「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Oct 3, 2013 at 5:12 PM Post #91,622 of 177,750
Also, for kukukukukukukukukukukukukukuk:

That is one nice gif you have there :3

NeoGAF is exploding with leaked Pokemon stuff.
I would follow the thread the whole night but I have to write a stupid exam tomorrow.....
Oct 3, 2013 at 5:23 PM Post #91,623 of 177,750
Bowei, just thought I'd let you know, but you better hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband...

Someone from the skype group may end up making that come true...
Oct 3, 2013 at 5:42 PM Post #91,626 of 177,750
Oct 3, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #91,627 of 177,750
Have to hand in a math problem tomorrow. Tried to solve it with all my might, tried a ton of things all of which seemed promising. Three near hits, but it turned out to be an erroneous solution in the end. I've even been on the phone with several people trying to solve the same problem, but none have been able to. Spent at least 10 hours on it by now.
This is stupid, and rather ridiculous if you ask me.

Oh. Happy birthday, Tilpo. :)


Happy birthday Tilpo! :D


(Late) Happy birthday to rikkun!

Not late; perfectly on time. My birthday still goes on for another 13 minutes at the time of writing this.

G'night y'all. I'ma sleep, I shouldn't waste my time on this stupid math problem.
Oct 3, 2013 at 6:13 PM Post #91,629 of 177,750
My friend just showed me this video......DAYUM...the onions....THE ONIONS....
It's a 3min advertisement/public service announcement thing a company made about Giving. It got rave reviews for being better in 3 mins than a lot of Hollywood movies with hundred million budgets are in an hour. 
Oct 3, 2013 at 7:28 PM Post #91,631 of 177,750
Originally Posted by bowei006 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tor isn't really the dark side...but the 'hidden' places on the web are.
You in HK, why TOR? .....because I don't think you need to see all that dark side schiit :wink:

No, Tor is not the dark side... but onion sites however is a different story....
  IS-2 and Golden time are out!

Drat! I have school now....
Oct 3, 2013 at 7:41 PM Post #91,633 of 177,750
Just finished up all my hw and my essay is ready from last night...no more tongith!

Finish??? I havent been able the use that word since weeks ago....
New HW just keeps on coming....
Oct 3, 2013 at 7:52 PM Post #91,634 of 177,750
  Finish??? I havent been able the use that word since weeks ago....
New HW just keeps on coming....

That was what it was like in the first week for me as well 
Oct 3, 2013 at 7:58 PM Post #91,635 of 177,750
  What's up guys, finally coming out of my hibernation here. Been a while I haven't been to this thread because I just haven't been really into anime lately during the summer season and also, I've been quite busy with my studies.
If you're keen to know, I study Mechanical Engineering in a Technical Institute in Lyon.
Anyway, the Fall season looks super promising. So many new shows I'm very interested on!
Let's start with Coppelion first.
Usual introductory episode which poses more questions than answers but boy it sure does look good! I'll definitively follow it.
Kyokai no Kanata 
I was pleased with KyoAni's Free, I thought it was a decent show but with this though I'm scratching my head. It feels like they thought Free! was awful and decided to make an Anime with moe characters but entirely put aside the story. It looks good visually but I'm feeling a bit of déjà vu here.
What can I say? I'm just speechless... I will not say that it was awesome but I also will not say that it was dreadful. It was unique and bonkers, absolutely bonkers and bat**** crazy!
This is an Anime that took a high dose of hardcore drugs and I will say that I like it!
Now waiting for Nagi no Asukara, Strike the Blood, Tokyo Ravens, Pupa and Valvrave 2

I didn't know you went back to France! dayum! niceu!
Fall season does look promising.
I'm about to watch Coppelion

I still need to watch that. >.>
  I'm currently collecting headphones from animes/vocaloids. So far I've collected the ATH-A900X seen from many fanarts for Hatsune Miku.
Then there's the AKG K701's from K-On! that Mio wears. However I decided to get the Q701's instead since they're able to drive through my entry-level DAC/AMP, have a removable cable and with bass increase.

Your headphones are way more advance than mine. I was hoping some day I would be able to drive into a concert in my lightning-quick STAX.
JPS.....the dark side of the interwebz

Speaking of the dark side..... some of the CS guys introduced me to the Tor network and hidden wiki today...... scary schiit.

You just now learned about it?

Scary stuff on there...

Oh and also boris, just found an HK society club here at UW. You really need to come now!

Yup. They host the singing competition I mentioned a few days ago.


I got a photo of the moon this morning.

Pretty neat stuff. I managed to get one yesterday too.

Ah, gotta love the camera on iPhones. XD

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