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  1. MaxMusic

    What Dynamic IEMs Should I Consider Other Than the IE80 at Its New ~$300 Price Point?

    Hello all,   Title says it all. I was about to pull the trigger on the IE80 but figured I would do my due diligence and make sure I wasn't overlooking anything. I would go $350 maximum if the alternative is significantly better.    Additionally, I am not interested in armature IEMs (I have a...
  2. MaxMusic

    I Want An IEM That "Injects" Bass Directly Into My Skull

    Very interested in the Atrios. Also heard good things about the CKS1000, are those all they are cracked up to be?
  3. MaxMusic

    I Want An IEM That "Injects" Bass Directly Into My Skull

    Like the title says, I want an AMAZING bass IEM.    My ER4 injects clarity   My M-100 surrounds me with bass   However....   I want BASS INJECTION: Basically, I want an IEM that injects bass into my mind like the ER4 injects clarity, with the tightness, volume and impact of the M-100...
  4. MaxMusic

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    knowimagination,  ​ The question of comfort you have posed is, in my opinion, a highly personal preference that simply cannot be answered accurately by anyone but yourself. Simply based on the fact that you find discomfort in the M80s and prefer over the ear as opposed to on the ear cannot...
  5. MaxMusic

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Quoting myself:   " but interference problems coupled with not-so-great amplification generally leave even the best sound cards as a last choice"   I am very aware of what sound cards are, please read the entirety of my post before making statements about it.    However, back on topic, the...
  6. MaxMusic

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Yes that is exactly what it is. A sound card is essentially just a DAC, with some additional features such as surround sound compatibility, etc.   As far as music listening is concerned, a sound card and an external DAC such as the E07K and E17 are the exact same thing. The problem is...
  7. MaxMusic

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I edited my post a couple minutes ago to clarify, because I was a little confused too because the English on the Fiio site is not very good, however I managed to figure it out. Essentially the L7 makes the E07K or E17 just a DAC. You would buy this if you had a better amp, or simply did not want...
  8. MaxMusic

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Hey B1ueB1aze, congrats on your purchase. A couple notes about your questions from my personal experience:   Fit compared to LP2s:   I had some LP2s at one point, from memory the fit is almost identical.   Benefits from amplification:   Up until about 4 days ago, I used the M-100s...
  9. MaxMusic

    Will a Fiio 307k Andes adequately drive the ER4-S?

    No one has any input or suggestions? I hadn't posted here in ages until yesterday, and the community has been extremely non responsive compared to the past... 
  10. MaxMusic

    Will a Fiio 307k Andes adequately drive the ER4-S?

    Last night I ordered the ER4-P off amazon after much deliberation over detail-oriented IEMs. I fully intend to buy a P/S converter plug/cable which as most of you know (correct me if i'm wrong) changes the ER4-P to a virtually identical ER4-S. I have read many reiews that give high praise to the...
  11. MaxMusic

    In the Market For Highly Detail-Oriented IEMS, $350 Budget, Toss Me Your Recommendations

    Title pretty much says it all. So far I am interested in the ER-4p (willing to buy an adapter for S but want portability as an option), Brainwavz B2, DBA-02 MKII, Westone 4, and Viewsonic GR07. I'm leaning towards the ER-4 but my only reservation is the lack of bass impact- I don't want anything...
  12. MaxMusic

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    DelvarWorld, strictly speaking in terms of headphones in the $1000 range, you might want to check out the Audeze LCD-2s. New they will run you 1k, I have no idea what they go for used but obviously cheaper. Ive never demo'd them, but I hear they have amazing mids and are pretty much amazing all...
  13. MaxMusic

    Considering Pulling the Trigger on Some V-Moda M-100s. Any Reason Why I Shouldn't?

    Thanks! Ive thought about amplifiers and have heard a lot about how much they improve sound, but I dont really know the first thing about them (or DACs that are not my iphone). I will say that I am not a fan of the idea of a portable amplifier because that defeats the purpose of the headphone...
  14. MaxMusic

    Considering Pulling the Trigger on Some V-Moda M-100s. Any Reason Why I Shouldn't?

    My parents want to get me a nice gift for college graduation (Woot!) and I've had my eye on these for a while :). They seem to be the perfect combination of sound, durability, portability and style (for my needs).   I am currently coming from ATH-M50s as my over ear cans. While I'm aware the...
  15. MaxMusic

    Upgrading from ATHM50s and HF3s, looking for a less neutral sound:V-Moda M100 or Sen IE8/8i/80?

    ...sound? I realize one is a closed fullsize, and one is an IEM, but both are still portable so that doesn't matter to me.    Also open to alternative suggestions!   Thank you for any feedback :)   *Also sorry this is sort of a fullsize and IEM situation but I decided to put it here
  16. MaxMusic

    How do HF5s stack up against TF 10s? *Both Unamped*

    Title says it all. I am looking for an alternative to the TF10s because they look too bulky and uncomfortable... but Its getting hard to justify setting them aside for the price.    Also as a side note, I am a little worried about BOTH not having enough bass? Any recommendations for more...
  17. MaxMusic

    Need advice concerning HF5 vs. re262 vs. re0

    Haha I am in the same boat as you in all aspects, like music style and wearing it down, no amp, etc. Regarding the RE 262s, all the research ive done points to avoiding them without an amp, so compared to the HF5s which were designed to be used without an amp, they will probably sound worse...
  18. MaxMusic

    Best IEM: $200 budget, NO AMP

    Title says it all, been thinking about the TF10, but I am wary of its fit and size. Any other recommendations? I have zero intention of using an amp, as it defeats the purpose of portability to me.    Also side question: can  GR07s be worn down? That's also a big thing to me.   Thanks...
  19. MaxMusic

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Ah. Im almost totally sold on them accept for how large they appear to be..
  20. MaxMusic

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Im not totally sure where your drawing the line in your definition of Neutral and Balance? If something is balanced isn't it by definition Neutral?
  21. MaxMusic

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Word. Also, are these going to be noticeably better than my RE-Zeros? Those were dope until my mom washed them in the laundry when I came home for summer. 
  22. MaxMusic

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Do these have to be worn over the ear? I cant stand over the ear...
  23. MaxMusic

    Headphone project

    Heres the thing. People are very particular about their headphones. People are not going to just by your replaceable earbud headphones because they can replace the earbud if and when it breaks.    That being said, your idea is by no means a bad one, but it would be better if you approached...
  24. MaxMusic

    Iphone 4 alone enough for RE-262?

    Has anyone tried the RE-262 with just an iphone 4? I'm looking to replace my RE-ZEROs with the 262s, but my research has given me mixed results as to if the iphone 4 can adequately power them (most reviews feature an ipod classic which i believe has a smaller battery). These will be strictly for...