Search results for query: Empyrean
  1. Fatdoi

    ZMF Verite Open

    Recently I A/B Verite and Empyrean. Very different presentation .. Verite more musical, bass/mid/treb evenly spread... Empyrean more clinical, vocal more forward... For my listening genres I prefer Verite...
  2. franz12

    ZMF Verite Open

    Hmm. Did you listen to Empyrean with leather pads? I listened with the velour pads, and vocals were quite recessed, which was also shown in the measurements available in the other universe.
  3. JLoud

    ZMF Verite Open

    I have owned the 800s, Utopia, and Empyrean. I would say the Empyrean is the most different if that is what you are going for. For me the Utopia split the difference between the VO and 800s.

    ZMF Verite Open

    What genres?
  5. Fatdoi

    ZMF Verite Open

    Both are fast cans, if you like musicality, liveliness and stage then Verite. If you like resolution, studio clinicality then Empyrean
  6. NickT23

    ZMF Verite Open

    But from what I know the Empyrean has a much more lushes sound to it, meaning smoother overly warm close to dark from most impression. Bass resolves quicker with lower deep notes compare to the VO. Just read some impression somewhere and I am able to demo the Empyrean.
  7. M

    ZMF Verite Open

    So it has the same weight as Meze Empyrean. Very light :)
  8. H

    ZMF Verite Open

    Does somedofy had the chance to compare the Vérité with the Empyrean?
  9. Pharmaboy

    ZMF Verite Open

    I owned the Empyrean for 7-8 months in 2019. I sold it just before getting the loaner VO and VC late in 2019, so never actually compared the Empyrean to the VO (the Verite I listened to most). Still, I have pretty good recall of how these headphones sounded. Pls take these comments w/a grain of...
  10. Rowethren

    ZMF Verite Open

    Not a direct comparison between what you are asking but I owned both the Meze Empyrean and the VC at the same time. I now only have the VC... The visceral impact is much better on the VC compared to the Empyrean and I found less harshness up top (not that either of them are even close harsh in...
  11. kumar402

    ZMF Verite Open

    Man something about these Wooden cups. I guess I will end up owning one. Will look good next to Empyrean. But have to recover first from the financial dent I made with Empyrean and Qutest this year along with Lyr 3
  12. kumar402

    ZMF Verite Open

    If you like VC then getting VO Over Empyrean is no brainer. I sold my Empy after getting VO. Much better texture/ tonality in VO. Empy I found to be extra energetic and splashy 9 - 12KHz region
  13. Monsterzero

    ZMF Verite Open

    I have the Meze Empyrean on loan for a week,and its a very fine sounding headphone,but Im glad I bought the Verite. They have similar sound signatures,and could happily live with either as my end game headphone,but the Verite has a taller and wider stage. Slightly deeper as well. Better...
  14. galileaux

    ZMF Verite Open

    Hi all - I’ve been thinking of parting with my Empyrean and getting a VO instead. I love my VC, so kind of wanted to have them as a set. Does anyone have experience on how the VO compares to the Empyrean? And to the VC? Also, any thoughts on when the next Stabilized or LTD Wood drop would...
  15. kumar402

    ZMF Verite Open

    I had both last year and decided to keep Verite. Empyrean was warm, thick but at the same time little bright and just a bit shouty as well to my ears and with my gears that I had at that time. Ziricote Verite was just right for me and was an easy decision.
  16. Mrstump5

    ZMF Verite Open

    I actually really want to hear the empyrean. A review said its a middle ground between the 800S and the lcd4
  17. TheMiddleSky

    ZMF Verite Open

    Actually I just tested my smartphone camera for fun yesterday, and use them as subjects Long time admire the Empyrean, but ended with own the Verite Pheasantwood. (In the picture above is Silkwood)
  18. Torq

    ZMF Verite Open

    As @Darthpool mentioned, I own both Vérité and RAD-0 (right, and left, respectively): And I have had them back-to-back with the Empyrean. At a high level, if I had to rank them on sound, it'd be Vérité (open or closed) > RAD-0 > Empyrean. The Vérité get quite a bit more head-time than...
  19. Miracle1980

    ZMF Verite Open

    For electronic, jazz and progressive-rock music would you suggest the Verite or the Empyrean ? I hope someone that listened both could answer...

    ZMF Verite Open

    The Verite and the Empyrean are rounding up my top 5 to listen to before I blow my fun coupons on something new.
  21. Spandy87

    ZMF Verite Open

    Very interesting. How would you compare the detail/resolution?
  22. heliosphann

    ZMF Verite Open

    I have both a VO and Empyrean and I'm quite fond of them both. One thing I've found about the Empyrean is that despite it being super easy to drive, it's very amp/dac dependent. I think this is one of the reasons that it's so hit and miss with people. The Empy sounds better out of my DX200...
  23. Pharmaboy

    ZMF Verite Open

    There were certain things I really loved about the original Empyreans. The design, for one thing: I'm not sure any headphone design before the Empyrean reached this level of modern architectural/industrial design (IMO the screen is a work of art). I also greatly appreciated the easy earpad...
  24. Monsterzero

    ZMF Verite Open

    I had the Verite and Empyrean here at my home for an extended(two weeks) a/b. I like both headphones,and mainly comes down to personal preferences. I found the depth,tonality,musicality to go to the Verite. Speed and comfort,and ease to drive went to Empyrean. As I said I like both...
  25. B

    ZMF Verite Open

    Congratulations. I also moved from Meze to Verite. Frankly I was a bit disappointed at the beginning, Verite needs time, but once they are burnt in they are amazing. And works perfectly with tube amps:)