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  1. F

    Feedback by 'fetoll123' on listing 'Tgxear Sunniva'

    Very Quick and easy! Just perfect
  2. Want To Buy  Cypherus Audio

    500.00 SEK
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    So after getting the itch on earbuds (the novelty hasnt died on me yet) Im now looking for some Cypherus Audio earbuds. Any of them
  3. F

    Comment by 'fetoll123' on listing 'Tgxear Sunniva'

    Depends on where its going to be shipped!
  4. For Sale / Trade  Tgxear Sunniva

    200.00 EUR
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    2. Europe
    Great condition! The box has some markings though as showen in pictures. Willing to trade for another TGXEar or sell for 200 EUR.
  5. Want To Buy  TGXEar

    150.00 SEK
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    Please transfer this post If im in the wrong place Looking for TGXear Earbuds Currently own Sunniva and Serratus Im located in sweden and Will of course pay for shipping Cheers!
  6. F

    Earbuds Round-Up

    So i have three earbuds at the moment. Moondrop chaconne Tgxear Serratus Tgxear Sunniva Love all of them but would love another set that is sort of on the brighter/ more neutral side. The bass is just above where i want it to be on the Serratus. Any tips?
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Has anyone compared the Mojo 2 against Topping G5?
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    64 Audio Duo worth it?

    So i have an issue.. I currently own a pair of Campfire Solaris OG but looking to upgrade/switch. Can get a pair of 64 Audio Duo for 500 bucks. Im also interested in the Sennheiser IE600. I mainly use the IEMs on walks, bus and a little bit at home. Speaking budgetwise, 500 for the Duo seem...
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    Focal Clear Help Please!

    Ive tried it with multiple sources. Mojo 2, straight in to the 3.5 jack, on a portable MP3. Nothing works :(
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    Focal Clear Help Please!

    Hey! Dont know if this is the right forum but feel free to change it admin =) About a year ago I purchased a Focal Clear and loved it. Great sound and comfort. But after about a year of use (with different amps. Mainly a Schiit IEMagni i think it was) the left driver started to fail. First...
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    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Well I would want to be able to use all the streaming services if I could =) Im looking into it. As is said, works awesome on pc and also using optical.
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    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Through a "Hub". Apples official USB-c to USB adapter. This one :
  13. F

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Im just using Spotify but the problem occurs on Youtube and basically all noise from the computer.
  14. F

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Yes tried it on my PC and it played without faults.. Now how to solve it...
  15. F

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Can you answer something Rob Watts. Im using the Qutest with a MacBook Air, through a generic USB-B Cable. It then goes to a Schiit IEMagni. Why in gods name does it crackle like crazy when I play from my computer? Ive tried changing the output stages (I think) and nothing seem to work... I need...
  16. F

    HORRIBLE Crackle from Chord Qutest. PLEASE HELP

    So I purchased the Chord Qutest just a while ago. I am the third owner. When I got it home and plugged It in, Jesus Christ there is some ridiculous crackle and just static disgusting noise from it. Can't figure out why. For the record I'm connecting it via USB from my MacBook Air, then out via...
  17. F

    Best connect the AURALiC VEGA?

    Ah! Im a headphones guy at the moment but planning on buying speakers down the road. I own a bunch of IEMs from cheap to pricey aswell as a pair of Focal Clear and HD-650. Im mainly listening to CD at the moment but I have a turntable aswell. Im thinking streaming sometimes but mainly CDs or on...
  18. F

    Best connect the AURALiC VEGA?

    HI! Im fairly (not really) new to audio gear and have gathered some over the years. Recently I decided to purchase a used AURALiC VEGA for cheap (kind of) and hooked it up to my CD-player through the Schiit IEMagni. Problem with the VEGA is the lack of a headphone output. Now my question is...
  19. F

    Help me understand the Audeze iSINE 10's

    Hi everyone. So im quite new in the community but has sort of gathered a couple of headphones and been trying out some stuff recently. The third IEM (IEH?) I thought I would try out would be the Audeze iSINE 10 Planar magnetics. Heard pretty much mostly excellent things about them (soundwise)...
  20. F

    Asus Essence III?

    Hi! New here and just wanted to get some recommendations. I currently have a Asus Xonar Essence one and a HD650 Sennheiser headset, and I kind of feel that DAC/amp doesnt do the headset justice. So basically, im looking for a new DAC/amp. I found an Xonar Essence III on secondhand for about 400...