad
Jul 16, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #118,000 of 177,750
Fred Durst is streaming CoD on Twitch.
The end is nigh.
Jul 16, 2014 at 9:23 PM Post #118,001 of 177,750
And yeah, I noted in my post, that my rant is on stock ROMs and the reasoning for it. 

Which line was that referring to?
The beauty of a phone's software is that you can change it without spending any more money.

It's what the cool kids use!
Jul 16, 2014 at 9:38 PM Post #118,002 of 177,750
Super Sticky Ducks? Or are you referring to Sadistical Sad Dumptrucks?
But besides that, nah. *shifty eyes*
Don't buy a Kingston SSD and Sandisk SSD's price and performance and storage, even during sales, is lackluster.

I see the MX100 cost 4 dollars more than the M550 so I might just get the 550 since my laptop only supports SATA 3.GiB
Jul 16, 2014 at 9:46 PM Post #118,004 of 177,750
  SSD's depreciate in price really quickly 

While HDDs are basically not going to go anywhere anymore they're not going to be replaced any time soon due to their low price/GB but due to basically no progress in HDDs you can have the same model for several years and keep the same prices going with nothing happening (unless you find some lame excuse like a flood or a factory fire *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*).
SSDs on the other hand are rapidly changing and just like most transistor based technology, they're not going to stop any time soon.
Jul 16, 2014 at 9:50 PM Post #118,005 of 177,750
As are their flagships, I don't get what peeps see in the S# phones...
Literally anything other than Samesung.
Armchair smartphone opinionare? What???
Yes, most of their gimmicks are gimmicky, you don't say. This is why we can't have nice things... Samsung and carriers throw their schiit on the phones instead of letting Google's apps take care of things.

Chase's S4 is so broken that it won't save the home button default actions (keeps asking if he wants the built in launcher or the replacement one he uses that mimics AOSP). In my almost 4 years of using Android phones, all the way back to 2.1, I've never ever came across a bug that was so stupid or inhibiting to using a device

There's also a persistent notification that tells you you're connected to Wi-Fi... WHY?!?! COULDN'T I JUST SEE THAT I'M ON WIFI BY LOOKING AT THE WIFI ICON IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER??? /rant

What do you mean my consumer roots and other roots???

Don't mistake Samsung crap with Android as a whole dude... Android in its native form is excellent, never crashes, and is super nice.
This is not true. At all. At all at all. Again, get your **** together and realize pure, stock android is way different than those terribad skins that oems ship with their phones. I've been running a custom ROM (theoretically less stable than stock due to all the modifications and extra settings, tweaks, etc) on 4.4.4 (latest version) and other than the Google Now app (the siri clone thing) crashing until I updated Google play services, I haven't had a single system app crash, and the only app in general I've crashed was due to poor coding on that developer's part.

  Armchair smartphone opinionaire = Hasn't actually owned and personally used
I was referring to the custom 'OS's that people instal on rooted phones. Said it wrong. 
There isn't a real native Android however. And Samsung is pretty much the premier Android shiper outter. Haven't used any new Google/Moto based phones so I can't say. 
It's not really the crashes that make me not like it. It's just how the system is in general. Way too flamboyant, flashy, and 'open'. HOWEVER, I do note that there are ROMs that mimick a minimal style that fit me, and hence what makes Android a jewel for many.
Despite the hours I've spent rooting my tablets, installing launchers, settings, unbricking it sometimes, making a custom fastboot data cable for manufacturer access, and writting custom drivers for my Android tablet(I kid you not on this, I had to write a custom driver for my Kindle to get ADB working) . It just isn't 'me'. At the end of the day, I go back to my vanilla iOS and I like it. Mainly because I don't have to think, it just works, and pretty much just does everything I need.

Armchair Smartphone expert here. I have only used the S1, played with the S2 and owned a Note 2 and am currently using an Nexus 5. The Samsung stock Roms are the worst thing thaat has happened to the smartphone world. But once it is rooted and is running a custom rom its a nice piece of thing. Ohh and Kies somehow runs worse than itunes on windows.............. Samsung's usually are a nice piece of hardware paired with terrible software......... 

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