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  1. Icenine2

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    Trying to figure out where I'm going to put two other DAVE sized boxes!
  2. Icenine2

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    You Win. Incredible. Must be like swimming on rainbows out of heaven
  3. Icenine2

    Dan Clark Audio Stealth Review, Interview, Measurements

    Pads didn't come off easily. I watched the DCA video and used a stiff credit card to wedge around the edge to pry them off. A bit of a tug and you won't damage anything doing that. After that I used a bit of rubbing alcohol to remove any excess sticky stuff which truthfully I could have skipped...
  4. Icenine2

    Dan Clark Audio Stealth Review, Interview, Measurements

    I bought new pads for my Stealth's. Better now, the old ones had become smooshy
  5. Icenine2

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    "People who love nice things are going to love this. People who love inexpensive things are going to hate it" Quote from my bike shop: Velosmith
  6. Icenine2

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    At Axpona I spoke with Colin from Chord at length about this. It was all pretty exciting to hear about. Definitely want this. I know the wife won't dig the rack of three!
  7. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I listened w/Feliks Envy which was superb. If I was not tubes then the AHB2 since these were developed on that amp. Plus reviews on the Benchmark are all stellar
  8. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I wished I would have listened to the listener next to me for how much "sound bleed" there was from these. This will make a difference which room I'd have to listen in (Wife+family factor)
  9. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    You called it. When I spoke w/Danny he explained it was buyers not wanting to possibly miss out by not buying the top. FOMO for sure
  10. Icenine2


    The LINA could go louder. I listened to Kind of Blue "So What" It was good but not better. The size of these were much larger than I had thought they were. Plus the $$. I'd rather spend that money on maybe the RAAL triple ribbons. Those were great. Again I wasn't able to A/B those either and...
  11. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I spoke w/Danny while there. Super nice guy and answered all my questions.
  12. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Now I have to decide what I'm going to do. It was one of those deals where like a great concert you find yourself asking: "What just happened there".
  13. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I edited my posts in case someone reads out of my mistaken context
  14. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    You're right. I got the names wrong! The triple are selling. BTW NWave I finally got to listen throught your Feliks Envy with these. Fantastic.
  15. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    SHOOT. I GOT THE NAMES WRONG!! SORRY EVERYONE. The triple ribbon Immanis is selling. Zero on the other end. Apologies to all!
  16. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Yes. He told me I think 60 Immanis sold so far and zero Magna.
  17. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Positive. I was AXPONA today and visited the booth/table twice. I was told how many they sold and they too were surprised about the result. Buyers are reluctant about not spending up and possibly missing out. As far as headphone rigs go this is definitely at the high end. The Immanis were beyond...
  18. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Buyers are only going for the Immanis. No Magna sold yet. The Envy did sound good. The 300B tube deal is just an expensive end product with all the tube offerings.
  19. Icenine2

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Just listened to these at AXPONA. Fantastic. I'd love to listen to them in my own system. Always difficult when so many others around.
  20. Icenine2


    Just got back from AXPONA. Spoke with Colin from Chord for a bit which was fun. and informative. Listened to the RAAL 1995 Triple ribbon headphones which sounded fantastic. Finally got to listen with a Feliks Envy (nice) and the DCA LINA stack (Nice but I prefer the Chord. The only thing I liked...
  21. Icenine2


    Anyone here attending Axpona outside Chicago. I'm thinking about attending but unsure if it's really worth it: waiting lines etc. I wonder if Chord might have a preview of anything as well.
  22. Icenine2

    Cavalli Audio Liquid Fire

    Gilmore worshipers. Those nice people over there had it out for me a few times. Lovely
  23. Icenine2

    Cavalli Audio Liquid Fire

    Excellent! I owned one of the first for years. It was superb. Don't know what ever became of Alex Cavalli. He was super nice to me through the years and I was able to test a few prototypes of his.
  24. Icenine2


    Wow. My brain I always thought that those were probably just the top of the hill because they were so expensive. Never find out what they even sound like. Thank you.