Reviews by BK201


New Head-Fier
Pros: flat with a roll off in the treble
Cons: needs more treble extension
Imagine the flattest IEM that ever existed, take it and add a roll off to make it less clinical and more musical. You have the ER-4P.

The ER-4P is never harsh sounding, or even clinical... I would classify it as slightly dark sounding despite what many think. The bass hits hard with no noticeable roll off. One of its weaknesses is probably the lack of soundstage, however the pinpoint imaging is very good.

Its major weakness is the treble roll off, but I'm not sure whether I'd call that a weakness as it was somewhat intentional I believe. When compared to the ER-4S, the ER-4P has more body in the sound and a recession in the upper treble... think cymbals and stuff. The ER-4S is also more detailed and the bass is perceived to be less.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Perhaps the bass extension
Cons: everything else
I really expected to like this as it seemed to be an audiophile favorite here. I listened to it for a few days to ensure that burn-in could occur, whether it be my brain of the headphones themselves.

The problem with this headphone is that it's super harsh, harsher than the DT990. And interestingly it sounds dark.

I don't know how they pulled that one off. At least the bass is fantastic, typical of orthos, but at this point, that bass extension and slam is pretty much useless due to that massive treble spike I'm hearing around the 10K+ region.
Hey, no need to attack the guy.
Im also surprised by your low score.
I have to admit that the first time I heard them, I could only listen to them for 2 minutes (not even a full song) and the treble gave me a headache.
I was really scared at that point, thinking about returning them to the store. After a little bit of forum reading, I went with a rather simple mod (beyerdynamic earpads, and slight EQ down of the peak in the treble).
Today I can say I have no issue with the treble anymore. Its been about 2 years and I enjoy the HP still.
Id say that for the price, 3.5 starts would be my minimum score, with a max of 4.5 (again, considering the price).
High Ranking all the way around, but a Half star?
Looks like someone checked a chart and then crapped out a review.
Pretty much one of the worse reviews I've ever read.


New Head-Fier
Pros: good bass, detailed
Cons: bright, harsh, sibilant
This headphone is quite V-shaped, I never quite understood why it stood evenly with the K701 and HD650. I dislike the HD650 but that didn't prevent me from giving me it a bad review, because it's quite impressive.

Now this, no matter how I try to listen to this. It's too bright and sibilant. Even its siblings, the DT770 and DT990 gave me problems.

The bass was the only thing that was enjoyable, it extends very deep and is good for a dynamic headphone. When listening to acoustic music it's harsh, but rock and such is less harsh as the bass somewhat masks the highs a bit. I could see this being nice for rock.

But the detailing is not good as the K701 or HD650 or HD600. Even with that abundance of treble, it does not render low level information as I expected it to. Also the soundstage is pretty normal, not much different from the average closed back headphone. I guess being semi-open doesn't give you the best of both worlds as the HD600/650 and K701 have much better soundstages.

It's built quite nicely and quite comfortable though. But I don't like how it sounds.

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You ought to start listing the equipment you use in your reviews. Either you're not at all powering these cans, or you just have a total mismatch of equipment. These should sound pretty nice given the right amplification.
Makiah S
Makiah S
indeed, not to mention he likes the bass but hates the treble... that's a little backwards
sorry to pick on you though man <3 and ofc not every one will like the dt 880 and if u don't well that's fine too


New Head-Fier
Pros: nice mid-treble ratio, soundstage
Cons: bass rolls off
Similar sounding to the HD600, but is a bit brighter.

Not as bright as the DT880.

One thing that I like about these headphones is the out-of-head experience that it provides. It's like hearing the music in 3D and you can easily pick apart the instruments.

I think the weakness is the lack of bass (similar to the HD600) and maybe that it can get a bit harsh in the 2-3kHz region at times leading to a somewhat honky sound.

But the soundstage is fantastic, very similar to the HD800 in terms of presentation of sounds.

Oh and those headband bumps... glad they got rid of them in the limited edition 65th edition K702s. Maybe the K703's or whatever the next variation in the line-up will have the new headband. I wish AKG would make a new flagship.
Yes, I am truly surprised that there has not been a mod to get rid of the honky-hands over your ears, sound. I still love em and own two sets.


New Head-Fier
Pros: nice mid-treble ratio
Cons: bass rolls off
VERY flat. Now this is a headphone I enjoy.

Except for that bass roll off. Forget the HD800, forget the HD700, find some way to get deep sub bass out of these and you have a winner.

It sounds quite clean and is never veiled (HD650, HD598) nor is ever harsh (HD700, HD800). That is all.
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I doubt amp would change the situation. They just can't produce bass loud enough below 50hz.
My Philips SHP8900 definetely can(I have tested with a tone generator) but I never miss that aspect when I use the HD600 as everything else is SO much better. And Philips SHP8900 are really good in their own respect, just not anywhere near the same class as the HD600 :)
Doubt anyone will see this, but w/ the Crack the bass from 25Hz-40Hz is actually virtually flat compared to 100Hz. On my Rag 1 on XLR (1.7 wpc into 300 ohms) roll off starts at 75Hz, and there is nothing under 40 Hz of any real use. OTOH with the Crack - the bass sags a bit from 80 to 40, still it's amazing to hear some actual low bass from the 600's. BTW, overall the Crack spanks the Rag on the 600. But for every other headphone I have the Rag 1 is a beast.


New Head-Fier
Pros: never harsh sounding, no sibilance, easy to listen to, detailed yet not harsh
Cons: too much midbass, dark sounding, warm sounding, veiled sounding
I don't like this headphone. Or rather I don't enjoy this headphone. But I can't deny it's impressive.

Plagued with the typical Sennheiser problems of being built cheaply and being overpriced, yet it's really the only in its class, the audiophile's favorite.

That warm and dark sound, that you can never get tired of. That impedance curve that makes it scalable. This is the audiophile's dream, it may not be relevant today with all the FOTMs but it still remains a classic. Grab one used from the classifieds if you're into this kind of sound.

As someone who is into accuracy, it was natural that I prefer the HD600... the HD650 was too thick in the mid-bass and lower midrange and the highs was rolled off, but the roll off wasn't really bad as the clarity is there, but the veiled like sound comes from the mid-bass and lower midrange.

Some complain that it's slow, I disagree, it's pretty clean and fast, but not harsh. Technically impressive, very low distortion.



New Head-Fier
Pros: never harsh sounding, no sibilance, easy to listen to, wide soundstage
Cons: bass rolls off, not very detailed, a bit muddy, dark sounding, overpriced
Firstly, this headphone is the prime example of something I'd love to hate.

I did like the HD595 as a non fatiguing headphone... and yeah the HD598 is better. But that ugly design and MAP restriction left a sour taste.

I'm still saddened they didn't switch to a 1/8 inch connector as most devices use that nowadays. Another problem is the impedance varies among the frequency greatly, especially in the mid-bass. Don't plug these into some receivers, they will get really muddy.

It sounds like the HD595 with better clarity, and more treble. But again much better can be found for the money.

Supposedly Sennheiser fixed the build quality issues, but we'll see...
Read my review and learn.
The bass rolls off?  Then just turn it up!  It's like you've never heard of an EQ.  The point is that the bass is tight and punchy when it's turned up to high volumes.  For this reason, these headphones have fantastic bass.  I EQ 32 Hz up about 6 dB and it's fantastic.  I actually have to EQ the midbass down about 2 dB to get the sound I like the most.  Saying the bass is rolled off is accurate, but that's not really a negative if you know what you're doing with your audio equipment. sounds amazing for me.
I personally think you are a complete idiot. He probably works for Sennheiser competitor's Company and is making up reviews to get paid.