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  1. Caessa

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Looking forward to your review! I've never used my AFC outside of the desktop setting, so it'll be interesting to hear about how they handle as a portable HP. Grats on your purchase :)
  2. Caessa

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I've owned the AFC for about a month and a half now, and still I can't get over the level of detail they can extract from a song compared side-by-side to the LCD-2. It makes me want to close my eyes and listen to every song in my library just to discover all the hidden sounds I've been missing...
  3. Caessa

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    As with much of Tycho's stuff, would highly recommend listening in a quiet room with your eyes closed.
  4. Caessa

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    ...He had to fix the issue with heavy EQ (something I'm not currently interested in). He posted measurements to back up his claims, and they were *far* different from the measurements posted on Dekoni's own site for the same HD800/earpad combo, which makes me a little bit suspicious of Dekoni's...
  5. Caessa

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    That was very helpful, thanks!
  6. Caessa

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    So this is what my LCD-2 pads look like after more than 5 years of constant use - nearly every day. If you said they looked a little bit light on the padding you wouldn't be wrong. On a related note, I can't praise the durability of these headphones enough after having pairs of Denons and...
  7. Caessa

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    You're welcome! Glad I could help.
  8. Caessa

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    According to its review on this site (, your Plenue L outputs about 500mW into 32 ohms with its more powerful balanced output. My desktop amp maxes at a little over twice that (1.1W) and can push the volume really high before a...
  9. Caessa

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Agreed. I just received a pair about 5 days ago and have been listening to them alongside my primary open headphones (2014 Audeze LCD-2 with Fazor), and the Aeon is indeed comparatively light on bass quantity, but certainly not quality. Unfortunately, I don't have the budget nor live in an...
  10. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    I appreciate the comment.  I already do that trick with the cables, since it's the only way to get them to stay put, and yeah I do have a nice set of jewelry screwdrivers for the small screws.  I hadn't considered epoxy before.  Is there some sort of adhesive I could use on the cable nuts to get...
  11. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    I purchased these headphones a little over a year ago (alongside a Schiit Magni), and I have to say that I have trouble imagining a better purchase for the money.  I'm still blown away by the sheer clarity of everything that I hear, from all genres of music, at all sound levels.  I put the...
  12. Caessa

    Received Hifiman HE-400 today and all I can say is WOW!!

    Quote: Yeah I know, I use the same card.  My question was in response to ninjames who said he noticed a discernible difference from his laptop and the Modi, so I was wondering if his laptop had any aftermarket sound parts.
  13. Caessa

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: You're gonna need to put out some more info than that =X.   What is your budget?  What kind of music to you listen to?  What will you be using your headphones for (portable vs. home use)?  Is it important that they prevent sound from leaking in or out? Is comfort a concern?  ...
  14. Caessa

    Received Hifiman HE-400 today and all I can say is WOW!!

    Quote: Is that with a dedicated sound card, or on-board sound from the motherboard?
  15. Caessa

    Received Hifiman HE-400 today and all I can say is WOW!!

    I'm also new to the world of amps, so I can't make any amp comparisons from personal experience.  I will say that the standalone Magni plugged into my sound card sounds truly blissful (and I even liked the HE-400 before putting the extra power into them).  I skipped on the Modi because of this...
  16. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    Quote: Ehh, I would disagree.  I found noticeable improvement in the bass area when I swapped to the velours.  The pleathers muted certain bass frequencies for me, notably the sub bass.  Maybe it fit my head differently?
  17. Caessa

    Just got a sound card, recommend me cool things to do with it.

    That's a stripped down, half-size version that was overproduced to the point where you can still find it new from retailers.  That doesn't mean it isn't 12 years old.
  18. Caessa

    Just got a sound card, recommend me cool things to do with it.

    Aw, I wasn't trying to be mean.  Though I guess the Audigy is only one step behind the X-Fi series, which is just now finishing running its course.  I still remember my first Sound Blaster Live! card.
  19. Caessa

    Just got a sound card, recommend me cool things to do with it.

    Geez, you have an Audigy that still works? Put it in a museum =P
  20. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    Quote: I'm also interested in this.  I would like softer velours, but I'm worried about a change in sound.
  21. Caessa

    The Review & Comparison Thread

    Your English is very impressive for not being native.  Great work on the informative review, and I loved most of your music selections  (especially the game soundtracks!).  Thanks for all the hard work.     Quote: Haha, to be fair, Nickelback would have been an OK band if they only...
  22. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    Quote: I really couldn't listen to the stock pads for very long.  When you pull the ear cups away from your head a little bit and hear what the HE-400 is really capable of, it's hard to live with.  Listen for yourself, but I will testify that switching to the velours improves things...
  23. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    Quote: My wallet has been abused enough, leave the poor thing alone :(
  24. Caessa

    **Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**

    After a few days of owning them, I feel like the HE-400 might be end game for me.  I got to listen to them properly amped for a day before the amp died, probably due to ecstasy overload.  The sound was just luxurious, and the instrument separation and general intimacy was on a level I've never...
  25. Caessa

    Schiit Magni Headphone Amplifier

    Quote: Yeah, when I e-mailed my issue to support, I got a pretty speedy reply.  I understand that defects happen, but at least I feel like I'm in good hands.