「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jun 27, 2014 at 10:11 AM Post #116,146 of 177,750
  +All of my points.

While I enjoy a deep plot and story, I also enjoy pointless SoL a great deal too, and if someone enjoys ecchi and fanservice shows, as long as it doesn't mean other shows get sidelined, why not?
Trying to separate the sexual side of Japan from animes is like trying to separate oil from water with your hands, end of the day all you're getting is frustration and a lot of cursing.

Saying a show is garbage because it has fanservice, hardcore wish-fullfilment etc in it is stupid. That's a reason to not like it but nothing more.

My concern is that more and more studios see how much money you can make with stuff like this and start copying it.
Call me paranoid, but I really don't want these elements to get more screentime than they have right now. Right now it's fairly easy to ignore shows like these, but will it still be in two or three years when the sixth season of NGNL airs?
I don't want this.

Jun 27, 2014 at 10:39 AM Post #116,148 of 177,750
Jun 27, 2014 at 11:02 AM Post #116,150 of 177,750
I watched anime at my house using wifi. My phone would only get edge here but it switch to 3G at work. I work about a hour away from my house. I have a 5GB per month at 4G speed plan that switches to edge after. However, my iPhone 4 didn't support the signal they were using for 3G in my town. They've been upgrading and I finally see the change after about a year or so. Still waiting to see if the next iPhone gets bigger before I upgrade to a better phone. The LG G series is also of interest to me. Anything on edge is a pain lol. I'm gona save $66 a month now! Hurray! More money for daki... I mean literature.... :innocent:

Are you calling me some type of feathered creature! Unbelievable.

I find your loli taste offensive. Shall we dance?! I will take your life force... Hehehehe
Jun 27, 2014 at 11:37 AM Post #116,151 of 177,750
Right now it's fairly easy to ignore shows like these, but will it still be in two or three years when the sixth season of NGNL airs?

I don't want this.

I feel like great games that had something special were somewhat ruined by trying to gather a bigger audience. Mass Effect, Splinter Cell, Battlefield, and Halo are some examples. This isn't to say they weren't at all fun but only to express frustration that the formula is not being improved on but rather changed. There are ways to bring new life into a series(like AI or maps) that doesn't extradite its fate to the lowest common denominator but all I've see so far is pain. There's positives to having a bigger audience, like revenue for the studios to try bigger things. This doesn't guarantee they'll make anything other than more green catchers but it opens possibilities for them to take chances they otherwise could not afford to. Like making a nekomimi LoveyDovey game :3....

To cut this rant short:

I just want the neko to stay a mimi, it don't need lasers that auto aim, you know.
*cough Splinter Cell *cough

The guy's at least taking the fluff, I'll compromise: and so try it out at a heavy discount, rent, or on a lend :yum:
Jun 27, 2014 at 12:04 PM Post #116,152 of 177,750
+All of my points.

While I enjoy a deep plot and story, I also enjoy pointless SoL a great deal too, and if someone enjoys ecchi and fanservice shows, as long as it doesn't mean other shows get sidelined, why not?
Trying to separate the sexual side of Japan from animes is like trying to separate oil from water with your hands, end of the day all you're getting is frustration and a lot of cursing.

Yup, the adult entertainment industry is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge in Japan!
  Saying a show is garbage because it has fanservice, hardcore wish-fullfilment etc in it is stupid. That's a reason to not like it but nothing more.

My concern is that more and more studios see how much money you can make with stuff like this and start copying it.
Call me paranoid, but I really don't want these elements to get more screentime than they have right now. Right now it's fairly easy to ignore shows like these, but will it still be in two or three years when the sixth season of NGNL airs?
I don't want this.

I think things will be just fine, nothing much has changed over the last 15 years, and I don't see any reason for there to be a major shift for every show to be fan service heavy. Being able to have access to every single thing that airs with a click of the mouse really skews your perception of reality, because really, serious shows are just as plentiful now as they were before.
It's just that when you start getting into anime, catching up with all the good classics one after another will really spoil you, and having to wait just one year for another show that's to your liking will feel like torture, so it's totally understandable how people think the anime industry is dying or some such thing. Just take a look at the release dates for all your favourite shows, it's not like there was a golden age where everything on air was super special awesome, it's all relatively spaced out.
With anime gaining in popularity from shows like SnK, I only see good things happening in anime. Sure, we'll have to deal with a little **** and ass here and there, but rest assured, as long as the studios manage to stay in the black by grinding out fan service heavy shows, the good stuff will come.
Anyway, I'm about to get stuck into NGNL, I've heard some good things about it so we'll see how things turn out. An interesting plot that appeals to me as a gamer is already winning. Throw in some fan service, and that's double winning, woohoo!, how can I even complain? 

While I do think that completely dismissing a show because one finds fan service off putting is a little short sighted, I respect that our personal preferences differ, and that's totes fine. But how about once in a while, you try something outside your comfort zone, because you might actually find something you'll really enjoy, and if nothing else, you'd have earned some ammo to fire some shots the next time we discuss such things. 
"Shimapan and nekomimi can only improve a show"
-Albert Einstein
Jun 27, 2014 at 3:47 PM Post #116,159 of 177,750

Oh god... Dafuq? :0

I'd totally wear that case only to serve as a cautionary tale of what not to piss ¥3500 on. Frankly, it's cr@p like that case is why I make it a point to avoid riding the Chuo line near the Akiba anymore.

Lol, maybe just put it in a display case and title it: "how not to spend your money" or something like that.

Bowei006payday 2 is on sale again!

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