「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 6, 2012 at 1:08 PM Post #17,356 of 177,752
Originally Posted by graphidz 
Originally Posted by Joe Bloggs 

The head-fi pantsu to end all head-fi pantsus!

If you don't know why I'm putting one on my head, check the last line of my sig 


EVEN BETTER! Did you redraw yourself or photochopped?

Originally Posted by Joe Bloggs 
I may have PAID somebody to draw this for me, yup I really am pants-on-head dumb

See, I've been recruiting Chinese artists to draw for Eden of Xeno (EOX).  I do this as a favor for their CEO, since I got to know her from working on the Hanabira translation and she is going to pay me (a bit) for some manga I'm editing in Chinese for her.  So I got to know this artist, who seems to make a living drawing stuff for people to pass off as their own online (and have people go gaga over their l33t drawing skillz) and I brokered a drawing deal between him and EOX.  After I did v.1 of my pantsu Mai (which was just the picture of the head-fi wedgy photochopped onto her head) I got the idea to ask him to draw it for me.  He said he'd do it for free as a favor, but with the amount of modification this went through I ended up asking the CEO to mail the artist an extra $100RMB for this.  I told her I'd pay her back.  I think she won't ask me to actually pay her, since she owes me favours for doing this recruitment stuff on my own time, but I'm not counting on it


I... sell shoes?

After the EQ argument in the MMM vs LCD-3 thread, I traded pm's with kiteki.  I told kiteki to try my EQ method (like he already said he would).  kiteki told me to try some real phones.  So I did.
Per your suggestion, I went to Mongkok and demoed the best IEMs I could get my hands on.
I said before in ljokerl's IEM thread that tuning an IEM in detail with a parametric EQ is like no-holds-barred total racing spec modification for a car, even something like a Toyota Supra, in racing trim, can beat a stock supercar.  That turned out to be the whole truth from what I heard today.
SHE3580 A-spec (standing for the A-shaped EQ curve, and also for full-on racing tuning) went up against
Westone UM3X
Sony XBA-3
Senn IE80
And none of them except the XBA-3 got even close without the help of the 10-band EQ on Poweramp.
I played pre-EQed tracks on the SHE3580 and the unaltered tracks I just re-loaded on my phone on the challengers.
Main tracks tested were
Hotel California (from Hell Freezes Over album)
Re-Sublimity (OP to Kannazuki No Miko)
The UM3X and IE80 sounded similar: bloated bass, muffled highs.  I would even put the stock SHE3580 above them.  (but below the FXD80 and XBA-3)
FXD80 sounded ok, except they had amazingly boosted high highs.  Not at sibilance frequency but still, they sound good for about a minute and then it's time to either dial in EQ or take the phones off or claw your ears off.
The XBA-3 was the best of the bunch for me.  It gets the balance about right, and with a boost to 1kHz and 2kHz on the equalizer the timbre is also about right.  Without that boost vocals sound off.  Still can't compare to the SHE3580 A-spec in smoothness in the highs.
I tried to pay attention to the imaging like you said, but couldn't find anything special in them.  I demoed the IE80 because DustDevil told me those are supposed to have a reputation for great imaging, well I didn't hear anything like that.  If anything thanks to the instruments sounding more realistic to me on the SHE3580 A-spec, they at least gain a more realistic presence in my headstage.  None of the phones gave me convincing out-of-head imaging.  The XBA-3 imaging was a bit different from the rest in that the opening guitar plucks off to one side in Hell Freezes Over sounded like they came from *right next to my ear* with the XBA-3, unlike with any of the other phones.  I don't consider that a merit though, and for the rest of the piece it doesn't image particularly differently, except it images a bit better than the other challengers because it has the most realistic timbre among them.

Now all I need to complete my pants-on-head clown image among head-fiers is to polish that up into a full blown shootout writeup between the four phones and post it in a new thread outside. ("outside", coz this here is the loonie asylum or something
) I've already decided on the title:
"Philips on Mount Akina: SHE3580 A-spec vs UM3X vs XBA-3 vs IE80 vs FXD80"
...because I felt like Takumi driving the wheels off his beater AE86 to beat every single supercar that dared challenge him on Mount Akina...

HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/hibycom https://store.hiby.com/ service@hiby.com
Jul 6, 2012 at 1:18 PM Post #17,357 of 177,752
Yeah I felt the same way about ichigo 100%
REad immortal regis! Very good read!
Yeah it's very hard to get noticed.....it took 6 years but my cousin finally gets stuff
Jacking mahhh quote!! hehe! We all special..
Awsome list!...maybe I';ll make one hehe
My room isn't personal but I have another room for all my stuff!
That was the PC I was gonna post but forgot!
yes jpop does!

Demonoid ratio doesn't matter anymore!
I guess we are special. We move fast and talk about a lot of stuff and have a dedicated userbase?
I'm interested in EQ :) I;ll give your read a try I love this! Having head fiers like this that go out and know different stuff so we can help each other!!!!! :)
Your blue strips update...IS AWESOME! Avatar!
Wow you paid for it!!! lol
$100 RMB for the pantsu........wow.
I stopped watching it at ep 6...but I guess.. I have to watch it now......
OH AND I HATE YOU! I THOUGHT A BUG GOT ITSELF INTO MY LCD PANEL!?? Between the lighting and everythig!!
Fine...madocka this week.
Yeah, when my osananajimi are over, it annoys them as well. Being online
Congrats on your test@!Did you reply to miu audio?
What's with all the propaganda posters in your room? Nice room btw!
Guys...pantsu on head is stupid..pantsu covering the nasal area and mouth is where it's at.

IT'S OVER 9000

Commence upvotes in the bottom right corner and congratulatory posts!!! woooT
cHORES NOw guys. Be back in 50 minutes.
You may miss me, so I shall leave my cousins in place of me

Say hello to my cousins.....be nice to them!
We almost took over yesterday

weird new devie:
Jul 6, 2012 at 1:27 PM Post #17,358 of 177,752
That was the PC I was gonna post but forgot!
yes jpop does!

Demonoid ratio doesn't matter anymore!

IT'S OVER 9000

Commence upvotes in the bottom right corner and congratulatory posts!!! woooT
cHORES NOw guys. Be back in 50 minutes.
You may miss me, so I shall leave my cousins in place of me

Say hello to my cousins.....be nice to them!
We almost took over yesterday

weird new devie:

Don't you have anything else to do than to make me jelly for your JPop acc? LOL!
It looks temting, but at the price of $250? No thanks. Plus, I never heard of that brand before
I... sell shoes?

After the EQ argument in the MMM vs LCD-3 thread, I traded pm's with kiteki.  I told kiteki to try my EQ method (like he already said he would).  kiteki told me to try some real phones.  So I did.
Now all I need to complete my pants-on-head clown image among head-fiers is to polish that up into a full blown shootout writeup between the four phones and post it in a new thread outside. ("outside", coz this here is the loonie asylum or something
) I've already decided on the title:
"Philips on Mount Akina: SHE3580 A-spec vs UM3X vs XBA-3 vs IE80 vs FXD80"
...because I felt like Takumi driving the wheels off his beater AE86 to beat every single supercar that dared challenge him on Mount Akina...

I fin it hard that Philips can win...do make a review
Jul 6, 2012 at 1:46 PM Post #17,359 of 177,752
Guys...pantsu on head is stupid..pantsu covering the nasal area and mouth is where it's at.

IT'S OVER 9000

Commence upvotes in the bottom right corner and congratulatory posts!!! woooT
cHORES NOw guys. Be back in 50 minutes.
You may miss me, so I shall leave my cousins in place of me

Say hello to my cousins.....be nice to them!
We almost took over yesterday

weird new devie:


(click on image to be redirected to cool video)
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/hibycom https://store.hiby.com/ service@hiby.com
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:06 PM Post #17,362 of 177,752
OVER 9000!!!!! Congratulations Bowei!!!!!
God my hand hurts colouring my drawing.
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:07 PM Post #17,363 of 177,752
Oh I voted up!

Originally Posted by bowei006 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We almost took over yesterday


Haha when was the last time I was in top 10... and with my best pantsu avatar too!

HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/hibycom https://store.hiby.com/ service@hiby.com
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #17,364 of 177,752
Oh I voted up!

Haha when was the last time I was in top 10... and with my best pantsu avatar too!

Thank you very much for the non existent karma!!
You mustve been gone for a while
and yup!! pantsu
It seems we are actually well known on head fi....shows how much some actually check the daily statistics!
OVER 9000!!!!! Congratulations Bowei!!!!!
God my hand hurts colouring my drawing.

Thank you Vortexu!!! :)
IT's an achievement...but 10K...is seriously going to be the seperatoin point... many are 4 digit members...FEW....are 5 digit members.
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:13 PM Post #17,365 of 177,752
Well in a week or so, you'll certainly achieve 10'000 posts.
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:19 PM Post #17,367 of 177,752
Urgh nothing more bothersome and annoying than reading someone trying to be pure and innocent in a hobby where nowadays it's all about boobs, and ass, and pushing the boundaries of passable, mainstream ecchiness. Hybrid, something that I dislike about you is the part that act all innocent and "ewwww sex, gross". It's something inevitable that's gonna happen one way or another in the futrue, unless youre actively avoiding it. Well, that's not so hard nowadays anyway to do that, so I guess that's covered for you in the future.
What I find baffling though is that despite you having this trait in a hobby where it's quite hard to miss at least one panty shot, or cleavage shot, or onsen/pool/beach/all three episodes in the whole series, unless you stick to kids shows. Heck, the most kiddie anime I've watch, Doraemon has naked Sizuka in it. Just drop it or just refrain talking about it. It's annoyinig and making me look at you like some sort of holier-than-thou person who shuns all things sexual.
P.S. this is a nice exercise to type on my Blackwidow.
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:21 PM Post #17,368 of 177,752
Urgh nothing more bothersome and annoying than reading someone trying to be pure and innocent in a hobby where nowadays it's all about boobs, and ass, and pushing the boundaries of passable, mainstream ecchiness. Hybrid, something that I dislike about you is the part that act all innocent and "ewwww sex, gross". It's something inevitable that's gonna happen one way or another in the futrue, unless youre actively avoiding it. Well, that's not so hard nowadays anyway to do that, so I guess that's covered for you in the future.
What I find baffling though is that despite you having this trait in a hobby where it's quite hard to miss at least one panty shot, or cleavage shot, or onsen/pool/beach/all three episodes in the whole series, unless you stick to kids shows. Heck, the most kiddie anime I've watch, Doraemon has naked Sizuka in it. Just drop it or just refrain talking about it. It's annoyinig and making me look at you like some sort of holier-than-thou person who shuns all things sexual.
P.S. this is a nice exercise to type on my Blackwidow.

He's still in the early stages!!! He'll..move into it soon and when he does...our thread will be waiting...my suggestion list is being primed as we speak!
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:22 PM Post #17,369 of 177,752
Urgh nothing more bothersome and annoying than reading someone trying to be pure and innocent in a hobby where nowadays it's all about boobs, and ass, and pushing the boundaries of passable, mainstream ecchiness. Hybrid, something that I dislike about you is the part that act all innocent and "ewwww sex, gross". It's something inevitable that's gonna happen one way or another in the futrue, unless youre actively avoiding it. Well, that's not so hard nowadays anyway to do that, so I guess that's covered for you in the future.

What I find baffling though is that despite you having this trait in a hobby where it's quite hard to miss at least one panty shot, or cleavage shot, or onsen/pool/beach/all three episodes in the whole series, unless you stick to kids shows. Heck, the most kiddie anime I've watch, Doraemon has naked Sizuka in it. Just drop it or just refrain talking about it. It's annoyinig and making me look at you like some sort of holier-than-thou person who shuns all things sexual.


P.S. this is a nice exercise to type on my Blackwidow.

That came out of nowhere.

But I do agree. However, I think it will just come with age. In a couple years Haiburi might think different. Doesn't mean he'll be a pervert (I think most of us aren't), showing interesting in erotic scenes is normal and healthy.
Jul 6, 2012 at 2:25 PM Post #17,370 of 177,752
That came out of nowhere.
But I do agree. However, I think it will just come with age. In a couple years Haiburi might think different. Doesn't mean he'll be a pervert (I think most of us aren't), showing interesting in erotic scenes is normal and healthy.

It is normal! like the quote that none of us are special. If we all like echii stuff...then it's normal and it is. His tastes may spill out into other regions that he may not want to talk about (I don't) but that's fine. We will just help him along the way with casual vanilla stuff.......ok as in this, I mean... just blurt out a manga name with a full disclaimer that it has uhn tiss uhn tiss in it...and he will clikc on it.

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