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  1. Atomicarnage

    Pink is the new black

    Okay, so I know pink isn't exactly the hippist color on the streets these days, but my girlfriend just got a new pink i-pod mini and I just can't stand the fact that she's using the stock white cans. Any suggestions for matching pink cans? Portability, durability, and isolation are important...
  2. Atomicarnage

    Ipod mini problems...

    I don't know why I thought of this. I guess I'm just wierd or something, but have you tried calling Tech Support?
  3. Atomicarnage

    'I' Stands For Indestructable

    There's a reason why they call it an I-pod and it ain't cause it sounds cute believe you me. After using my 3rd generation 20gb I -pod for almost a year now I have, as of today, deemed it Indestructable. After owning it for a month I decided I needed to get a case for it. These things may look...
  4. Atomicarnage

    Help me pick headphones (portable use).

    "The A900 is not truly portable - it is much too large." Ditto for the HD-280
  5. Atomicarnage

    Can't decide on my own. Need some expertise here. :)

    I don't know about those phones, but what about the HD-280 folks? They're circumaural and they fit just within your price. They're great, sturdy, comfy phones. Their only disadvantage is the coiled cord and awkward headband which allows them to be stored compactly but doesn't stay on well while...
  6. Atomicarnage

    Re-Appraisal of Senn HD-280's

    So what happened Tyson? Did you ditch the HD-280's and the E5's in favor of the DT-250's. We need an update!
  7. Atomicarnage

    Received Grado SR-60's... A little help

    I own both the Sr-60's and the HD-280's and I can tell you that the Hd-280's don't require much power, but the Grado's require even less. I can listen to the 280's at about half volume on my I-pod, but I have to turn it down about 10% to listen to my Grado's. I think you may just have a bum...
  8. Atomicarnage

    Need some good, cheap headphones.

    V6 is a great choice for the price
  9. Atomicarnage

    THX certification just went down the tube

    Quote: Now the tinny speakers bundled with your Sound Blaster Live are THX certified. There already exists THX multimedia standards for computer multimedia speakers. Actually my computer speakers are THX certified (they are made by klipsch) and now cambridge soundworks, a daughter...
  10. Atomicarnage

    SoCal get-together?

    ...really bad a bout backing out guys. But this new job I just got for the summer is making me work tomorrow, right when I have the party planned (******* boss). I'm really sorry I can't host this get together. Even though it doesn't seem like many people could come, I really wanted it to...
  11. Atomicarnage

    SoCal get-together?

    Jeez, I'm sorry guys. Things ahve been really hectic lately. I just got out of school and between finals and looking for a job I haven't had much time to check up on the forum. Anyways, as of now I only have replys from two people. I don't know if you guys still want to get together to meet...
  12. Atomicarnage

    Santa cruz vs Game theatre XP

    Definitly the Santa Cruz when it comes to headphone audio. That card has the best headphone capability of them all. Plus it's really cheap right now.
  13. Atomicarnage

    Best music for auditioning

    I love the 5th Element soundtrack. It has every form of instrument from sythesized instruments to vocals to low low bass to high hight tweety trumpets and everything in between. The recording is excellent quality much like the sound in the movie. If you have seen this movie, and you liked it, I...
  14. Atomicarnage

    ATH-W11R initial impressions

    Hey Hiccup, yes I was trying to get a hold of your excitement by jerking you around a little, but honestly if I offended you, i'm sorry. Anyways, yes the difference between a $5 oem soundcard, and a $5000 dollar professional soundcard is probably considerable. So there, you are justified in your...
  15. Atomicarnage

    good cans for gaming and rap music?

    the beyer is out of your price range, and the v6's are inferior in sound . . . to the sennheiser HD-280's. The 280's are great with hip hop, and they isolate the best of the bunch. They also work really well for positioning when playing computer games. They also cost about $85-100
  16. Atomicarnage

    Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (John Williams)

    Quote: In general, this CD is much darker than episode one for example (except for the love theme). Just expect it to get darker for the next film when things are at their worst (the **** really hits the fan in the next one)
  17. Atomicarnage

    SoCal get-together?

    It's official. We'll meet at my place on Saturday the 18th. I'm not sure how long you guys want to hang out, but I'm thinking everyone can come over around 12 O'clock? And leave around 6:00 or therabouts. I live in Tustin, which is in Orange County. Everybody who is interested in coming can...
  18. Atomicarnage

    Total newbie questions!

    Shoot, I didn't see the part about not worrying about breaking them. Well, now you're in trouble. You'll be hard pressed to find headphones that sound good for music listening that are not easily breakable AND are open and good for positional audio to use at LAN parties.
  19. Atomicarnage

    Total newbie questions!

    exactly Glue, plus something that's really super comfortable so you can frag away for hours on end. For positioning in games I have heard that the high end sennheisers are good. A good pair of 590's should do well with the audigy (I think?), or you can get a cheap amp, and run 590's 580's or...
  20. Atomicarnage

    ATH-W11R initial impressions

    Oh, yeah, that sounds like a great idea! Let's be a jackass and try to give our impression of a pair of high end headphones from the ****tiest source I could find! Especially since they have not yet had any breakin! Boy am I excited! I'm going to the head-fi forum right now to post my brilliant...
  21. Atomicarnage

    noise shielding ability of Grado sr40, sr60, Koss portapro, etc.

    Grados, Noise blocking (attenuation)? Grados do not have noise attenuation. Period the entire Grado line lets every sound through almost as if it would sound without any headphones on at all. In contrast, my sennheiser HD-280's (arguably the best headphones for blocking out external sound) which...
  22. Atomicarnage

    Sennheiser 280 Pro

    Commander, I beleive that the HD-280's you and many others received are a faulty pair. After reading everyone's complaints, that seems to be the ONLY explaination. I do remember hearing about a review a while back. I can't remember the reviewer, but I do remember that it was last year. The...
  23. Atomicarnage

    Sennheiser 280 Pro

    OMG arghue argue argue, but isn't that what these forums are for? Listne everybody, the point of this forum is to discuss stuff, and we are doing just that. At some point in time people have to understand that Mr. Walker is not going to back down, and will always remain the devil's advocate...
  24. Atomicarnage

    SoCal get-together?

    Okay, everybody PM me with the dates they can do the meeting, and I will see if I can arrange a date and a time to meet that will allow the largest group of people to be there. Hopefully it will be sometime soon (as in a couple of weeks) I'm going to shoot for two weeks from now. I hope we can...
  25. Atomicarnage

    The Outlaw 1050 good for phones?

    Yeah, that's whack. I did go to the forum and ask, but it seems that no one anywhere but here knows anything about headphones. I asked at their forum, but I still haven't gotten a reply. NOBODY uses their receiver for its headphone out. Oh well.