「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Sep 15, 2012 at 2:32 PM Post #30,588 of 177,750

yfw you're on the phone with seagate

Sep 15, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #30,590 of 177,750
So no reactions about my discovery of Tokyo Jihen's new album?


Sep 15, 2012 at 2:58 PM Post #30,591 of 177,750
Just posting to let you guys know I'm still alive and have followed the amazing meetup of panda and haibunyan!

Haha. I had a good time.
At least, you look your age. I'm now not shaving, so I can possibly be mistaken for a year or 2 years older. If I do shave, I look younger than my age.
Oh, if you guys wanna see how my face looks like, look for the actor for Chuta from Crows Zero. He's basically my doppelganger LOL

I shave because of swimming. We usually try everything to get our speed down, even if it's a hundredth of a second. We actually had two swimmers who's times were just off by 1 millisecond. It made the difference between a win and loss.
Or you know, it could be because of better acoustics at panda's place?

No you're just Asian. Meaning you look like your age could be anywhere between 12-16.

Hm...I see.
lol B-dawk are you shipping panda and haibunyan?

BS, sure there is that but it is unnoticeable. 

Driven through Asus Xonar One, it was really obvious

Something wrong with that unbalanced output...
Probably so. I'm just saying that I did hear imbalance. Perfectly clear imbalance. The right cup wasn't enough. Maybe it's something wrong with the Asus Xonar One. Sure, I tried my T50RP and HD650 with the same setup and sounded good. The other also tried and they also said the same. Imbalance. Sure, something wrong with the setup
And this is not even an opinion. I was just stating something from my experience and proven by others. Something not to get pissed about

I think it was the setup. Not all amps use balanced outputs so...
So no reactions about my discovery of Tokyo Jihen's new album?

Sep 15, 2012 at 2:58 PM Post #30,592 of 177,750
This is what happens when you ignore posts regarding my purchase. *sigh*
Nah...not that. I blame it on this stupid program to transfer my files through NAS. After installing it, it just messed up my Japanese fonts.
Soo regret buying it. Transferring files from my lappy is slow (tough, that may lie the modem itself). About 7MB/s. The reason I bought it was because I thought I could stream my videos to my PS3. BUT PS3 doesn't play MKV natively. 
Should have bought a 3TB external instead...
Downloaded it, but haven't listen to it. I'm sure I'll like it anyway though
Sep 15, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #30,593 of 177,750
I shave because of swimming. We usually try everything to get our speed down, even if it's a hundredth of a second. We actually had two swimmers who's times were just off by 1 millisecond. It made the difference between a win and loss.
Something wrong with that unbalanced output...
I think it was the setup. Not all amps use balanced outputs so...


No use arguing. I concluded that the headphones itself was borked and not the amp. I tried the amp with my T50RP and also HD650 and they sounded fine. And good too
Sep 15, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #30,595 of 177,750
YAY, all my anime will reamain on my PC
What do you guys think of a Hifiman 601+Fiio E11+ Dt 880 Pro (250) combo? O'm hoping it'll sound nice! I hear the Dt 880 are very netrual and the hifiman 601 is a little colored and natrual so I think it should be a good paring, and the E11 is more for my XB 700's, I'm hoping it'll have some use with the Dt 880's as well [then again the Fiio E6 makes jazz sound nice when I've got it set to "high gain"]
I've finally got my Baka bt seed to 1.078 xD YAY
Sep 15, 2012 at 3:15 PM Post #30,596 of 177,750
See how many you can name:

Bottom left moving up. 
Haruhi Suzumiya anime
Idolm@ster Xenosaga anime,
K-on anime
Gundam 00 anime to the right a tiny bit.
Up more is Mai Otome/hime
Don't know the ones at the top of the left corner
Now goinng to the bottom again near suzumiya
I know the show but forgot the name, the two girls have phsycic powers.
Up above them is GunSlinger Girls
Up above is zero no tsukaima
Negima I believe
Then that fighting show whos name I forgot, iki something I think
Then Magical lyrical girl nanoha
Going to the bottom again, those two girls near the other two look so familiar, don't know though
Then we have Code Geass 
Then we have the popular buttler anime girl
Then..don't know the rest above her. Old animes it seems like.
Going to the bottom again, oh great, we have that one.
Don't remember the name but it's a tragedy romance anime, pretty popular, I didn't like it.
Then we have Code geass again in the same sector and then above is Air? or Kanon?
Then we have a character from inuyasha, then above we have Bleach and up top we ... I don't know
Going to the bottom right most we have
Full  metal panic and clannad and ichigo100% I believe
Then chobits and Suzuka
Then Fate Zero or Stay Night and another few from Mai hime.
Then we have more inuyasha and fate Zero or stay night, then we have 
And finaley done.
I must have no life to know 80% of this list....seriously

You missed quite a few,
Now try naming the show name AND individual characters 

Lets see.....
Bottom Row:
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu     -Skip-   -Skip-   -Skip-   Full Metal Panic   CLANNAD -Skip-
Nagato Yuki Suzumiya Haruhi Asahina Mikuru -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- Tessa Testarossa Kaname Chidori Fujubayashi Kyou -Skip-
2nd Row:
-Skip-   -Skip- Chrono Crusade -Skip- -Skip-     Code Geass   CLANNAD   Chobits -Skip-
-Skip- -Skip- -Skip- Rosette -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- C.C. Karen Stadfield Furukawa Nagisa Sakagami Tomoyo Chii -Skip-
3rd Row:
Lucky Star
-Skip- -Skip-   Mahou Sensei Negima! Zero no Tsukaima
Hayate no Gotoku
Shakugan no Shana
Hiiragi Kagami
-Skip- -Skip- -Skip- Kagurazaka Asuna
Katsura Hinagiku
Hayate no Gotoku
  Full metal Alchemist
Fate / Stay Night
Sansenin Nagi
Maria Hawkeye Riza
Minase Nayuki
Saber -Skip-
4th Row
Lucky Star     -Skip- Ikkitousen   -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- Inuyasha   Fate / Stay Night Tsukihime
Hiiragi Tsukasa Takara Miyuki Izumi Konata -Skip- Ryomou Shimei Sonsaku Hakufu -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- -Skip- Sango Higurashi Kagome Tousaka Rin Arcueid
5th Row:
Mai-Otome     Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha   -Skip-            
Yumemiya Arika Wang Nina Natsuki Kruger Fate Testarossa Takamachi Nanoha -Skip-            
Bleach     Evagelion -Skip- Kara no Kyoukai
Matsumoto Rangiku Inoue Orihime Kuchiki Rukia Ayanami Rei -Skip- Ryougi Shiki
Top Row:
-Skip All-
Wow... I know less than 50%...
Sep 15, 2012 at 3:38 PM Post #30,600 of 177,750
I know more than Borisu lol
Wait what? What did I ignore? I must have missed it
I didn't like their songs..so not really

I doubt that you simply "missed" when I mentioned 3 times already. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. Here's a recap :
1. I asked which external HDD should I get that has dock ability etc. (I don't remember much anymore)
2. Reminded you
3. Pointed it out by saying I bought one anyway
So yeah, pretty much like that. Don't worry. Nothing of your concern. At least my Japanese font is back to normal. Now the problem is copying speed
Say what? It's unique if I must say
YAY, all my anime will reamain on my PC
What do you guys think of a Hifiman 601+Fiio E11+ Dt 880 Pro (250) combo? O'm hoping it'll sound nice! I hear the Dt 880 are very netrual and the hifiman 601 is a little colored and natrual so I think it should be a good paring, and the E11 is more for my XB 700's, I'm hoping it'll have some use with the Dt 880's as well [then again the Fiio E6 makes jazz sound nice when I've got it set to "high gain"]
I've finally got my Baka bt seed to 1.078 xD YAY

WOW! You have the HM601! How is it?
And a DT880 too!!! Awesum!!!
But why you need a E11? the 601 has already a built-in amp. If you got the 801 instead(discontinued sadly), you could have had a portable DAC with you
I did shows HA!
How sad this image is, but true

That's not sad...That's tragic

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