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  1. 80smusicboy

    Reply to review by '80smusicboy' on item 'Sennheiser HD 600'

    They’re endgame for me, that’s for sure!
  2. 80smusicboy

    Neutral IEM to replace Hifiman RE0

    Thank you for your suggestions, IEMusic! I’ll now investigate a bit on those! I’m also a bit concerned that the deep insertion might not be for me, actually...
  3. 80smusicboy

    Neutral IEM to replace Hifiman RE0

    Hi everyone! For the past 10 years I have been using the IEMs that cured “upgraditis” for me: the Hifiman RE0. The fairly lean (but clean) bass, lovely mids and great, extended highs did it for me. But they just died last Saturday. With this in mind, do you know of any other IEMs with such...
  4. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Well, if his Yamaha is anything like my Marantz (recent model, with a great DAC inside) he'll have trouble going past 9 o clock on the volume pot. The HD650 aren't that difficult to drive.
  5. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    I live in Portugal. Will I have to pay customs? Does it ship from the USA?
  6. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Just arranjed to get a refund and the headphones will go back. Will buy later from amazon at the usual price of 310/320€. I just rushed to get the lower price but it didn't go as expected. Thank you all for your help.
  7. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Just read in the terms and conditions of the store that warranty could be claimed directly through the manufacturer. One more good thing to know.
  8. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    They seemed brand new to me but one never knows. The price was great (262€) but it wasn't worth this hassle. Thanks for all the help!
  9. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    The headphone is genuine. I'm sure about that. It has the holograms, it passes the test on sennheiser's webpage, the store only sells genuine products and the headphone has that glorious sound quality. It's just the cable that came reversed in the plug. I bought an Hifiman RE0 from them some 7...
  10. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Ok, that's great to know. The headphones are still within the returning period so even if they say the headphones are fine I can return them or even contact Sennheiser as you mentioned. Thanks!
  11. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Well, I had an HD600 that I bought new on amazon and the cable came already plugged in on the headphones. I'm waiting for an answer from the store at the moment. I'm hoping they won't charge me for the returning postage as this wasn't my fault.
  12. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    The plugs still won't go in the wrong way, at least without brute force, I guess. But maybe you're right and I shouldn't take any chances so I've contacted the store stating my concerns in the long run. The headphones are genuine as confirmed by the qr-sennheiser website. Thank you all for...
  13. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    No, he got it right. It took quite a bit of force to disconnect the plugs from the earpieces but now everything seems to connect and click perfectly. So, yes, I thought about returning them but if everything is working properly...
  14. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    I'm one of those people that find the FiiO E10K capable of running the HD650. I had the previous version, the E10 (not the "k") and it powered both the HD650 and the HD600 without breaking a sweat, in low gain mode. If we were talking about the Akg K701 then I'd advise against the FiiO.
  15. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Well, my understanding is that we have different views about what might be a huge improvement in sound quality but that's alright. Another thing: I pretty sure my HD650 had never been touched before I opened the box but I found that the plugs that connect to the earpieces were inverted, with...
  16. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Bought a brand new HD650 yesterday. Excellent headphone as we all know. I connected it to my Marantz PM7005 integrated amplifier with DAC and also tried the headphone out of my 8 year old Asus Laptop and guess what? Almost no difference whatsoever in sound between the two devices. If anything...
  17. 80smusicboy

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 - over the ear headphones

    Thank you once more! It's good to know this is normal on the P7s. Yes, I bought them on an authorized dealer, so I have the full 2 year warranty. I guess I was worrying for nothing, and as I really baby my headphones (and other stuff as well), they should stand the test of time. :)
  18. 80smusicboy

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 - over the ear headphones

    Thank you so much for your helpful post! I'm feeling a bit more relieved! Do your P7s have such a small gap between the back of the earcup and the stainless steel linkage?
  19. 80smusicboy

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 - over the ear headphones

    Last Monday I bought a pair of brand new P7s. I'm concerned that the swivelling mechanism touches/rubbs against the aluminum back of the earcups as it slides quite close (less than a milimeter apart) to it. Has anyone noticed a loosening of the mechanism? Or does it stay like that and I...
  20. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser Momentum vs Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) P7

    Yes I am!   I wanted a warm portable yes as my RE0s began to give me headaches due to the vacuum created. Never bothered me before in 3 years but all of a sudden this started to happen. I decided not to buy neither because I tried my cheap but good-enough-for-commuting sounding Philips SHE...
  21. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    It's that Sennheiser "naturalness" of the sound. These are a bit bassy but they still manage to keep that sweet timbre and the soundstage is quite good for such a small headphone. And I got them for what I'd call dirt cheap, 32€ delivered. Amazing value!
  22. 80smusicboy

    PX100-II Review | Discussion Thread

    I'll wait a few more hours of usage and enjoy them as stock. But I'll consider that mod in the future, yes! Thanks!
  23. 80smusicboy

    PX100-II Review | Discussion Thread

    My PX100-II arrived today and I'm listening Pink Floyd through them directly from the laptop. I bought them to complement my HD600 when I don't want to be just sitting at the desk. They are very light and comfy and they sound quite nice. I'd prefer a touch less bass, but the tone/timbre is very...
  24. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    My PX100-II arrived today and I'm listening Pink Floyd through them directly from the laptop. They are very light and comfy and the sound pleases me, but, of course, they aren't going to de-throne my HD600 any time soon! But maybe they open up a little in the next hours, as they have only 20min...
  25. 80smusicboy

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    ...which is known for being bass shy) on pop/soft rock and the treble was "plasticky/artificial". They were still the made in Austria version, S/N 19*** if that matters. The soundstage was also quite wide and spacious but, maybe as a consequence, not very focused.   The HD600 have a smaller...