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  1. For Sale  [Sold] Bricasti M1 SE

    5000.00 USD
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. United States of America
    This is a Bricasti M1 SE purchased in a refurbished/preowned condition from Bricasti directly in 2019. Features the SE upgrades but no network player and no MDx upgrade. Can be upgraded by Bricasti to include not only these but also the new M1S2 upgrades. Will ship to US CON48 (will also do...
  2. Rhamnetin

    Benchmark HPA4 Headphone / Line Amplifier Impressions

    Yes so that you can choose to have the rack mountable faceplate or not.
  3. Rhamnetin

    Comment by 'Rhamnetin' on listing 'Schiit Freya S (Silver) - CLOSED'

    The listing is closed but I updated the title and message to show that it's sold.
  4. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    The biggest differences I hear are in the treble where the E3 sounds more linear (not sure if it even is) and generally more special somehow, and then separation and spatial properties sound better on the E3, plus the mids sound slightly more natural to me. This is with the K371's main issues...
  5. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I don't think I've ever listened to the Dianas, only the Abyss AB-1266 and Abyss Phi CC. I was unimpressed by those to say the least, but that has no bearing on the Dianas.
  6. Rhamnetin

    The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)

    The K872 seems quite unique, if you can't try before buying I encourage buying from a store with a good return policy. This is from Crinacle:
  7. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Very nearly 3" tall and 2" wide measuring across the center. It has one of the biggest inner diameters I've encountered in a long time. Despite that, its group delay/internal reflections are as minimal as an IEM - truly marvelous engineering. Genre preference really comes down to the person. I...
  8. Rhamnetin

    The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)

    Just to add to this, there is a separate Harman curve representing neutrality - the Harman in-room linear response curve. DCA and many HiFiMans can easily be EQ'd to this tuning. It's worth trying when experimenting to find out what frequency response you prefer, though it's not what most people...
  9. Rhamnetin

    The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)

    Yeah, it seems like they thought a flat frequency response across the board was the way to go for headphones, which results in them having a massive upper mid and lower treble dip that sounds unlike anything else whether you like it or not. It seems like they learned from this with the Maxwell...
  10. Rhamnetin

    Topping A70 Pro - impressions

    A pair of XLR cables would be best, e.g. microphone cables rather than 110 ohm AES/EBU cables (though you can still use these) like what was posted above. I'd go for Mogami or Canare in the US, or Gotham in Europe.
  11. Rhamnetin

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    That list is outdated, heavily biased and not very useful ultimately. As for the BiPolar, to some extent it serves a different purpose as it should be capable of a very low gain mode unlike the ultra powerful, higher gain CFA3?
  12. Rhamnetin

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Woah! I assumed this amp was far larger than that.
  13. Rhamnetin

    Reply to review by 'Rhamnetin' on item 'Dan Clark Audio E3'

    The comparison was only off memory unfortunately. If you can get it from a store with a good return policy, that'd be great for evaluating.
  14. Rhamnetin

    Topping A70 Pro - impressions

    No EQ. You can save different presets for each input and output, but this is just for volume and maybe gain as well. I've never seen EQ in a headphone amp, but rumor has it they will start to integrate it into one of their DACs starting with the upcoming D50 III.
  15. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Scams, trickery, yes I associated the two subconsciously. My mistake if that's wrong. Note that A-weighted 1 KHz measurements are the norm for the product spec pages of all brands, including the popular audiophile brands, not just the likes of SMSL, Topping, Drop, Schiit, JDS Labs. So if these...
  16. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    +1 for the Midgard but why only XLR out? Both outputs measure the same, and sound the same with all the headphones I tried unsurprisingly. I wonder if anyone is able to hear any difference in blind testing, if so then it'd be interesting if someone with an analyzer can simulate the load.
  17. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I have some go-to test songs for sound stage. I'd be weary making judgements based on other people's listening experiences, especially if they are not level matched blind listening tests since that introduces so much bias. Also, calling products scams based on speculation doesn't seem right...
  18. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    SINAD is certainly an overrated metric in some circles and 3rd party data should always take precedence over manufacturer data (some is better than none though), but I am curious about the phase distortion you mention. Is there any good reading material and data for that with the THX amps (or...
  19. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    It is a mistake to correlate price with quality, you'd be more correct to correlate the age (in terms of how old the design is) with quality. Today's best $150 amps/DACs far outperform the best of the earlier 2010s and 2000s, which is when many of today's most popular amps and DACs were...
  20. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Those THX amps are top tier performers in every metric, no surprise there!
  21. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Topping USB performance is always great since they use XMOS. The other inputs are always great too from what I've seen. Honestly I haven't owned a DAC made within the last decade or more that had audible USB issues.
  22. Rhamnetin

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    And these days you can get good enough electronics for $150 and below for DACs and headphone amps, except for super power hungry headphones (Tungsten) for which you might have to spend $350-400 to get the power you need along with completely transparent performance beyond the thresholds of our...
  23. Rhamnetin

    The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread

    If we want to listen to the music as intended, i.e. without the headphone adding or subtracting anything, then technically what we want is a headphone that adheres to the Harman linear in-room frequency response curve, as this is the best approximation we have of what you'd be hearing with a...
  24. Rhamnetin

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    While not mentioned in this latest chapter, I'm curious about the decision to make your own custom delta sigma DAC with the Gungnir 2 before making your own discrete R2R DAC, considering the R2R prevalence in the high end Schiit DACs (including the previous Gungnir). Was it to make a more...
  25. Rhamnetin

    The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread

    The most immediately different factor is that different estats have different bass response. Also, differences in the overall tonality can emphasize a lower bass response more. HiFiMan estats don't generally have a weaker bass response, or relative bass emphasis, than their planar counterparts...