「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 6, 2014 at 3:18 PM Post #100,126 of 177,750
  Why did you only watch it in the background? Angel Beats demands full attention! 

@graphidz just get a bigger hard drive like I'm planning to do! 

Oh I wish I could... But now funding for my games lol...
That's why I have to delete some.
Aaand need to sleep nao... Oyasumi...
Jan 6, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #100,127 of 177,750
  Hey guys, I got a favor to ask. Need help in clearing some of my animes to make room for new ones. So I made a list of animes that I may not watch or doesn't seem worth keeping. 
The instruction is to just give a score from 1-10 with 1 being NOT to delete and 10 a MUST delete. You can just put empty if you're not sure or have not watched it, I don't mind. You can leave a comment about that anime, but I didn't leave any space for it though.
IMPORTANT NOTE! : Give scores based on your personal, unbiased opinion.
Link : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtUTN1w1zATidE9BU1p1eGYySlpIcHBJQU9XLXZXWFE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
(if you ahve any truoble, tell me. My first time using google spreadsheet)

Glad I'm not the only one who wrote something in there :p

Best game ever.

Jan 6, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #100,128 of 177,750
I finally finished the last piece in my hometest. Did an all nighter. I have to say, having anime in the background makes it a lot better. I marathoned Angel Beats again. The feels kept me awake.

I can't bear to rewatch that show, I didn't like most of the show. 

  Why did you only watch it in the background? Angel Beats demands full attention! 

@graphidz just get a bigger hard drive like I'm planning to do! 

Oh I wish I could... But now funding for my games lol...
That's why I have to delete some.
Aaand need to sleep nao... Oyasumi...

Buying games??? O.o
Lol, I probably can't afford it either, but that's not gonna stop me from building some sort of redundant array of 4TB hard drives for my collection! 

Jan 6, 2014 at 3:36 PM Post #100,129 of 177,750
Woah... How did you miss her?

Well, she was hiding in one forest. You had to:

- fight without exiting it until you fight her
- beat her
- talk with her afterwards, saying basically what she wants to hear :wink:

I just went straight through it without even picking up a fight.
But now I have both Yuffie and Vincent in my team, lol.
Jan 6, 2014 at 3:38 PM Post #100,130 of 177,750
@Panda: Just like anything that is turned into a competitive sport, I'm sure it would take practice as shown in the show to reach a "world-class" level. It's like people that set rubix cube records, they know the method so there's no real skill there, it's all about form and I guess dexterity for them at that point.... and solving them blind folded while sky diving haha.
Jan 6, 2014 at 3:40 PM Post #100,131 of 177,750
  Yeah, Hachi and Tanabe and their super idealistic preachiness are killing it for me. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for how flawed and short sighted they are in their preachings and in how the anime protrays those preachings as 'correct'. Obviously these play into character flaws, and development. But the anime isn't doing it in a way that exactly makes it easy on those weak for that kind of stuff.

Haha, ikr.
But the great part of these kind of anime is that you see their thoughts gradually mature, into what ended up a pretty splendid show. Getting there was a chore for many though, much like Steins;Gate.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces. <--
Many new people? Also some veterans. I brought the bone-conducting transducers to the meet and people were a bit freaked out by them since you don't hear the sounds like a normal soundwave going into your ear.

Was going to ask how these felt, but guess you sorta answered it already. Thanks :D
Oh. But how does it feel with this on + regular hearing together? Does it feel just like normal hearing, or a bit awkward/different?
Good luck camping XD  
Oh ya, not sure if you're aware of it or not, when the system tells you to wait for 10mins or so, better wait for it before retrying or you're likely to get banned.

Failed again yesterday D:
Yeah, I know about that one. But back in mid-December I didn't know so I kept refreshing (happen to randomly stumble across registration time, didn't even know registration worked this way... thought it was under maintenance Dx). I hope my account wasn't just blacklisted from there onwards.
Any idea if that would be the case?
Nope, you didn't miss anything. It's 74 because of hypists like most of the thread.

It's a nice show but not ohmahgawd awesomesauce like some people would have you think.
In retrospect it's a show you can live without.
Then again what isn't?
Lipton is alright. Arizona is a lot worse IMO

If it wasn't for the taste of aspartame... or whatever artificial sweetener they use.
Karuta? Seems...like it doesn't have much 'real' skill involved unlike something like Chess.  
Karuta is a game that seems to dwell on memorization. And then in using mind tricks as a way to memorize and associate key cards with key phrases the opener says and in swiping it as fast as you can through a strategy. 
This of course then makes it something that can only be done in one language as another language translation with international players can easilly give others an advantage.
Meaning...the karuta, is still predominatly flawed to be an international game

Continue onto S2 and you'll find that there's a lot more tactics and thinking involved in the game. Namely card placements for your own advantage and play style. But it indeed relies much more highly on memorization skills than, say, chess.
Language is the main barrier that breaks karuta from internationalization. Not that many languages are as stiff in pronunciation as Japanese.
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #100,132 of 177,750
@Panda: Just like anything that is turned into a competitive sport, I'm sure it would take practice as shown in the show to reach a "world-class" level. It's like people that set rubix cube records, they know the method so there's no real skill there, it's all about form and I guess dexterity for them at that point.... and solving them blind folded while sky diving haha.

meh, still a boring thing, kurata
  Haha, ikr.
But the great part of these kind of anime is that you see their thoughts gradually mature, into what ended up a pretty splendid show. Getting there was a chore for many though, much like Steins;Gate.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces. <--
Was going to ask how these felt, but guess you sorta answered it already. Thanks :D
Oh. But how does it feel with this on + regular hearing together? Does it feel just like normal hearing, or a bit awkward/different?
Failed again yesterday D:
Yeah, I know about that one. But back in mid-December I didn't know so I kept refreshing (happen to randomly stumble across registration time, didn't even know registration worked this way... thought it was under maintenance Dx). I hope my account wasn't just blacklisted from there onwards.
Any idea if that would be the case?
It's a nice show but not ohmahgawd awesomesauce like some people would have you think.
In retrospect it's a show you can live without.
Then again what isn't?
If it wasn't for the taste of aspartame... or whatever artificial sweetener they use.
Continue onto S2 and you'll find that there's a lot more tactics and thinking involved in the game. Namely card placements for your own advantage and play style. But it indeed relies much more highly on memorization skills than, say, chess.
Language is the main barrier that breaks karuta from internationalization. Not that many languages are as stiff in pronunciation as Japanese.

Dayum those chores of Chihaya and Planetes -____-
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:13 PM Post #100,133 of 177,750
Toaru Hikuushi....GUYS What. 
You did not seriously name your main character Kal-El...that is the dorkiest thing ever...like seriously
He is a 'flying' pilot and prince (synopsis info so no spoiler)...and you ******* name him Kal-El -_-
For those that don't get it, Kal-El is the home world name of Superman. Where Kal is the 'name' and El stands for the house of EL
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:22 PM Post #100,134 of 177,750
  Toaru Hikuushi....GUYS What. 
You did not seriously name your main character Kal-El...that is the dorkiest thing ever...like seriously
He is a 'flying' pilot and prince (synopsis info so no spoiler)...and you ******* name him Kal-El -_-
For those that don't get it, Kal-El is the home world name of Superman. Where Kal is the 'name' and El stands for the house of EL

Jan 6, 2014 at 4:24 PM Post #100,135 of 177,750
  Toaru Hikuushi....GUYS What. 
You did not seriously name your main character Kal-El...that is the dorkiest thing ever...like seriously
He is a 'flying' pilot and prince (synopsis info so no spoiler)...and you ******* name him Kal-El -_-
For those that don't get it, Kal-El is the home world name of Superman. Where Kal is the 'name' and El stands for the house of EL

Oooooohhhhh so that's the reason why it sounded so familiar lol.
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:25 PM Post #100,136 of 177,750

When I heard it, I had to search online to make sure that was actually his name and not some bad subbing of what sounding like something else.
Nope, they named him Superman....the prince that flies machines and is the MC of this anime...is fricking Superman.
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:28 PM Post #100,137 of 177,750
  Failed again yesterday D:
Yeah, I know about that one. But back in mid-December I didn't know so I kept refreshing (happen to randomly stumble across registration time, didn't even know registration worked this way... thought it was under maintenance Dx). I hope my account wasn't just blacklisted from there onwards.
Any idea if that would be the case?

Hmm no idea D:
Awww so little love for Toradora, to me that's one of those wonderful shows to watch many times.
And meh for AK240, will be collecting my ZX1 today, finally I can retire my J3!
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:30 PM Post #100,138 of 177,750
  When I heard it, I had to search online to make sure that was actually his name and not some bad subbing of what sounding like something else.
Nope, they named him Superman....the prince that flies machines and is the MC of this anime...is fricking Superman.

It does sound dorky but I didn't give much thought when I watched it. Only a "I've heard this name before but I don't know where" vibe, his name just fly by my head.
I also watched the first episode of Super Sonico
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:36 PM Post #100,139 of 177,750
  And meh for AK240, will be collecting my ZX1 today, finally I can retire my J3!

Retired my J3 last year and got myself a DX50.
Big step up!
Have fun with your ZX1 :3
I also watched the first episode of Super Sonico

Did not expect anything else.
I guess this show has the potential to be this seasons worst anime.
Jan 6, 2014 at 4:43 PM Post #100,140 of 177,750
  Retired my J3 last year and got myself a DX50.
Big step up!
Have fun with your ZX1 :3
Did not expect anything else.
I guess this show has the potential to be this seasons worst anime.

I think it's a contender for the most mindless anime of all time. 
It has nothing interesting in its story except if you count cup size as something interesting.
The music is meh as well.

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