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Aug 23, 2013 at 3:33 AM Post #87,499 of 177,747
Get an ultrasound Erectile Dysfunction 8. That's fun because people here say so.

Maybe someone will. And you know what. It won't matter. Because all this malarkey on educating people on proper reproduction is what it is. Ultimately it's someone else's ego, someone else's manifesting desire to be right, to be better, to know that they are more right than the others, forcibly placed unto others. 
Proper reproduction, achieving proper reproduction, finding out what proper reproduction is, is the goal. And I full-heartedly support it. It's great to have something to achieve in the realm of engineering. And if it ends up in better technology, that's great.
But when's the last time someone waxed poetic about having better, more proper gear, and their intentions were so that everyone could enjoy something more? Very often, it's about asserting their own "rightness". That's a huge reason as to why people do what they do. They need the confidence. When is it really about having people do the right things, and when is it about making sure that we ourselves are doing the right things?
These statements, my earlier statements, can really be just self-confirmatory statements. I might be guilty of it. If it wasn't I wouldn't have said it. I'm fine with this. I'm fine with being wrong. I also realize that I'm trying to be right about being wrong. I guess I'm just wrong. But I also like talking. Funny how the two come hand in hand.
People think the things they do lead to some inevitable, all-consuming truth. It is their own truths. Let's just keep it at that.
Aug 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM Post #87,503 of 177,747
Tired as hell.
Spent whole day running around buying stuff

You should try walking around. Significantly less tiring.

At VT now. Jelly anyone?

The download doesn't make me happy, its the upload.

Not jelly.

While it's better than mine by (almost) a factor 2, both are up to the point where diminishing returns kick in a lot.
I don't care whether my torrent downloads with 10MB/s or 5MB/s, as long as it doesn't do 300kB/s.

Lol, i was hoping for a title with more fruit in it.

I want one too. :frowning2:

Messing around with my uni online course enrollment system..... SO CONFUSED @_@
Why can't it be simple like highschool where they assign my time table for me???

Get used to it.
My uni's enrollment system is also quite complicated. Plus you have to plan carefully what subjects you're going to take in order for the timetables not to overlap.
Aug 23, 2013 at 6:56 AM Post #87,504 of 177,747
Oh, now look at that.
Survived its trip from Hongkong to Deutschland safely :wink:

Aug 23, 2013 at 8:20 AM Post #87,510 of 177,747
OMG Found an awesome course in my uni !



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