Simgot LC7 IEM cable

General Information



  • Harmony of High Purity Copper and Silver
  • Quality Conductors, Delicate Transmission
  • 732 Cores for Detailed Presentation
  • Radiant Copper Alloy Shell
  • Broad Compatibility, Interchangeable Plugs
  • Transparent PVC Coating, Enduring Freshness

Latest reviews


New Head-Fier
The $69 Upgrade cable from Simgot
Pros: 1. he price of the cable is quite attainable at $69

2. The cable is really well built

3. It is modular

4. Although the cable is thick it behaves quite well when wearing it daily
Cons: 1. The outer sheathing of cable is not everyone's cup of tea

2. Its a bit heavy than usual cables so carrying it could be an issue
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Hey guys this is a first of a kind review for me. This is a first time I am reviewing a cable, and the cable is from none other than Simgot. Its the simgot LC7 we have got in the house for review.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from Simgot, but all the thought and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!

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1. The packaging of the cable is very simple. It comes in a small box where in there is the cable and extra 4.4mm modular jack.

2. The price of the cable is $69. Nice!

3. Its a 18AWG cable the components of the cable is High Purity oxygen free Copper and High Purity oxygen free Silver.

4. It has 732 cores. And is a dual core cable which is moulded with PVC

5. The housing material is copper alloy.

6. Its a standard 0.78mm 2 pin

7. Now the alking about the physicality cable. It is very supple and soft.

8. It has a decent amount of memory when rolling it, but it also doesn’t get kinks. Which is a very nice thing in my opinion.

9. They are not that microphonic atleast for me.

10. The weight of the cable is a bit heavy but they handle quite well in daily use.

11. The moulded earhooks are not aggressive like you see with most stock cables.

12. The chin cinch is very nice and is very effective when using it.

13. Now as for sound which is a big controversial take here. I paired it with other iems too, but this cable seems like it is made for ea1000.

14. As for the sound difference well, to be honest I didn’t hear any. Everything sounded the same.

15. This cable looks so good with the ea1000! It looks like it is made for the ea1000. While the stock cable is good but this cable takes it a notch above in terms of handling the iem.

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16. At $69 I do think it is a bit expensive for a cable. But the quality if the cable with it being modular and other cables of similar quality being a bit expensive than this.

17. I think so it makes a good point to get this specially if you have an ea1000 or an iem which looks similar to it.

18. The cable could be a bit heavy so a case to carry it is suggested

19. So that was my review, i hope you liked it. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Simgot for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Enhances stage size
Leaves signal uncolored and untampered with
Built crazy good
Solid chrome plated connectors throughout
Modular 3.5mm or 4.4mm balanced connectors included
732 cores of pure OFC
Visually matches EA1000 and EA500 flawlessly
A guaranteed improvement from your $50.00 to $200.00 IEM's included cable
Cons: None?
The SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 High Performance Modular Cable




Resident cable lunatic here…….and I always wasn’t this way. As of only the last few years I have come upon this malady of sorts… it a diversion, or a sickness, call it Head-Fi? It is the fact that I notice a very small difference from changing cables. This factor depends on the IEM in question, as well as the cable used…….if I hear a change or not and to what extent. Sure most of the time ear-tips make the most difference. And the rest of the world would view these tinkerers of audio-equipment crazy. And in a small way we are lunatics…….always looking for that small improvement, or change to realign the signal to our taste.

To summarize here:

1) Cables can add a style of enhanced sound quality

2) Cables can alter playback and change signals

3) Cables look nice, at times, nicer than the included cable

4) Cables at times have an increase in ergonomics than the included cable that came with your IEM


  • Harmony of High Purity Copper and Silver
  • Quality Conductors, Delicate Transmission
  • 732 Cores for Detailed Presentation
  • Radiant Copper Alloy Shell
  • Broad Compatibility, Interchangeable Plugs
  • Transparent PVC Coating, Enduring Freshness
Price $69.99


The thing is that all this these wire cores and effort put into plugs and such cost money. More money that typically comes with your $100.00 IEM purchase.

Some view the audio marketplace with contempt as these designers and builders are out for your disposable income. And in a way they are right, but there is a change when you alter the transmission line to your IEM. As such it is probably better that I start off with comparisons here.

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Now here is a new IEM, in fact it is my most favorite TIN yet. A revamp of the original T5. Basically TINHIFI got feedback as to why the original T5 was not the success they were hoping for in 2021, and came-out with a new T5S variation of tone. They increased the bass levels and smoothed out the 5kHz peak. In fact such an IEM sells for $129.99 and makes the perfect example of maybe why you might want to upgrade your cable. The included TINHIFI T5S cable is also the very nicest included cable I have ever come across from TINHIFI, and I have reviewed a few TINs?

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My personal TINHIFI history:
The TINHIFI T5 May 7th, 2021
The TINHIFI T1S April 26th, 2022
The TINHIFI Giant Panda Planar April 28th, 2022
The TINHIFI Tin Buds TWS June 24th, 2022 (no cable transmission line TWS)
The TINHIFI T2 DLC October 20th, 2022
The TINHIFI C2 January 10th, 2023
The TINHIFI T4 PLUS January 11th, 2023
The TINHIFI C3 January 20th, 2023
The TINHIFI C5 April 20th, 2023
The TINHIFI C0 ELF October 17th, 2023

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The T5S cable comes with 28 strands of 0.06mm enameled copper with 54 stands of 0.05mm silver-plated copper. In short, TINHIFI are not messing around any longer and dead-set on success here. The included cable is amazing, and not only in sound, but in ergonomics too. Totally quiet and moving to where-ever you want it to.

The sound is slightly more intense than the LC7. The way my testing works is I start off with the T5S in use with the LC7 in 4.4mm balanced mode, then switch to single ended, then finally switch to the 3.5mm included cable single ended. And yes, the included cable is of a slightly reduced soundstage, and ever so slightly more forward with elements. This normally would be a good thing, except there is an open positioning of the stage that simply makes the LC7 better, not a world of difference, but different none-the-less. So we are experiencing a subtle LC7 stage width with slightly bigger imaging of a more relaxed and yet detailed stature. Really that is it.

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Here it has very much the same effects. Yet the SIMGOT EA1000 is a sizable difference in cost…….$219.99. While a silver plated Litz structure was included with the EA1000, there is simply more material make-up to the LC7. Now my guess is the LC7 was actually made to go along with the EA1000. The sound improvement is accomplished simply by gaining access to the balanced 4.4mm port of your DAP. But also there is a noticeable commingling of aesthetics here? Let me ask you something…… not the LC7 and EA1000 look like they were made for one another? As the ergonomics are fine, really it moves in and out of position well, with very little microphonics. The construction and the plugs, chin-cinch and covering are first rate, really very nice. As far as being a value there may be better under $100 cables out there, I mean the competition right now is heavy, to say the least. Yet in comparison to the included EA1000 cable...........we actually do find improvements, strong improvements. I used the included EA1000 cable which is 3.5mm in contrast to the LC7 in 3.5mm and found the extra core count did do something? Imaging was better as well as separation and a slight upgrade in vividness. There was slightly heavier bass and an improvement in treble imaging and clarity...............not the very best for $69.99 cable, but really good. Where the upgrade happened was when I moved to here I am accessing a different balanced amp in the WM1A and this is when the party started.

I don't want to use the terminology night and day, but the stage was of considerable note-size difference, though keep in mind this is not maybe from the cable but from the source? Bigger imaging, noticeably better note weight....etc, etc. So all and all the looks and performance go well as an addition to the EA1000, as the LC7 was perfectly balanced and never colored the sound or skewed any one thing out of place, and if you were looking for a simple way to upgrade your EA1000 this may be a first place to look, as it's guaranteed to keep the EA1000 sound profile the same with just an added pizzazz! As trying to find how much difference a 3.5mm amplifier makes in contrast to a 4.4mm balanced, the simple plug change-out is an easy way to tell. And yes, both 3.5mm and 4.4mm balanced were a noticeable improvement from the EA1000 included cable. Simply more vibrant and holding a slightly bigger presence into where notes where found in the stage.


LC7 summary:
Here we are provided with a stout and robust cable, in contrast to the regular cable which is provided with our IEMs. As such the LC7 can be of a profound price increase depending on who you are. While yes, the LC7 provides a constant and noticeable difference, still this is also the area of diminished return for your audiophile dollar. Meaning The EA1000 is $219.99 and the LC7 is $69.99? Yet the value here is in fact the personality of the LC7. Yep, the LC7 doesn’t really alter the signal any except for slight smoothness and size of replay. This very specific trait means the LC7 can be found as an addition to all kinds of IEMs where you don’t want to make the signal too dark or too bright. Meaning you may have the new SIMGOT AUDIO EA500LM in the mail to you, and the LC7 would be the perfect complement to it. While of course the LC7 could be found to be less bright than some included cables, like with the included TINHIFI T5S included cable, really the differences were not that great. Where the forwardness of the T5S was maybe desirable, maybe not……depending on the style of listener you are. What is not arguable was the stage enhancement and the subtle polish that was obtained when you compared the T5S cable in 3.5mm to the SIMGOT LC7 in 3.5mm.

Bonus add-on comparison:
Even though I finished with the different IEMs in use with the LC7 and did my comparisons, I want to try one more?


Now the intense part here is I haven’t posted the GK10s review yet, But here I am doing cables rolls……..And while the Penon SPACE is probably the closest to the LC7 I have, trading cables with the GK10s is a regular way to find any differences. Now at times the SPACE shows itself to be quite the beast. Yep, one of the coolest cables to use with the Penon Serial, as the SPACE has 2X the wire included with the Penon OS133. Yep the OS133 is 2 shares, single share is 133 cores , a total of 266 cores. And the SPACE is 4 shares, single share is 133 cores, a total of 532 cores. Yet our LC7 is 732 cores? Still the SPACE is a faction clearer and holding a tad more detail yet they are super close to being the same. Though one of the main differences is at times the SPACE can be really microphonic, where the LC7 never is. I say that but today with the GK10s the SPACE is not microphonic at all, so it depends on the IEM used. Maybe there is a different style of silver or the construction makes these small changes? Part of all this testing can be psychological, meaning you always have a pre-expectation bias which colors your view into the reality of cable tests. I say all this but the OS133 is a very widely used cable in the PENON accessory architecture, being used for Tail Amplifiers and even cable Adapter Modules. Reason being is just like the SPACE it is relatively transparent and doesn’t color the sound in any which way! Here we are bestowed once more to clear and clean renditions of stage size as well as being very middle-of-the-road as far as changing the tone. Really both the SPACE and the LC7 where almost indistinguishable from one another here, plus too it’s only a $49.90 GEEK WOLD IEM, that while definitely great sounding, the GK10s isn’t the last word in resolution, therefor not the very best IEM to distinguish cables with. Yet of course we were better than the included GEEK WOLD cable.

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it should be noted that SIMGOT went way above and beyond to incase the cable box into a specially designed extra-box which seems like it was custom made?









Call me impressed. This is SIMGOT AUDIO’s very first cable, and I hope not the last. Going perfectly with many IEMs I have, I did a 5 day burn-in cycle by simply using the cable for IEMs I happened to be burning-in at the time. Built like a brick SCHIIT-HOUSE the LC7 is not messing around here. Call it macho or call it normal, the more cables I review and the more I come in contact with aftermarket cables the smaller they become.

As I go back to cables I purchased in 2017 and they actually look and feel small in comparison to what is arriving here at Redcarmoose Labs regularly. Does it matter? Does size matter, as far as cables go? I personally feel material make-up to be more of a determining factor. I say this as I have some copper/gold cables that are giant sounding and almost thin as a hair. Though as far as SPC goes, yes size matters. And conveniently the LC7 is just right, as far as ergonomics go. I mean I truly think SIMGOT AUDIO spent their time and researched thoroughly before introducing their one cable to market. Still besides the transparent uncolored sound, the build is out-of-this-world. I mean just look at the cable for Pet’s sake. Because the way nothing screws down (at least that I can see)? I mean I’m sure this is put together like most cables, except none of that shows. The plugs come-off and go on to the modular connection super fast and firm? You don’t even have to visualize the connection slot, just spin until it stops then slides in. Once in it is as firm as any cable I have ever come across? While it doesn’t come with a modular 3-in-1 2.5mm, I don’t own any 2.5mm plug equipment. As such the ear-hooks are smooth and not too aggressive, the micrphonics a dream……………………I mean what more do you want? The LC7 simply offers more material to broaden your stage, and looks cool in action. The LC7 never gets in the way by altering your sound. Though it is slightly smooth in relation to some included cables, so there is that, in that it holds that as an attribute which seems to go with the EA1000?

I know I keep bringing the EA1000 up, but that’s SIMGOT AUDIO’s flagship and this TOTL cable seems made for it, I mean why else would they introduce it? There is a non-fussy way about the cable combined with the chrome that just works, as it is a joy to use. If SIMGOT offers new IEMs down the line, I’m pretty sure this style of cable will go along for the ride? That is unless you want to drastically alter your tonal response, to either gain treble or (in-reverse) smooth-out the stage midrange or treble peaks drastically……well then…….you would probably need to look somewhere else?

Price $69.99 USD

I would like to thank Fia Lam from SIMGOT AUDIO for the opportunity to review SIMGOT AUDIO HIGH PERFORMANCE LC7 Cable.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
Shanling UA3 Dongle 4.4mm and 3.5mm

These are the experiences and thoughts of a single individual, your results may vary.
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When I wrote this review I had less experience with the three cables of SPACE, White Whale and LC7. Meaning you're always interfacing new IEM experiences. As such a treble detailed IEM can reveal more clues as to the 3 cable personalities and differences. Where a mid focused IEM may reveal the 3 to be perfect equals, believe it or not.

As such I would probably now put the White Whale at having a smoother (lower midrange) take on (less detailed treble) sound transfer, the LC7 is much closer to the SPACE, but the SPACE is still at times more revealing. You can order the SPACE with ear-hooks now. But yes, the LC7 ergonomics are world-class in my book. Just how everything............the 2 modular plugs, and how they fit, the ear-hooks........the LC7 rocks. And with all the wire (added) the LC7 adds stage and transparency from a lot of (free) included cables. I use the LC7 every day, being the workhorse that it is. Cheers!
Thanks for that! "Where a mid focused IEM may reveal the 3 to be perfect equals, believe it or not."
Kinda glad you said that, My Butastur is the only IEM I have that I can readily/easily discern differences. The Space clearly affected staging and spacial clues yet pulled the vocals back a touch...It would be absolutely perfect if it could somehow leave my singer where he was. Also, I was able to carefully mould the space ends with some hot water ....that helped a lot!
Ha Ha, you sound as crazy as regards to ascertaining cable qualities. Well, the Space does the extra staging and as you say imaging/spacial clues, though I don't hear the vocals recessed, though I believe you. As such this is a marriage of DAP personality, ear-tip personality and cable personalities, along with the transducer.

I mean you could try going up the ladder to something like the Penon OSG.....yet that is not going to be as neutral as the Space, but does other vocal characteristics, which may be your forte? I have never heard the Butastur, but I bet that one will open the treble and midrange for resolution and tone discernment.........


Headphoneus Supremus
Simgot LC7 - The new under $100 value king
Pros: Terrific value, impressive audio performance, feels like a premium cable in use.
Cons: Some may prefer more pliable 4 wire cables
The Simgot LC7 is a fairly beefy 18AWG two wire combination of OFC & SPC wire conductors, with a modest price of USD $69.

The cable boasts a total of 732 individual cores, so there's quite a lot of metal here which should in theory conduct electrons very effectively. I've always found thicker & heavier cables deliver better IEM performance, though there's often an ergonomic price to be paid.

Simgot sent me the LC7 in exchange for a review and it's the first of their cables I've tried, so I've no idea what to expect... at first glance it certainly looks attractive if nothing else!



Arriving in a fairly minimalist cardboard box, the LC7 is actually a modular cable that's supplied with both 4.4mm & 3.5mm plugs, and a small plastic cable tie.

It's a fairly spartan package but I have no issues with it given the LC7 is only USD $69.



Weighing in at a middleweight 44 grams, the LC7 hits the sweetspot of being substantial enough to (hopefully) deliver great performance, whilst remaining acceptably light & flexible.

The soft PVC insulation helps improve comfort, and the cable drapes nicely without stiffness being an issue. There's no moulded earhooks which I find is the most comfortable approach, so I rate comfort as very good overall. It also helps that the Y-split is extremely light.

In terms of hardware the plug, splitter & 2pin connectors are fairly utilitarian, but there's a pleasingly minimalist appearance here without them coming across as cheap.

Sound Performance


Despite being the lowest-cost cable in this roundup, you wouldn't know it based on performance.

Bass is one area I find the LC7 may not improve an IEM's performance quite as much as the other cables, whereas the midrange is where the LC7 really shines - bringing greater focus & emphasis to vocals on all IEMs I test it with, even enhancing detail throughout the mid frequencies in the process. Conversely treble isn't accentuated terribly much, so you can safely pair it with brighter IEMs.

I've also found the LC7 is very good at growing the soundstage to give your earphones a larger, more spacious presentation.

Mostly I find this is the perfect cable to 'correct' V-shaped IEMs by bringing vocals forward, as one of my pet-hates is budget V-shaped earphones with weak midranges that position voices annoyingly far away - to some extent the LC7 can solve that common issue.

IEM Impressions


Simgot EA1000 - 1xDD 1xPR (USD $219)

I'm not sure if Simgot tuned the LC7 for the EA1000, but it feels like they did. If you own an EA1000 I strongly recommend picking one up because it's obvious the synergy between them is terrific.

In this impressive pairing the vocals are shifted forward, and the midrange gains greater resolution to reach very impressive levels. Note weight and overall sense of heft is improved, which may be influenced by a greater emphasis on the lower midrange. Imaging is also that little bit more defined, and the LC7 + EA1000 combo is one I can listen to for hours without fatigue with great satisfaction.

ISN EST50 – 2xBA, 1xDD, 2xEST (USD $449)

This was another impressive pairing with the EST50s' stage growing wider & becoming more spherical, as opposed to flatter on the stock S8 cable. However there's a slight sense of diffuseness as well.

Vocals are also brought forward which helps correct the EST50's V-shaped tuning and midrange resolution is increased in the process.

Penon Turbo - 6xBA (USD $549)

I'm not quite as keen on this pairup. The Turbos' stage deepens but doesn't widen, and though I detect a little more midbass there isn't the sense of sub bass improvement I was hoping for.

Again the midrange is given greater emphasis and note weight increases, and I feel like the tuning is a bit more musical now with a little more groove, though the stock cable has slightly brighter treble performance which I prefer given the Turbos are relatively dark to begin with.



At just USD $69 the Simgot LC7 is a no-brainer if your IEMs require more midrange body & emphasis.

Comfort is perfectly decent and it doesn't look or feel cheap, yet performance improvements are well within the realm of being easy to hear compared to a lot of cables out there.

This isn't your typical copper cable that's going to strengthen the midrange with the caveat of adding a ton of extra warmth that may be too much to handle - the LC7 strikes a nice balance between maintaining neutrality & adding an increased sense sense of gravitas.


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