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  1. rob187

    Headphone help

    Thanks mow, that AKG phone fits everything he wants perfectly (good price too ) Anyways, unless someone comes up with a better phone I'm going with that.
  2. rob187

    Headphone help

    Closed. Mostly rock music. Something he's going to use at the gym, btw.
  3. rob187

    Headphone help

    I'm getting a pair of headphones for my dad for his birthday. This is something he is going to use with his ipod, and he doesn't like the in ear phones. I'd like to spend less than 50$. What are some good picks? Thanks.
  4. rob187

    Good Amp

    I feel like such a noob asking this generic question, but what's a good amp for around 300-400 dollars? How do I separate the good from the bad ones, or are they all good? Thanks. Also, I have a pair of Grado 225's if that makes a difference.
  5. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    ...the ASIO driver is not reseted properly when reset is executed?" I'm about to go try out some Kernal Streaming see how that goes. We'll see. *EDIT* The KS I dl from foobar site thats listed as experimental did not work. Got an error message, something about KS not supported...don't...
  6. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    Quote: Originally Posted by jiiteepee Do you mean not let to play in generally ... did you check the samplerate settings used w/ TRAKTOR Player ... by the Digi-Lifes review, E-MU 0404 USB does not support "MME auto sample rate" functionality so, if you used MME w/ those other players...
  7. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    I got a problem with ASIO and foobar. I downloaded the .dll, put it in my components directory. I selected the ASIO: E-MU 0404 USB as my output. But, when I try to play a song, I get the following Playback Error: Unrecoverable playback error: Requested ASIO driver not found. Anybody? And BTW...
  8. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    Thanks Jit, tremndous help. I'll try fixing the latency and switching to ASIO. I've also found the static seems to be more of a problem when I first start playing music, and after a few songs it evens out a bit (but not completely gone). So the problem is a bit more manageable than I thought.
  9. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    In reply to Ross, I'm not using VIA drivers. Those are cpu drivers right? I guess I'm just using the standard drivers from Compaq (my laptop brand). I decided to update all my drivers though, so I went to Compaq's site and d/l'ed new drivers for everything, including CPU and Vid Card. And...
  10. rob187

    EMU 0404 USB issues

    Running 0404 from Laptop with Grado 225's. The laptop has a gig of ram and AMD Turon 64 1.8 ghz cpu. Anyways, while listening to music, I occasionally get a little hint of static in the song, like a slight stutter. It's not clipping as it never happens in the same spot of the song. I usually...
  11. rob187

    Epic songs?

    Bruce Springsteen - Incident on 57th Street; New York City Serenade Arctic Monkeys - A Certain Romance Rolling Stones - Moonlight Mile U2 - With Or Without You Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye
  12. rob187

    Which artist do you have tons of CDs of?

    Bruce Springsteen. Every release, and if there's a live disc I don't have I have the DVD of it. If you count each individual disc and not albums it's 28.
  13. rob187

    Bowie's Diamond Dogs

    Just bought the 30th Anniversary Edition... The background vocals on the track "Diamond Dogs" are muddy as this the way the song's supposed to sound? I tried a couple setups and I get the same thing. It sounds awful.
  14. rob187

    Lame Mp3

    Quote: Originally Posted by K2Grey Well, what mp3 encoding basically does is take the original file and throw stuff away in order to get a smaller file. As such the choice of what to throw away is very important. My understanding is that LAME makes better choices of what to toss than...
  15. rob187

    EMU 0404 Usb Patchmix

  16. rob187

    EMU 0404 Usb Patchmix

    I keep hearing people talking about Patchmix...I've been searching forums and websites...I've looked through my three installation CD's...I still have not found it. Where do I get it? I D/L it from here, but when I try to install it says...
  17. rob187

    Lame Mp3

    Thanks. I've been comparing the qualities between lossless and lame alot over the past few days. I've found around VBR2 or 3 is where I can't tell a difference.
  18. rob187

    Lame Mp3

    I've heard Lame gives you better mp3 rips, than say, musicmatch jukebox would give you. What I wan't to know is, why? I've done some research and can't find a whole lot of info about it, except for hearing "it's better." My only guess would be that lame offers you the VBR, ABR, and CBR modes. Is...
  19. rob187

    plz help me to get a new external sound card

    emu 0404 usb m audio audiophile usb
  20. rob187

    OMG I totally tell the difference between Lossless and lossy

    Quote: Originally Posted by db597 Try some tests using "--alt-preset extreme" and see if that makes an improvement. The presets are more highly optimised settings. By "Alt Preset extreme" do you mean the -b 320 or the V 0 New? I tried both and couldn't tell them apart from the...
  21. rob187

    OMG I totally tell the difference between Lossless and lossy

    Sike. Nobody take that personally, I've been sifting through the forums a lot and seen a lot of posts like that. While I can't tell the difference, I will say that I bet I could with a higher quality, more expensive setup. But I don't have that. So I've been spending the last few hours and...
  22. rob187

    EAC Question

    I'm ripping from CD. I tried using Lame Compression. First off, it gave me the ID tags. Secondly, no more crackles. I'm comparing the sound quality right now. I find it hard to believe that the 13mb MP3 file sounds the same as the 60mb Wav... but so far they do sound pretty much the same.
  23. rob187

    EAC Question

    I don't think that's it. I'm using Foobar to play the files. The uncompressed version plays fine. The compressed one has some crackles. It's odd- the crackles are numerous on the first play; after that, they thin out but are still there and remain there after subsequent plays. Still not able...
  24. rob187

    EAC Question

    That's the same command line I was using. I followed the guide on
  25. rob187

    EAC Question

    Ok, I'm using Wavpack compression through EAC and have a problem- the song I copy always has some crackles in it. When I rip it and don't compress it the song plays fine. Also, compressed or not, I can't seem to get any ID tags on the songs.