「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:32 AM Post #61,876 of 177,750
Just a question to some of you that have an acc on animelist, do you or have you given ratings or written reviews for manga/anime that you have gone through? Just made an acc for the sake of tracking what I've completed/going-to read or watched/going to watch.

Nope, I using it for tracking too.
I thought of joining the Physics Honours program at my uni, but then I realized I had to do more experimental physics and I lost interest.
I'm disliking physics in general compared to mathematics, and I hate the practical part even more.
Nobody likes the MC, and you're not supposed to either.
It was pretty much my first anime I ever watched, so shut your mouth and just watch it. And do not dare skipping the OP's and ED's; they are both nothing short of majestic.

Kore wa tottemo zannen de****a.
I'm the exact opposite, love practical physics, hate abstract maths.
OP I agree, I haven't skipped it once so far. ED..... not so much.
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:34 AM Post #61,879 of 177,750
^^ Patlabor (the series)? Not counting the type Zero, which pretty much results in mass-production anyways and only shows up at the end. Also slice-of-lifey so might as well watch War in the Pocket or something.
08th MS Team is beyond reproach.
Armored Trooper Votoms is highly underrated.
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:36 AM Post #61,880 of 177,750
Kore wa tottemo zannen de****a.
I'm the exact opposite, love practical physics, hate abstract maths.

OP I agree, I haven't skipped it once so far. ED..... not so much

How can one hate abstract mathematics? It's only the best thing ever.

The problem with physics is that it's all about using stupid tricks and doing numerical calculations. The mathematical challenge is really low in there. That doesn't mean it's easy; it just means it's hard in a way I don't like.

The ED is gorgeous.
'Fly me to the moon, and let me sing along the stars. Show me what it's like on Jupiter and Mars...'
The lyrics are awesome, and hold a very symbolic meaning in the context of the show. Plus, it is sung by a different artists EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:51 AM Post #61,882 of 177,750
Such a thing does not exist. 

Actually cannot think of any mecha anime like that... Maybe 08th Mobile Suit Team. All the main characters do use mass production models in it from memory. 

Okay let me rephrase then: as few OP BS as possible. IMO Gundam Wings did it right, so anything close to that. Doesn't have to be Gundam too. I mean, I kind of like 00, but that's just kind of too much spectacle, and the mass-produce MS are all kind of meh. And too many Gundams.

Also I've been entertaining the thought of starting Macross. Where from?

Vandread? Sakura Wars?

LOL Vandread. While it's straight up Nostalgia Trip Highway, that's a lot of OP BS in it. Watched it for the boobs back then though. I give ya Sakura Wars though. Kind of loved it back in the day. I'd be grinning as **** though since it's up Nostalgia Trip Highway too.
Thinking of plopping money for this though http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10205051

I just love the look of Tallgeese. So awesome.
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:54 AM Post #61,883 of 177,750
Okay let me rephrase then: as few OP BS as possible. IMO Gundam Wings did it right, so anything close to that. Doesn't have to be Gundam too. I mean, I kind of like 00, but that's just kind of too much spectacle, and the mass-produce MS are all kind of meh. And too many Gundams.

Also I've been entertaining the thought of starting Macross. Where from?
LOL Vandread. While it's straight up Nostalgia Trip Highway, that's a lot of OP BS in it. Watched it for the boobs back then though. I give ya Sakura Wars though. Kind of loved it back in the day. I'd be grinning as **** though since it's up Nostalgia Trip Highway too.

Could just skip the OP LOL. Did a quick search for Sakura Wars. Nyaa has BDs but no subs while BBT has subs but no BD
Mar 3, 2013 at 6:56 AM Post #61,884 of 177,750
Okay let me rephrase then: as few OP BS as possible. IMO Gundam Wings did it right, so anything close to that. Doesn't have to be Gundam too. I mean, I kind of like 00, but that's just kind of too much spectacle, and the mass-produce MS are all kind of meh. And too many Gundams.

Also I've been entertaining the thought of starting Macross. Where from?

LOL Vandread. While it's straight up Nostalgia Trip Highway, that's a lot of OP BS in it. Watched it for the boobs back then though. I give ya Sakura Wars though. Kind of loved it back in the day. I'd be grinning as **** though since it's up Nostalgia Trip Highway too.

Could just skip the OP LOL. Did a quick search for Sakura Wars. Nyaa has BDs but no subs while BBT has subs but no BD

Silly man. In this case OP = overpowered. Play more games.
Mar 3, 2013 at 7:02 AM Post #61,885 of 177,750
Thinking of plopping money for this though http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10205051

I just love the look of Tallgeese. So awesome.

I never really got into Tallgeese's look. Deathscythe Hell was pretty awesome in my opinion, or Epyon (my brother attempted to make that armour for a cosplay).
Mar 3, 2013 at 7:06 AM Post #61,886 of 177,750
Silly man. In this case OP = overpowered. Play more games.

I see. I knew something was weird why you didn't want OP(opening) BS LOL.
Just use imba then. Makes more sense
Big O
Asura Cryin'
Not sure, I have not watch any of them and not sure if you'd categorize them as OP BS. Just reminding though
Mar 3, 2013 at 9:14 AM Post #61,889 of 177,750
I must be insane to quote more than 10 posts on mobile.

Who knows how many ASICs will be out there in the wild.

Even if it pays itself off in six months, that's still pretty good!, and at the very least, the ASIC will definitely be profitable to run for a long time in terms of power costs.

I might just pre-order one when it opens.

On Ultra.

Definitely. I want one really bad. Just go back to the days of ridiculously low difficulty for blocks and MINE ALL THE BITCOINS! Oh time travel, where are you?

7eps into evangelion....
It's moving along pretty slowly, nothing much happening or explained.
MC is pretty unlikable so far.
Wonders why so many people like it. :confused:
I hope it's like steins;gate where I'll suddenly go "OMG THIS IS THE BEST SHOW EVERRRRR" half way through.

I lime to think shows like that as a hidden gem. I love those type of shows.

koalas actually sleep between 18 to 22 hours a day. I wonder how life like that feels

Relaxing but wasteful, and if they constantly go with one set number of hours to sleep their entire life, they might only see day, night, afternoon, or noon.

First pic in the album has "Yuri" in it--got me all excited until I learned that's the name of the character, not a label of the show's genre :p


Dang those are a lot of stuff! Is it really safe to put the TV on top of the fireplace? Won't it catch the heat produced?

I've seen people do that (wall mounted or on a little ledge that sticks out). Televisions run pretty cool these days anyways. Even if you put an old CRT on top of a fireplace, the heat shouldn't damage it.

Hmm, actually, that might be possible if you de-lidded your water bottle, just like how people are de-lidding Ivy Bridge.

My apologies, your overclocking skills must have transcended mankind, you must be some kind of animal.

Delidding is only popular among extremists who aren't afraid to void their warranty IIRC.

But you must realize that water bottles have horrible FPS and overheats like crazy.

Haha. Actually, you can light a fire with a waterbottle with some water.

Yep, new record for this thread. If we ever reach 50 users online at the same time on here, it'll be cause for celebration.

Agreed. We seem to get a few new members every month now.

Anyone planning on upgrading their compy to Haswell this June? Or sticking to trusty ol' Ivy Bridge.

I might but for a laptop because of the low TDP for performance that's the same or better.

That would be an utter nightmare to navigate through.

Pandas partake in Bamboo not Ivy my good sir.

Sticking with trust Coppermine

Depending on how active we are. But then we'll have 49 people replying to one person'a question. Lol. That would be 5 pages per question, assuming everybody answers and we all have it set to 10 posts per page.

Depends on results

but if haswell succeds, then that.

Haswell is going to succeed. It's going to offer the performance of Ivy Bridge or better at a much lower TDP. That gives people some ridiculous overclocking headroom. They'd better solder the IHS to the die this time though.

Only if Haswell-E is any good. I don't care about anything with less than 6-cores.

Sounds like AMD is right up your alley. MOAR COREZ!!!

Also, by if Haswell-E is good, I mean it needs to be cool and overclock well. Ideally 5GHz+ and beat Sandy Bridge-E by around 30%.

It should overclock well due to the low TDP. My question is if you even need that performance for the CPU.

I bet Haswell mobo and proc would cost quite high. So no for me. I'll probably upgrade to whatever proc after Haswell

Only at first but it's always like that, or at least usually.

The GPU can suck it. I don't care about the GPU. All I need is massive CPU performance and a GTX Titan.

Why Titan? What are you going to use Titan for? Folding@Home or BOIN. Sounds reasonable as long as nobody makes ASICs for those two purposes but I don't see much else of a use for Titan that can utilize all of its power.

Mechanical keyboard via PS/2.


Don't worry, I'm quite harmless. After all, I have the distinction of having earned the 

Deadly approved of him? When was this? I MISS TOO MUCH AROUND HERE!!!

Wait mice, you are going to some anime con!??

Mini panda is a panda and there are two of them officially, but I am the ONE panda.


Cheap Chinese macro lens FTW!:

Oh gawd.

Today....is the day.

I'm almost to top 3


You have nearly 8 times the number of posts as I do and you joined Head-Fi two months after me. :xf_eek:

Bowei is too active for a panda.



I'm expecting this to be a 13/10 anime, and that's probably bad if this turns out to be mediocre. I've done overexpectation before with JoJo, and that turned out to be waaaaaaaaaaay more than what I expected and more. So hopefully my HYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPE is justified. Also seeing shingeki no kyoujin cleaned up and in motion is just pure awesomeness, just like JoJo is. (hopefully)

I'll watch it when I get on a computer.

I facepalm'd when I saw Telarc studio using Monster cables........
yeah.... the creator of beats by dre, sure it's not gonna affect SQ but still.....


IDK why, but I love the look of Astro Gaming's headset. If only I game more, I'd buy one.


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