Reviews by ThickT


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Sound, price, build quality
Cons: Fit
Fit is not so good, but can be fixed with some foam tips. Build quality is pretty good. Nice termination and Y splitter. I am very happy with the sound. I believe everyone hears things differently, so im just going to tell you what i hear when i listen to them. To me there is very little sub bass. Even with deep insertion and a perfect seal. That being said, the mid bass is there and its done very nicely. Its got good clairity, impact and It rides right along side to rest of the spectrum never overpowering the mids or highs. The overall bass performance, dispite the lack of sub bass and decay is satisfiying to me. Moving on to the mids. I think this is my favorite area of the spectrum. I hear good detail and i find it slightly forward, witch i love. Honestly, these have the best sounding guitars for metal and general hard rockin music out of all my iem's. I relly love the mids and guitars attack and crunch on these! The highs. To me they are nicely detailed. They can become a little rolled off sometimes, but overall im pleased with the highs. Excellent details heard from open/closed high hats.

Soundstage, to me is just a tad above average. I think it helps that the overall signature is balanced. Bass mids and highs are all presented evenly with a slight tilt to the mids. One of the only flaws i can say about these is that to me the do sound overly "thin". That the only way i can think to describe it. Turning up the volume just never seems to make them sound "full"'.

I really like these alot and i find myself choosing theses more often than not over all my othet iems due to their stellar reproduction of guitars. Oh yeah and these respond well to my fiio e6 too.
Yeah but are you sure your E6 isn't a fake? LOL JK Couldn't resist. I've wondered about those little 'phones just because they are so friggin' cheap. i'll probably order a pair as beaters the next time I have to order a cable from Mono.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Intense bass, build quality
Cons: Mids are a bit too resessed....
IN MY OPINION!! The bass on these completely blew me away. Pounding. Hard hitting without loosing much detail. By far the greatest aspect of these buds. The mids are not as forward as i would like. I find myself wanting more crunchy distortion from guitars on metal tracks. But the mids do handle vocals well. The higs sound good to me. Overall very satisfied.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Great Quality of bass, comfortable fit, isolation, sleek look
Cons: mids and highs a little flat, the cord keeer.
Theses are fantastic! Absolutely Stunning. 
The bass is clear and detailed. It extends well and has very good speed. There is just the right amount too. I would consider myself to be a basshead, having sought after bass themed iems constantly. i've owned the original turbines and sennheiser cx 150 and cx 475 (directly marketed for supreme bass.)
 Compared to the original Turbines and the two sennheisers there isn't as much impact but the clarity and extension is far far far more superior and more than makes up for that. listening to dubstep with theses is a thrill. In my opinion, if you had to give up one attribute of bass i'd say impact is the one to sacrifice.
 The SE215's mids are missing a little detail, but overall satisfying. the turbines very recessed mids were much more disappointing. the senns both fall short to the 215's and i would say come close to if not on par with the turbines mids.
highs sound a bit small or short. but the detail is there. i think that the highs being that way makes these have virtually no sibilance or hissing. although, listening to heavy metal i think needs better separation for that genre to my ears. acoustic, indie, soundscapes all sound excellent through these. 
the comfort is just excellent. not tiring and your not fijiting or frequently adjusting these at all. once they're in, they're in. the shure foam tips are insanely good. i prefer them to the comply foams. one bad thing is the keeper on the cord is very difficult to move up and down. its pretty stupid. it feels like your gonna rip or something. i also think the cord could be made of better material. there are no microphonics at all though. oh yeah the isolation is some of the best i've expirenced. i was 10 ft from my wife in my living room without the tv on or anything and couldn't really hear her talking to
Bottom line, these amazed me. i want to commend shure on their take on dynamic driver iems. owning the se530's i would say these are certainly behind them in the mids and highs( not nearly enough to justifiy the price jump) and miles ahead in the bass department. these smoke the original turbines, making them seem outclassed and silly. actually i do like the turbines styling and material choice better than the se215, but thats ALL.
That would explain more bass. I'm curious which TT is using.
Personally I use the medium included Shure Flex with Comply Ts fitted inside them. Insane isolation, perfect seal every time. I couldn't get any kind of seal to stick in my left ear until I did this; even the Olives felt a bit off. But these are perfect every time, and have helped me realize why most people use bigger tips instead of jamming the small ones further in o_o
Oh yeah and that combo definitely produces the best (read: clearest and greatest quantity) bass of all the tips I've tried: olives, flex, I even cored the largest olives and tried out my 2 sizes of Sennheiser double flanges, the Comply Ts, and the 4 basic Sony Hybrid models. Uber-flex 4 lyfe ^_^
bcasey, we must have different taste in bass. you say that 215 is so bassy, that were there more it would be rediculious and i know at the end of my previous post i sort of agreed with you but i am finding that was incorrect. i was listening to my sennheiser cx 475 at work tonight and was reminded of just how fun those are. i swear, the bass impact and quantity is insane! in respect to accuracy and overall sound quality they aren't that good and in terms of bassial clarity and sustain the 215 kill em. but i must say, THOSE are basshead iem's. i have never heard eternas though. gilly what cx series have you tried out? so, bassier as they burn in huh!? very excited to wear theses in!! the tips i am using are the medium sized foams. i havent tried the sillicone ones yet, but i will soon.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: sound isolation, styling/design, accessories, packaging
Cons: discomfort, sound,
ok first off this is my first review on ANYTHING. so bare with me if its dumb. but let me just say im no audiophile and im not rich and cant afford to try alot of different phones. im just a guy who hates getting swindled. so thats why i do tons and tons of independant research before i buy any kind of electronic. with the turbines, i would seriously say i have read at least 75-80 reviews on them AND the pro copper/golds, from alot of different websites, i researched them against different types of phones and i even looked at the more scientific side of things like ohms and output impedance and stuff like that. the monster family of phones get a overall positive feedback amungst the internet community very consistantly. so i decided to get them finally( after about 2yrs of desiring them). like i said above the packaging and the accessories are very very good. the design of the phones are awesome. now ive read enough reviews to know that iem's are a very different expirence for each person, so i just wanna tell you about mine with the turbines. the fit is wayyyyyy to finicky if you look down the sound changes, because the seal changes in you ear. and the pressure that these put in your ear is so immence that i feel it is hindering the ability to hear the music properly. when im pressing these into my ear the pressure created is so much that it can completely mute the earphone until you back it out a little. seriously, i never felt like the fit was correct and i have fiddled with them for ever. i even bought the 20 dollar set of super tips from best buy, same crap wayyy too much pressure in my ears. when ever i finally got them to feel decent, and try to analyse the sound quality i found that the bass is the only thing about these phones that even remotely stands out as being a better than the average phone. the highs are regular as hell and i think the mids are plain as hell too. and the soundstage is so small there is none. it does not feel as if your surrounded by music.its a very tight close up short sound overall and the bass sounds to me like the range is lower than ive heard from any other phone of mine. but range and impact are two very different things. the bass never blew me away at all. these did not sound like in ear speakers to me. at all. and after wearing them even with the smallest tips for 6 hrs or so they hurt. and its not the weight of them its the diameter of the bud. it felt like it was gaping my ear canal. bottom line... i wanted sooooo so baldy to like these, but that pressure in my ears killed it for me. i feel it contributed to not hearing the audio like i was supposed to. its seriously felt like the seal was so tight that the trapped air between the bud and my ear drum was creating some kind of pressure sound filter....i know that doesnt make sence but thats how it felt. 
so... you returned them?