Anode Acoustics PCL82 № 1 Tube Headphone Amplifier

General Information




Anode Acoustics is a boutique audio electronics manufacturer based in New Delhi, India.

They specialise in handcrafted headphone and speaker amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, and power amplifiers too. The Anode Acoustics #1 HP AMP is a tube amplifier designed for high-end headphones between 32 ohms to 600 ohms impedance and from 89dB to 115dB sensitivity. It features only two ECL82 tubes which are still in production, are easy to replace by the user, and are moderately priced. The tubes are used in single-ended triode (SET) mode. There is an option to switch to single-ended pentode mode for more power. Triode power is 300mW and pentode power is 1W.

Anode Acoustics #1 Tube AMP is priced at approx 900$(65,000 INR).

Latest reviews


New Head-Fier
Awesome clarity
Pros: Detailed, precision of notes, wide stage
Cons: None really
Sharing my impressions of the No1.

I have used it with Focal Stellia, R70X & Sundara.

The amp is remarkably transparent & detailed. I was not expecting this level of clarity. Notes have a lot of precision and are not diffuse or blurred. Very nice indeed. In fact I will say it here, it is more detailed than my Burson Soloist 3XP. The timbre is very crisp & pleasant.
Despite the jump in the level of clarity, the harshness has not increased. That is a very good achievement and also intriguing.

The sonic background is very dark and quiet and I think that gives a sense of space to the sound. I heard more reverb in some tracks.

Its also a very powerful amplifier but with more volume the sound just gets bigger rather than harsh/shrill. This is indeed remarkable. Bass & punch are present in good degree depending on headphone.

I think HD800S, HE1000SE, HD600 will absolutely fly on this.
I see your wooden enclosure has a nice darker finish. Mine's on the lighter side. Well the shade depends on the wood available at a certain season. 😁


100+ Head-Fier
Amazing Amp with a fair price
Pros: Addictive sound
Amazing personal service
Low Price - should cost x3
Cons: Very big
Vertical connectors

Equipment used: Final Audio D8000 Pro, Audeze LCD-X, Kennerton Rognir, Burson conductor 3XP (as DAC), PC (as source).
Music: Many genres of Metal, Electrocore, punk.
Product's page:
cost: 800$ US

Anode Acoustics is an Indian company that makes amps for speakers and headphones, both SS and tube. Devices are made to order. Once you order an amp you will join the Anode Acoustics family and from that moment onwards the owner Nitin will keep in touch with you until you have received the amp, set it up, and reported your satisfaction. Nitin taught me so much about amplifiers and audio I would have paid the cost of the amp just of the lessons. After receiving the amp Nitin and I opened the amp during a video call and he proceeded to explain the internal components of the amp, a great experience to be sure.

International Shipping and build time
I toke about a week for the amp to be built and tested, then it was sent to Israel via Fedex which toke about 5 days to arrive. No issues.

Build Quality
Very Solid, you can pick it up holding the transformers, and it doesn't weight as much as Little dot's big amps. It's doesn't get very hot (expect the tubes themselves) even after hours of use, you can place your hand on the transformers' box and it will be a bit warm, nothing more. I'll say it's a good looking amp.

Sound Quality

If you are looking for distorted tubby sound, this might not be the amp for you. This amp is very reveling, very accurate, you could miss it's a tube amp if you test it blind. The sound is 100% clear and detailed with no distortions, very revealing just like if not more so than the Burson.

With Amp#1 the music come alive - it’s not coloring, it’s making it more engaging, more musical more heartfelt, without taking anything away or sacrificing details or clarity.

The LCD-X sounds like an upgraded version with this amp, you’ll be dancing in your seat tapping your legs, it’s wonderful.

The D8000 Pro which I couldn't listen to on the Burson SS amp become a musical experience once I plugged it into the Amp#1, no more does it ask for more volume, now it is satisfied with any volume I wish to listen with.

The Kennerton Rognir also sounds great on it. I should note that planars sounds great on this amp, and I do not agree with the notion that Planars are for SS, and Dynamic are for tubes. This tube amps works perfectly with Planars, and it's output transformers makes sure you can pair it with very low impedance headphones.

Since receiving the amp I just can't seem to find any reason to listen to an SS amp, this amp is End Game, I have no itch to scratch anymore, it's wonderful. you might be fooled into thinking this is some cheap amp due to its low price and vintage design, but that would be a mistake, this amp for me would be worth tripled its price.

This is defiantly the best Audio gear purchase I have ever made, I will not be replacing it or trying to find something better, it is everything I wanted.

Comparing with Anode Acoustics HPA#2 (SS)
the HPA#2 is a warm, bassy SS amp. it's very easy to listen to, very forgiving, it has a vintage taste and is great for old recordings with low quality as well as high end stuff. It is not transparent (warm, bass boosting), for transparency you should get their HPA#4. it's a very good amp, it sounds better than the Burson in my opnion.

The HPA#1 on the other hand is a clean sounding amp, no color, no extra anything, it just makes the sound more musical and dare I say, adds a majestic quality to it, it add soul to the sound.

As for HPA#2, I say that for its cost (370$) you won't find anything SS near its quality, it's a nice sweet powerful amp, I enjoy it very much, but I mostly prefer the HPA#1, I just can't get enough of it.


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Hello @alekc and @ZzZzZzZ I am Nitin Kaushik and I'll be pleased to answer your queries about AA HP amp #1. Yes this an interesting amplifier because the input and output tubes are in one glass envelope. This amp is coupled to high quality output transformers.
I like their 40 watt power amps. Any US distribution?
Hi. There is no distribution in USA and these units are heavy at about 20kg each. You should try our tube preamplifier as well. Please contact via the email provided on the website.


New Head-Fier
After 1 year of usage :-
Pros: Built like a tank.
Sound quality is excellent- very transparent, airy, spacious with excellent treble extension.
Huge driving power and capability.
Compatible with dynamics and planars alike.
Cons: LED light is unacceptably bright.
Metal plate has no printed text for controls.
Should come with 2 inputs as standard.
Anode Acoustics is a boutique manufacturer of high end audio products in India. Their products are handcrafted from scratch in India with parts from India as well (all but a few of the components which are not manufactured in India anymore).
One of the main goals of the brand is to provide high performance components at honest prices and thus providing a huge bang for the buck. At the time of writing this, they sell direct only, thus keeping the cost as low as possible.
I have bought and owned all of their headphone amplifiers (No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4) and their 12AU7 based stereo preamplifier and I can safely say that when it comes to raw performance their stuff is on a league of their own, punching way above their price class, giving most retail components costing substantially more a run for their money.

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The Anode Acoustics No.1 Headphone amplifier was bought with my own money for my personal usage. The brand has no influence on what follows below. My analysis is presented after 1 year of thorough usage. You can purchase it here directly from them.

Build Quality
No.1 is built like a museum piece, it is extremely rugged. It is also big and heavy but that is because it needs to be so. The unit weighs about 9kg and prospective buyers need to have sufficient space for this big amp.
As with all things such heavy, there is a reassuring feeling of ruggedness and quality. The enclosure is made from Teak wood, which is sourced in India. The result is absolutely gorgeous. There is something about tubes and wooden enclosure. Like warmth from a fire in a cold day. All in all, it is one of the best built objects I have come across.
Such solid build quality is rarely seen in retail components.

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This is an output transformer coupled tube amplifier and not an OTL. This means that the amp is compatible with dynamics and planars alike, and the impedance matching is done via 40 ohm, 150 ohm, 300 ohm, 600 ohm taps. There are 2 modes : Pentode and Triode. In pentode mode, the tubes are operated in pentode mode and full power of 1W is supplied while in Triode mode, 200mW is supplied. The output transformer is entirely made in house. The output transformer enclosure is cold to the touch even after 2+ hours of continuous usage. If you know anything about output transformers, you will also be surprised to find one this affordable (~1000 USD). But the performance speaks for itself.

The tubes supplied are either PCL82/ECL82 and the buyer can select either one. I opted for the PCL82 tubes that are NOS BEL tubes (made in India) with long plates. The glass is thick and the tubes themselves feel quite premium, which is indicative of its authenticity. It is not one of those cheap Chinese junk vacuum tubes. I am told that the tubes are not pushed hard at all, but used judiciously to greatly prolong the lifespan of the tubes. Even after around 300+ hours of usage, there is barely any visible wear on the tubes.

When using a headphone, the correct impedance or the impedance closest to that of the headphone must be used. But it is to be noted that that one shouldn't pair loads much lower than 40 ohm or higher than 600 ohms. And thus compatibility with headphones is a breeze no matter what. In my one year of rigorous usage, I have paired a variety of headphones including multiple planars that are really hard to drive, bordering on insanely hard to drive and yet the amp handles them like a boss. Although strictly prohibited by the brand, I have used as low as 18 ohm planar earphones like the Tin P1 Plus (which are really hard to drive) and had no issues. On the opposite end of the spectrum I have used the Beyerdynamic T1 Gen 2 whose nominal impedance is 600 ohms but shoots up to 900 ohms as well and as expected, no issues whatsoever. I have paired vintage Yamaha Orthodynamics like the HP1 and its brothers (150 ohm, 92-94dB/mW) and the amplifier drove them very nicely. And mind you, these orthodynamics ideally need obscene amounts of power to shine properly. I have compared the Yamaha HP1 being driven off speaker amp and No.1 and I was shocked at how nicely it was being driven : deep chest thumping bass, slamming hard dynamics and energy.

So one can pair all headphones out there provided it is between 40-600ohms, (maybe not the outliers like Susvara, HE6 etc) and in my experience all of them being driven to perfection . The thing that really bugs me is the LED light, it is unacceptably bright and I have it taped up. Also, it's a bummer that the metal plate has no writing printed on it for the controls. It is not a big deal but it would surely go a long way if the controls for the triode mode, pentode mode and impedance values were printed.
But I am guessing it was a conscious decision to keep the costs down.

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Sound Quality
In my thorough usage, I have used a variety of headphones starting from the HD540 Reference 600 ohm, Beyerdynamic T1 Gen 2 600 ohm, AKG K240 Sextett, the all time classics HD600,HD650 to planars like the Yamaha orthodynamics and planar earphones. The amp has a very subtle yet total coloration in the sound. In pentode mode, the sound is more forward and engaging, details are pushed forward more. In triode mode, the sound is pushed back a little, adding more space to the sound. Midrange takes a step back in Triode mode. This mode is highly recommended for more refined and quieter genres. I used the pentode mode almost exclusively.

The coloration being a slight touch of wetness. It has this uncanny combination of being totally uncolored in tonality and timbre but having an all encompassing subtle wetness in its presentation. Present are the hallmark characteristics of a quality tube amp namely excellent air and treble extension with abundant shimmer and sparkle. This is NOT a warm amp, its treble is beautifully extended.

When using planar headphones I was presented with deep bass that slammed so hard, so clean. Bass extension is phenomenal. So are the dynamics - the Tin P1 Plus which scales substantially provided dynamics that are almost overwhelming. The imaging is spacious and wide, making the "narrow" sounding 600,650 sound wide and "out of the head". All the while keeping the tonality pristine and helping the headphone speak for itself with its own characteristics.

The amp is truly neutral when it comes to tonality. The level of transparency that this amp provides, beggar's belief. Its transparency surpasses all of the solid state amps I have heard to this day. It is a microscope, it makes the listener look into the music to such great levels that it might even be too transparent to some, specially those who are misguided by the wrong notion that tube amps are supposed to be "warm, tubby, mushy"? Said who? There is no such rule.

In some ways this amp made me open my eyes to what a tube amp can sound like. This means that if your headphone is poo-poo or has some glaring faults in tuning, you will surely hear it. That is why dac matching to this amp is of paramount importance. I have paired multiple dacs throughout my usage to get vastly different flavors of sound. Some provide a lush and forgiving tone while some make the chain uber resolving and transparent.
You must find the right companion dac for your headphones. My personal recommendation would be to add a neutral sounding dac to this amp.

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It is truly an amplifier one can happily retire with. Even after 1 year of thorough usage I am still as glad as I was the first time when I heard it and I shall continue to do so. Money well spent.
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