「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 25, 2016 at 1:34 PM Post #171,017 of 177,750
  Winter Anime season 2017 is about to start soon!
What shows are you guys looking forward to? The chart is here
I'm hyped about 
  1. Chaos;Chield (Chaos;Head was crap but I'll give this a watch)
  2. Fuuka (have been reading the manga)
  3. KonoSuba S2 (yesssssssssssssssssssssssss)
  4. Little Witch Academia (hella yeah)
  5. Masamune Revenge (sounds interesting)
  6. Seiren (I was a massive fan of Amagami SS and Hatsukoi Limited and of course Ichigo 100%)
  7. Shouwa Rakugou S2 (even more awesome)
  8. Youjo Senki (the image is weird but it seems very interesting. Especially as a top commander. Maybe some lelouch)
  9. Hand Shakers (seems good with high production)
  10. Kuzu no Honkai (I've been reading manga...and you guys are gonna flip if you hate NTR)

Also looking forward to KonoSuba S2, Masamune Revenge and Little Witch Academia
Will check the following also
- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon 
- Gabriel Dropout
Gabriel Dropout is being produced by Doga Kobo which I expect a nice comedy like "Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun" 
Urara Meirochou seems like another Yuri? Maybe will take a look.

Btw, Merry Christmas 

Dec 25, 2016 at 1:46 PM Post #171,018 of 177,750
What do you think about evil-mode or Spacemacs? You tried them?

I've tried evilmode and it's pretty good, now that you mentioned it.... I just remembered that the thing holding me back from jumping over was the color scheme and some minor UI issue. I couldn't find a color scheme that looks remotely as good as the default vim dark theme to my eyes and getting line numbers to work properly was quite an ordeal.
Dec 25, 2016 at 3:11 PM Post #171,021 of 177,750
mouse is a different story since it's far away from the keyboard but the trackpad is actually in finger's reach.

but who am I to say anything on this matter.... I type at 3x WPM, no where near reaching the limits of finger/hand speed.

I really want to use emacs because I program primarily in LISP now but my vim muscle memory is holding me back and I really can't find a good enough reason to learn a new thing that's only slightly better than what I'm using now....

As for Tex, I'm still just using plain old vim with a hook that re-compiles the PDF on save. I don't write a whole lot of Tex nowadays.

I spend a couple hours per day with a TeX document open, I write about 2-3 pages per day on average. Guess that's science for you.
Dec 25, 2016 at 3:11 PM Post #171,022 of 177,750
I couldn't find a color scheme that looks remotely as good as the default vim dark theme to my eyes

What color scheme do you have in mind? I assume you use the CLI version, not gVim?
getting line numbers to work properly was quite an ordeal.

(global-linum-mode t) in your .emacs?
Googled it and
It could slow down emacs when viewing file with more than tens of thousands of lines. See https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d/issues/178 for bug report and solution.

Dec 25, 2016 at 3:28 PM Post #171,023 of 177,750
  What color scheme do you have in mind? I assume you use the CLI version, not gVim?

yep, I use the default CLI dark color scheme in vim, it's apparently called ron.

It uses only the 16 colors defined by the terminal.
modern color schemes are just way too fancy and doesn't provide the contrast I need.
Dec 25, 2016 at 5:58 PM Post #171,024 of 177,750

Edna best gurl :>

I think I have Yahari S1 box lying somewhere as well poi...

Yeah, EDNA with her little spirit creature is pretty cute. Animation is on point as usual from Ufotable
Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry christmas!
I'm gonna watch all of none of them.
Mapped a button on my mouse to F5, even better than what any of you plebs are doing.
In the Netherlands presents get distributed the 5th of December on Saint Nicholas eve. Gift giving for Christmas is rare. All people do is go meet their families and have dinner with them.

I didn't even think of getting home before Christmas when I ordered my plane ticket to go back to the Netherlands, shows how little I care. Almost everyone I know here is gone either on vacation or gone to their family. Except for me and this Japanese guy. Gonna eat monstrous amounts of fried chicken tonight -- HYPE.
I see lots of Citroën cars, maybe nowadays less than like 10 years ago, but still plenty. Then again, I'm in a French speaking region now, and before I was in a country very close to France. Guess they're more popular in Western Europe than 'murica.

All of none :frowning2: awww
Yep. I'm a bonafide pleb
  1. ACCA
  2. Granblue (probably **** but I like the game)
  3. Little Witch Academia
  4. Seiren (DEFINATELY)
  5. Youjo Senki
  6. Demi-chan
Kaoru aka Sexhair.

Why not try out Kuzu no Honkai? I want to see your reaction when schiit hits the fan
None, 'cause I have no time, and even if I do, I need to catch up on things I haven't watched during the past 20 years.

Any recommendations?

Seiren! :D
Little Witch
Konosuba (if you saw S1)
  what are you talking about? there can only be one #bestgurl :wink:
all hail ri-kun-senpai OTL OTL OTL
now how do I import this into AniList?
wow Kuzu no Honkai is getting an anime? :xf_eek:

Nice! Ddint know you could do that with AniChart!
And yeah, lots of UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE will start flipping tables once they realize what happens.
I read through about half of what is currently out...and it sends shivers down my spine.Since I like vanilla romance
Any other recommendations?

: D

I would avoid anything by Cyanogen at this moment. Schiit hit the wall today.
Cyanogen Inc (CI) and Cyanogen Mod (CM) are two seperate (but share a common core) things. And Cyanogen Inc officially dropped dead today. Cyanogen Mod was supposed to be fine. But due to Cy Inc being a**butts, they pulled all the support and now CM downloads and all their stuff is gone.
Think of it like roomates to a common house. It was initially just CM and things went very well so CM moved to bigger house. And got roomate CI as a split off to help manage/pay. But now CI went under due to bad decisions and was pulling out of the house. CM was supposed to be fine but alas, they share common services (server, hosting etc) and CI was a ***** and did stuff it shouldn't have to the common spaces and now left CM ....well with nothing and everything is in dissaray
This all happened this monring btw. It was initially believed CM would be fine even if CI went under....but it seems this is no longer the case.
  Goddammit man my little brother wants PS4 and since used ones are cheaper here, maybe I should buy him but use it to play Nier Automata first.
It's too freaking cool and those thighs yo

That Absolute Territory though.
  1. Gintama (classic)
  2. KonoSuba S2 (love this!)
  3. Kuzu no Honkai (was planning on reading the manga but never got to it)
  4. Little Witch Academia (animated short was great)
  5. eLDIVE (I liked reborn so gonna give this a shot)
  6. Masamune-kun no Revenge (seems interesting)

Add Seiren to that list too!! :D
Go into Kuzu no Honkai if you got thick skin. It's 'good' but has some NTR
  1:1 sized....will run you a cool 13 grand. XD

Yeah, I saw this posted on Crunchyroll. So nice but can't afford
I know this guy who -- after using vim long enough -- practically stopped using his mouse when coding or browsing the web.

Which also reminds me, I need to delve back into emacs. Was using it for a while, but it kinda sucks on Windows and stopped using it. Also TeXstudio on Windows is just far superior for writing TeX, unless you're maybe very experienced at emacs (or vim for that matter).

I know a few people in my college that have done that.
I am more into VIM cause that is what our professors taught. Nano is fine as well as it is default on most systems. I guess VIM > NANO > VI for usage.
Also looking forward to KonoSuba S2, Masamune Revenge and Little Witch Academia
Will check the following also
- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon 
- Gabriel Dropout
Gabriel Dropout is being produced by Doga Kobo which I expect a nice comedy like "Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun" 
Urara Meirochou seems like another Yuri? Maybe will take a look.
Btw, Merry Christmas 

Cute neko!
And nice! Maybe add Seiren to that list too? haha
  Just found nitro+ blasterz on my brother's PS4... he's probably got no idea what those cute girls are

That Saya no Uta lol
Dec 25, 2016 at 6:26 PM Post #171,026 of 177,750
Dec 25, 2016 at 6:45 PM Post #171,028 of 177,750
Goddammit man my little brother wants PS4 and since used ones are cheaper here, maybe I should buy him but use it to play Nier Automata first.
It's too freaking cool and those thighs yo

I just want to say...that is so Nier. I wonder if we ever get to see Nier again. I mean...the title of the game is literally the name of the previous game's protagonist.

As for graphics... it's about what I expect from anything involving Yoko Taro.

I don't know...the final cut scene feels so forced in terms of drama. I couldn't really empathize with the characters. As with all games of this style, I'm personally not a big fan of ramming through same exact enemies that get knocked back with every hit, controlled via simple ai, and the best strategy to beat them is to smash the attack buttons with the same fast rhythm. It's pretty much how all the games directed by Yoko Taro has been like, but still, wishing for some challenge, where charging without thought gets you killed. If not, combat tends to get dull. :/

Hopefully Taro's storytelling magic will work it's way through.
Dec 25, 2016 at 6:59 PM Post #171,030 of 177,750
What about SNAFU

The first season was okay because it was like 60% comedy and 40% lame drama.
Second season annoyed the hell out of me. Boring people with petty problems and no common sense.

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