Can't decide on my own. Need some expertise here. :)
Sep 26, 2004 at 8:52 PM Post #16 of 26
I take the second haha
Sep 26, 2004 at 9:03 PM Post #17 of 26
... I'm offering a "new" Philips HP 890 at ebay at the moment... (starts at 54 Euro with "buy now" for 59 Euro)

As you already considered the HP870, maybe this is an option? Though shipping to Sweden from Germany is quite expensive - I found it was at least 16,50 Euro, but maybe someone knows a cheaper option than DHL???

Sep 26, 2004 at 9:11 PM Post #18 of 26

Originally Posted by null
Yes, but if you save up to buy better cans, you can use the $30 you spent to tide you over. You'll have to spend money either way. I mean, if you think about it, spend $30 now on great cans that will be more than adequate until you have enough $$$ to buy more expensive ones, or save up for a while and buy more expensive cans but be without good sound for a long time...

I understand but I rather wait in that case.


Originally Posted by bLue_oNioN
I take the second haha

Hm. The second?


Originally Posted by leofahrer
... I'm offering a "new" Philips HP 890 at ebay at the moment... (starts at 54 Euro with "buy now" for 59 Euro)

As you already considered the HP870, maybe this is an option? Though shipping to Sweden from Germany is quite expensive - I found it was at least 16,50 Euro, but maybe someone knows a cheaper option than DHL???


Why do you sell?
Sep 26, 2004 at 9:18 PM Post #19 of 26, that was a quick reply!

I bought the Philips without listening to them - and found out in two minutes, that they have too much bass for my taste. Now I know that I'm a bit bass-sensitive...

I didn't even take off all the transport protection, so they are as new. The test results of the HP 890 were really impressive. If you like a lot of deep bass the HP 890 are a good choice, I think. But if not, then go for something else.

Sep 27, 2004 at 8:02 PM Post #20 of 26

Originally Posted by leofahrer, that was a quick reply!

I bought the Philips without listening to them - and found out in two minutes, that they have too much bass for my taste. Now I know that I'm a bit bass-sensitive...

I didn't even take off all the transport protection, so they are as new. The test results of the HP 890 were really impressive. If you like a lot of deep bass the HP 890 are a good choice, I think. But if not, then go for something else.


This one was'nt that quick though.

Well. It's not intresting - I can go to my local shop and buy it for 65€ new and without any shipping and so on.

Those headphones, how are they? Very rickety and fragile as I have heard?
Soundquality? The bass.. Does it "get bad" at higher volume? Higher tones?

Anyhow I still don't know what to do.
Save my money and buy something better. But it's uncertain when and IF I get more money. And I want new **** asap.
And I dont want to buy something until then either.


Just buy now or wait. Hard choise.
Like I sad earlier I am not an audiofreak. Just want something comfortable, good sounding, closed earphones to the best price possible.
Sep 27, 2004 at 9:52 PM Post #21 of 26
Well, I guess that the 65 Euro would be a good deal, that's exactly what I paid

I found the quality of the 890s ok, but definitely not "high end like". The plastic housing seems to be ok for the price, but I'm not shure how long the brackets that hold the housing will last... It's definitely not like the quality of the AKGs I tried... but if you use them normally I guess you won't have any problems.

Soundwise I can't tell you much, as I only tried them for two minutes... and some said they would need quite a long burn in. But they seemed to have quite a nice, clear and smooth sound, but with this "subwoofer like" bass that was just too much and too muddy for my taste. But I'm a little bit spoiled, I guess...

I really liked the included headphone stand though!

The best thing would be if you tried some headphones - to avoid selling the things on ebay afterwards :wink:
Then you could find out if the sound of the headphones you could afford now is enough for you or if you want to save some money for better cans. I normally wait until I can afford something that I will have fun with for a long time, but when I bought the 890s I wanted to have something very quick... and you can see what happened. Now I don't have any headphone because I need to sell the 890s and don't want to use them as that would lower the price I can get

Sep 27, 2004 at 10:44 PM Post #22 of 26

Originally Posted by Gardell
Hm. The second?

Yep! Had I found myself in the same situation, I would have saved my money and waited until I can get something worthwhile. But that's just me.

EDIT: I can understand the agony of waiting though, so just to have it noted, there's really nothing wrong with spending now.
Sep 29, 2004 at 7:12 PM Post #23 of 26
Thanks leofahrer! I think the HP890 is my budget-choise. Maybe maybe.

I'm very close to import Sennheiser HD555 now. Anyone who has something to say about those?
HD515, is there any difference betwen these two?
Oct 4, 2004 at 4:47 PM Post #24 of 26

This weekend I was in a large city, searching for headphones.
Found HP890 and HD500.

The HP890's was very big and comfortable. Greater then the HD500.
They had'nt the boomy-bass i expected. Absolutly not. The HD500 was much more boomy.

I thought the soundquality was better in the HP890.
But the bass seemed weak in front of the HD500.


Still thinking of the HD555 or HD515.
Anyone who has something to say about them? Benefits?
Oct 4, 2004 at 8:28 PM Post #25 of 26
I don't know about those phones, but what about the HD-280 folks? They're circumaural and they fit just within your price. They're great, sturdy, comfy phones. Their only disadvantage is the coiled cord and awkward headband which allows them to be stored compactly but doesn't stay on well while walking.

Oh, and they sound fantastic too.
Oct 6, 2004 at 11:40 AM Post #26 of 26
Thanks Atomicarnage. That feels expensive for me though, but I would like to hear more.

Im going crazy. If I import.... and finding myself not satisfied..... Gah.
And my budget getting worse.. Phones are the only thing I pointing at now, thought.

Maybe I should write what kind of music I listening on.
Actually my taste is very spread.
50-60-70's pop/rock, Beatles, Elvis, Beach Boys.....
Some modern music (of all kind) from time to time, too.
And, I will use them to movies too.

The most important things:
1. Comfort.
2. Bass. Deep, controlled and loud bass.
3. Soundquality all-over.
4. The looks. (HD555 = very nice)
5. Other quality all-over.

Hum.. I really cant decide, it's so *****ing hard. I would really like to test these phones though.
The ones I have in mind right now: UR40, HD202, HD497 and HD555.

My sources will just be mainly MP3's from a computer with SB Live.
Between computer and phones I using one old (70's) Marantz receiver.

I REALLY hope I get some useful replys. I'm going sooo crazy here.

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