looking for help with painting an Audio Technica ATH-WS55
Hi there people. I want to try painting/drawing on mine WS55 as a summer project. But the housing of the can is made of aluminum and, obviously I have never tried painting nor have any idea on how to paint on aluminum surface. Can anyone with experience give a guide on how to customize headphone...- quangbuk
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 0
- Forum: DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Discussions
Audio-Technica ATH-WS55BK vs Ultrasone PRO 900
Hello everybody. I want to buy a new pair of heaphones and in can´t decide between the Audio-Technica ATH-WS55BK and the Ultrasone PRO 900, I really can´t decide between these two. Even thought they are quite different the description say that the bass in both headphones is pretty good, I...- merito32123
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk ultrasone-pro-900
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Audio Technica ATH-WS55 vs Sony MDR V6
I listen to Drum and Bass, Dubstep and Rap, so should I get the Audio Technica ATH-WS55 or the Sony MDR V6?- Morbo10
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Quality headphones under $80
What I'm looking for: - costs less than $100 - Decently stylish, but not necessarily glamorous (used both in public and in privacy of home/room, so willing to sacrifice some sound quality to get decent style) - Great overall sound, with emphasis on bass (non-muddy) - Decent sound leakage...- flamel
- Thread
- koss-prodj100 creative-aurvana-live-headphones meelectronics-air-fi-af32-stereo-bluetooth-wireless-headphones-with-hidden-mic-for-iphone-ipod-touch-ipad-android-phones-white-grey audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
DTX 501p vs ATH WS55 anyone?
Hi there, I'm in the market for portable closed headphones, and have narrowed my shortlist to the above two. Does anyone know how these two compare?- kwohy233
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dtx-501-p audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Closed bass headphones
Hi, I'm looking for closed back bass headphones for around 100$ not more then 120$. I'm thinking of getting audio technica ws55 but I'm not sure if they are the best I can find for that price. I would like some suggestions. I forgot to add those are going to be my first real headphones.- MadPawel
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Newbie looking for solid advice.
I work in a moderately loud company. I have a small budget, but I have a NOONTEC Zorro headset and a FiiO E6 amp in my Amazon cart. I am looking for a total of nothing more than $120 total for both (Present,y just under $100). My question is, are these good together? And is it a good buy...- Outlaw21k
- Thread
- koss-prodj100 audio-technica-ath-a700x-art-monitor-headphones jvc-harx900-high-grade-full-size-headphone jvc-harx700-high-grade-full-size-headphone gemini-hsr1000-studio-reference-headphone audio-technica-ath-t400-closed-back-dynamic-monitor-headphones-with-53mm-driver audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk sennheiser-hd-280-headphones sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony MDR-XB500's Or Audio Technica ATH-WS55
I have Been looking into the sony's for quite some time but my problem is that they are hard to find online and not be backordered i could get them in a staples 100miles away from me but not sure if it is truly worth the time. The WS55's were a recomendation so im not entirely sure how great...- SSZ3RK4n4tor
- Thread
- sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sony MDR-XB500 or Audio Technica ATH-WS55 Solid Bass Over-Ear Headphones
I have Been looking into the sony's for quite some time but my problem is that they are hard to find online and not be backordered i could get them in a staples 100miles away from me but not sure if it is truly worth the time. The WS55's were a recomendation so im not entirely sure how great...- SSZ3RK4n4tor
- Thread
- sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Dilemma for a newbie....CAL vs ATH-WS55 vs UR50
Hi everyone, First post from a long time lurker....would really appreciate some advice. I mainly listen House/Electro, mixed in with some classical once in a while. Overall I'd say I prefer a bass heavy sound. My main headphones are Sony 7509HD and the AKG K450...- SoftlySoftly
- Thread
- koss-ur50-headphones-silver audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Which is better for bass? Sennheiser HD 439 or Audio Technica ATH-WS55
Which circumaural headphone has the best bass and also the best noise isolation and comfort?- JohnLD
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-439-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
MDR-V55 vs ATH-WS55
I am still trying to find a pair of headphones that I will be happy with. I started out with the Philips CitiScape Uptowns they sounded great but became uncomfortable around my ears after prolonged listening. I returned those for the Sony MDR-V55 and I really like the audio quality from them and...- agentsmith23
- Thread
- sony-mdr-v55-br-dj-style-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Case for ATH-WS55?
I'm thinking of buying the ATH-WS55, but it doesn't ship with any form of case. Does anyone know of any hard cases that would be okay for this headphone? Preferably $20 or under.- ddan49
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
ATH-WS55 Solid Bass Audio Technica are absolute junk
Who in the world thought... Was good. I've read countless reviews online for these and was determined that they were going to be an...- Electroflux
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 72
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
NEW Headphone advice? Denon HP500 upgrade
Hello all, i'm trying to find some ~100e headphones that would be considered as an upgrade to my denon hp500 (which i like). They should be portable and have a good bass like the hp500 but keeping them as much neutral as possible , if there even is something like this for ~100e. i was looking...- milisav
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Question about the term basshead headphones
What differentaites a basshead headphone from a really crappy bass heavy headphone? Like what am I supposed to be listeninig for?- tacobff
- Thread
- akg-high-performance-closed-back-dj-headphones-k181dj akg-k518dj akg-k81dj-akg-closed-back-folding-dj-headphone audio-technica-ath-pro700-mk2 audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk headphones logitech-ue-6000 m-audio-studiophile-q40-closed-back-dynamic-headphones sennheiser-hd-212-headphones sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones ultrasone-hfi-580 v-moda-crossfade-lp-over-ear-headphone v-moda-crossfade-m-100 v-moda-lp2
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Hear me out here
Alright now before you guys freak out, just take a second to cool your jets before you reply to my question. I have been looking for portable on ear headphones for a while to use when i'm out of the house and mostly at school. I have my m50s for at home but they are just too bulky and do not...- AudioSki
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-pro700-mk2 cowon-c2-16bs-16-gb-video-player-black-with-silver audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk sony-mdr-xb-1000
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Looking for headphones, portable use for iPod between £50-100!
Hi guys, New to the forum, as the title says I'm looking for a pair of headphones within the 50-100 price range with nice, crisp sound range, these are for portable use for my iPod as well so I'm assuming the best ohm is 32 for this use? I'll leave that up to you guys. Main thing...- Azraman
- Thread
- sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk sennheiser-hd-280-headphones
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
please help me in buying a good bass headphones in and around 150$=almost 8000rs ......
i'm a music lover but my budget is 150 $ and i need a good bass headphones please help me.....- headphonemania7
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones sennheiser-hd-518 sennheiser-hd-558 sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
List of Good, balanced highs and lows Audio Technica earphones or headphones!! HELP ME PLEASE!!
Hi there, I'm still new in this audiophile biznizz. My friend asked me which AT that has the above feature. Figured out maybe you guys sifus can help me to list a few good, or balanced-highs and lows AUDIO TECHNICA. Doesn't matter whether they are new or old models, headphones or earphones.. ...- el3xtrosky
- Thread
- sennheiser-px-200-ii-b-closed-on-ear-mini-headphones audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Buying new headphones
Right so, I'm planning on buy some new headphones as my current one are broken as they only produce sound to one ear. My current ones (that are in a sense, broken) are the Audio Technica WS55i, these in my opinion produced amazing sound quality in the lows, mids and highs. Anyway since these...- blue5
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk headphones koss-prodj100 panasonic-rp-htx7pp-w-retro-style-monitor-headphones-white philips-shl5905bk-28-citiscape-uptown sennheiser-hd-419-headphones sony-mdr-v55-br-dj-style-headphones
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Headphones for Dubstep/House?
Hey, im new here, just a heads-up lol. Anyway, im looking for a pair of headphones, not earbuds, that have great bass and look stylish too. I also ask that they be no more then $150. Right now, i have a pair of skullcandy hesh, and they suit my needs, but im looking to step it up a notch...- marky2299
- Thread
- akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-fuchsia audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-pro500mk2-bk-black-dj-monitor-headphones-japan-import audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk headphones noontec-zoro-high-fashion-steel-reinforced-sccb-sound-technology-headphones-white numark-red-wave-clean-powerful-and-comfortable-headphones pioneer-hdj-500k-dj-headphones-black reloop-rhp-10-limited-edition-professional-dj-headphones-white ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
On Ear Headphones with iPhone Remote - recommendations?
Hi, I'm relatively new to this forum and was hoping I could get advice. Basically, I'm looking to get a replacement set of headphones for my iPhone for commuting to and from work. I'm using some Audio Technica ATH CKS55i in-ears at the moment and although they are quite nice, overall I'd...- beaker1977
- Thread
- akg-k451-high-performance-foldable-mini-headset-black audio-technica-ath-cks55i-black-solid-bass-inner-ear-headphones-for-ipod-iphone-ipad-japan-import audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk bowers-wilkins-p3 etymotic-research-hf3 headphones noontec-zoro-high-fashion-steel-reinforced-sccb-sound-technology-headphones-white on-ear philips-accessories-shl5605bk-28-citiscape-downtown-headphones-black pioneer-se-mj751 pioneer-se-mj751i-steez-808-on-ear-dual-driver-stereo-headphones v-moda-crossfade-lp-over-ear-headphone v-moda-crossfade-m-80 v-moda-lp2
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Audio Technica WS-55 vs AKG K518LE? Which one's better?
I'm wondering which of the two has better overall sound quality which is really fun to listen to? Let me know your thoughts! :D Thanks! ...- kristov143
- Thread
- akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-blue akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-fuchsia akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-green akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-orange akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-red akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-white akg-k-518-le-limited-edition-folding-headphones-yellow akg-k518leblu-k-518-le-limited-edition-headphones-blue audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk headphones in-ear
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
best headphones for a school bus
hey im thinking of getting some cheap headphones for the school bus ride. Here is a list of what im looking for. Portable Comfy enough to wear for like 30 minutes cheap, under $70 about good for pop, r&b, little rock, alternative, and hip hop preferabley on ear so its smaller...- ilikedonkeys39
- Thread
- audio-technica-solid-bass-over-ear-headphones-ath-ws55bk beyerdynamic-dt-235-headphone-black creative-aurvana-live-headphones headphones jvc-victor-head-band-portable-headphones-ha-s500-b-black-japanese-import koss-pro-4aa-studio-quality-headphones noontec-zoro-high-fashion-steel-reinforced-sccb-sound-technology-headphones-white numark-red-wave-clean-powerful-and-comfortable-headphones panasonic-rp-htf600-s-step-monitor shure-srh-550-dj shure-srh750-dj-headphones-black sony-mdr-v55-br-dj-style-headphones sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones sony-mdr-zx600-blk-over-the-head-style-headphones subjekt-t-n-t-headphones-w-mic-british-flag
- Replies: 102
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)