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  1. Linus108

    Has Hifiman upgraded/downgraded the HE500 drivers?

    Still waiting for my cracked LCD 2 to be fixed and sent back.    Yeesh, all these expensive headphones with these production problems. For your sake, I hope you get a good one this time. :) Quote:  
  2. Linus108

    Returning my Grado PS500...Not sure what to get now

    IMO G-Cush changed the sound for the worse on the PS500's. I can understand why some would prefer it. Like others have said, larger sound stage, the bass isn't as intrusive, much more comfortable. But the very reason I liked the PS500 sound was that it was punchy/fun. And I really thought that...
  3. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Katun, haven't talked to you in a long time! You were always helpful, good to see ya. :) Quote:  
  4. Linus108

    I am going nuts, I received Audez'e LCD-2 yesterday, cracked today

    Oh see, I didn't know this. Thanks for that.   Do you know if these issues, occur often after they have been fixed by them? Or is it just an issue they have at the start of production of new headphones. Not sure if that question makes sense. I'm just wondering if the build quality issues...
  5. Linus108

    I am going nuts, I received Audez'e LCD-2 yesterday, cracked today

    I agree with this.   To be honest, I'm not very familiar with the history of Audeze, and what their track record is on here when it comes to build quality (especially years down the road). But if a handful of people had cracks (and around the same time) then it stands within reason, it was...
  6. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Kind of bummed I didn't grab these when the prices were lower. I'm using my friends HD-600 while my LCD-2s are being repaired, and I've realized I really like the Sennheiser sound.   I wanted to buy one, but they are now $499 Does anyone know if these pair well with the Schiit Lyr? 
  7. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Ah sweet, you are from Portland.    I have a lot of good friends up there. I actually don't have a big excuse. I'm from Southern California, and there are some places to try out headphones. But they are still 3-4 hours away from where I live. So it's not entirely viable for me.    I need...
  8. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    I can't help but feel a bit bad for Mike. Like you guys, I think he's a good guy and I've always enjoyed his writings.    But I also understand the problem with writing about a new product that cost so much money, and the influence it can have on those reading. Realistically, no one should...
  9. Linus108

    I am going nuts, I received Audez'e LCD-2 yesterday, cracked today

    Still waiting for mine to be sent back.   Going to be honest, seriously considering selling mine when I get mine back fixed. I know that sounds like an overreaction (maybe it is), but I don't really want to invest $1k into a product that could have some design problems down the line. =/  I...
  10. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Interesting!    Going to read now, I enjoy Mike's writing.  Quote:  
  11. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    I think I'm just gonna get an HD-800. I've been using my friends HD-600s while my LCD-2 was sent in for repairs, and I've come to fall in love with the Sennheiser sound over the past 7 days I've had them. I'll obviously wait a month more before taking the plunge (I know I'm in the first...
  12. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Yes, I brought up both the 325 and HD800. I wanted to know what peaky was and mentioned the 325 fatigued my ear and wanted to know how the HD 800 compared in that regard (and possibly the HD 700). So I appreciate you posting that graph.    
  13. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    My apologies. I did not mean to judge. Hence why I even said that it's hard to gauge from photos. I apologize for not reading all the impressions.  Quote:  
  14. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Another issue I kind of see, is the build quality. Maybe it's just me, but they kind of...look cheap in places. I'm not talking about aesthetics. But that little hinge that holds each ear cup looks kind of cheap.   Curious for those that have actually seen them in person or tried them, if...
  15. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    I was considering pre-ordering. It being easier to drive than the HD-800 was a big appeal.. But then I've read first impressions that have said it's very peaky, so my hype for it has been somewhat deflated. If it's not as good as the HD-800, and it's peaky, then I have to consider if it's worth...
  16. Linus108

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    Thanks for replying. Nice to get some input from long time users. It's probably just an issue with a newer batch. I didn't mean for my post to sound dramatic, but I don't really have a whole lot of money all the time, so making these kind of purchases are big investments. I spent a year saving...
  17. Linus108

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    My friend who just ordered his LCD-2s also had a crack in the same spot show up a week after he got them. Should he just send them back to head room? Or just contact Audeze. He's wondering in terms of  which would be quicker.   I'm thinking he should just go through Audeze, because if Head...
  18. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Thanks for all the replies and info. I love that Head-Fi can be so kind to a noob/casual audiophile. :)   Maybe I should just hold off until I can try out the HD-700s myself. If the 325i drove me nuts because of it being peaky, the HD-700 might yield a similar result. I guess since Amazon is...
  19. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Thanks for that, really appreciate it.   That actually sounds like a perfect fit for me. Personally, I have sensitive ears. The LCD-2 sound doesn't bother much. I'll go days without having any issues. But some days, I get irritation (just depends on the loudness of the music and how hard the...
  20. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    Having never heard the HD-800 (I've only heard one Sennheiser, the HD-600), do you guys think the HD-700 will make a good compliment to my LCD-2s? I mean, obviously no one has heard the 700's yet. So I guess I'm going more off first impressions, and the sound of the HD-800.   LCD 2's are...
  21. Linus108

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    I think I'm going to try my hand at these.   Need to send my LCD-2's in for repair (wood cracking) anyways. Will probably time my purhcase of these when I send my LCD's in (since I don't have any other headphone). I've always wanted to try the HD-800's, but never had the money for both the...
  22. Linus108

    I am going nuts, I received Audez'e LCD-2 yesterday, cracked today

    I posted about something similar here:   But my LCD-2 of only 1 month and a half has a very similar crack as yours, in the same spot. :(  But the crack on mine doesn't completely fissure to the bottom...
  23. Linus108

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    Thanks, will look into all of those.   As more of a casual listener myself, I've always wondered how much of a difference amps really make on headphones that are less amp-dependent. As others have said, the LCD-2 drives pretty easily. What massive amount of difference difference would you...
  24. Linus108

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    I talked my friend into buying an LCD-2 recently, but didn't realize all he had to drive them was a Fiio E9. Should have made sure he had something to drive first (a mistake I won't make again). Surprisingly, the Fiio drives them decently. Well, I say decently. You get what I mean. He's actually...
  25. Linus108

    The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)

    You mean the warranty that came with your Audeze? They all say ONE year. But the company has updated their policy, to extend it to 3 years. So as long as it's Audeze product they should honor it. If you have a problem with your product, just hit them up and provide the info.    Quote...