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  1. MC Jeff D

    List of High-End Digital Source Owners on Head-Fi Continued

    No, actually I'm glad you did. I was really getting tired of that guy. I read all 98 of his posts and everyone was hostile and argumentative.
  2. MC Jeff D

    List of High-End Digital Source Owners on Head-Fi Continued

    Naim CD555 for redbook, $32,500, Wadia 781i SE for SACD playback and DAC for Sooloos Music server... (abt 14k for the Wadia and abt the same for the Sooloos) All talk about $$ aside, there's a really funny thread on the Steve Hoffman forum with some guy barking about how all of these high end...
  3. MC Jeff D

    ALO Headphone Mods and info

    We have the SR60's and the 225's in here at TONE Audio for review, which should be in issue 10 (due out by the weekend...) But Ill tell you this much, we were very pleased with Ken's work! Enough that both Marc Phillips (The Vinyl Anachronist) and I both bought the review pair and Steve...
  4. MC Jeff D

    Full review of Woo Audio WA-5 is up...

    I liked it a LOT! It's on my Christmas list.. I wish I would have had a pair of K1000's to listen to with it!! That's one of my favorite phones!!
  5. MC Jeff D

    Full review of Woo Audio WA-5 is up...

    Greetings all... Missing the meet due to big dose of the Flu! (aren't kids great?) The good news is I'm seven pounds lighter than I was two days ago and we got the WA-5 review up. Take a peek, hope you enjoy. This is a web review, so...
  6. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    This one does. Some 300B amplifiers do not though. A lot of it depends on how beefy the power supply is and how good the transformers are. If you can get to the meet, Jack will have the amp there. That's really the only way you can be the judge. But I know Im going to have to get rid of...
  7. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    I think the 300B is much more organic, because of the single ended nature... Some of the best midrange you will ever hear, and thanks to the HUGE power supply, very deep bass that is tight and well defined too. Full review in about two weeks!! Make sure to download the April issue!
  8. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    Yep Shungyang tubes. Not bad with the stock tubes, but a lot better with NOS and upgraded 300B's! I wish I had a pair of K1000's to try with it! That is one of my all time favorite phones!!
  9. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    I have WE's which I really like and they are (I think) about 1250 a pair these days, but they do last forever. NOS ones are 2-3 times that. I've heard 300B's from many different vintages at my pal Steve Hoffman's house, but honestly they don't sound that much different than the current...
  10. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    Hi there: Yes, I will be there. From what I can see the amplifier has a pair of 5U4 rectifiers that are on a seperate chassis, that weighs as much as the amplifier chassis!! The actual amplifier has a pair of 300B's driven by a pair of 6SN7's... I swapped the Chinese tubes for a pair of...
  11. MC Jeff D

    Woo 5 is here!!!

    Hey troops: Just got the new Woo 5 last friday and now that it is broken in I can say it is incredibly good! It is a two chassis amp that sells for $3000. The good news is that you can use it with high imped. and low imped. phones as well as a set of speakers! A 9 watt per channel, 300B...
  12. MC Jeff D

    Is the EarMax a better amp than WooAudio6

    I've been talking to Jack a bit, as we are doing a review on the 3 and 6, I know he's pretty swamped with Christmas and CES right around the corner... Seems like a nice guy! These seem like very nice amps for the money.
  13. MC Jeff D

    I'm not doing my GS-1000s any justice... help!

    Here's a wacky thought, if you are handy with a Soldering iron.... The Bottlehead SEX (single ended experimenters) amp. It's about 2watts per channel and sounds great with a pair of GS1000s.... It's about 400US, and I don't know what shipping would cost. I use one myself and it's quite...
  14. MC Jeff D

    12ax7 tube comparison

    Say, if you feel so inclined, try Andy at Vintage Tube Services. He specializes in small signal tubes (no 6550s or El-34's) and can make great reccommendations regardless of your budget. He's done a few things for me and I have been very happy.
  15. MC Jeff D

    TONE-Audio Contest winners

    Hi there As an Oracle owner, I can tell you the basic clamp will not work with that table. The Oracle needs a screw down clamp. If you have another table, like a Rega, Pro-ject, or the entry level SOTA's you will be in business. It will also not work with a Linn LP-12, because of the...
  16. MC Jeff D

    TONE-Audio Contest winners

    Hello all: Here is the list of the TONE Audio contest winners, their prizes and the winner status so far. You should have recieved an email from me by now, as I was on this over the weekend. If you have not recieved an email, please email me directly at and we will take care...
  17. MC Jeff D

    Who won the free prizes from TONE Audio giveaway at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

    Please check my post on the members of the trade forum. Thanks again, Jeff Dorgay Publisher TONE Audio
  18. MC Jeff D

    TONE Audio giveaway at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

    Hello all: First, I need to apologize for falling so far behind on the giveaway at RMAF. I came home on Monday to a funeral and in the middle of that I have another family member in critical condition after emergency open heart surgery, so it has been a very trying month. I have pretty much...
  19. MC Jeff D

    TONE Audio giveaway at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

    New announcement: AV123 has donated a pair of x-ls in black satin. These are one of the best set of budget speakers I have ever heard!! heres the link; kers&brand=55
  20. MC Jeff D

    TONE Audio giveaway at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

    Hello everyone; At the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, we will be giving away some goodies to our loyal readers and new subscribers..... We'll make this open to everyone, (you don't have to attend the show) but we'd really like to get some new subscribers if you can help us out. Just send an...
  21. MC Jeff D

    OK, you guys pulled me in!!

    Had a great time at the national meet, and thanks to Aaron lending me a pair of Senheiser 600's, I got started as soon as I got home from NY today. I was really inspired by the 300B amp I saw there, and started thinking.... Still had a spare 300B amp around, the excellent Pacific Creek amp we...
  22. MC Jeff D


    I just got home from the airport and wanted to thank all of the Head-fi'ers at the show for such a warm reception for TONE-Audio and showing me all of your cool gear! I finished my report on the plane and it will be in our next issue, due out end of May. Along with Aaron's help, we will do...
  23. MC Jeff D

    Did you guys check out the new Tone Audio yet? K701 review!

    Hi Troops: Thanks for all the feedback, and most of all thanks for reading TONE-Audio. The hardest part of our job is really reviewing gear in an objective manner. I understand what you think about how one reviewer likes them another does not, and in the end what do you believe? I...
  24. MC Jeff D

    New online audio/music magazine looking for a headphone guy

    Hello all: We have had a bit of a glitch with our host in terms of mailing out our new issue notice. We should have this resolved soon, but we apologize to those of you that didn't get notified. Thanks again for reading!! jeff
  25. MC Jeff D

    Official 2006 (Inter)National Meet - April 22nd & 23rd

    Hi there: Count me in, looking forward to meeting the heaphone crew! Jeff Dorgay Publisher TONE-Audio