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  1. HariBhushan


    Just pulled the trigger on Senn HD600's for $273 shipped   I wanted to try these bad-boys for so long.   Let's see if I'm finally going to retire my HD650's once and for all !
  2. HariBhushan


      You're never going to get a headphone that is going to be better suieted for every single genre that you listen to.   You may get real close, you may get an all-rounder that you love, but that doesn't mean that particular headphone is going to sound good with everything.   The HD650 is a...
  3. HariBhushan


    WHICH IS BETTER FOR Female Vocals HD 600 or HD 700? Which is better for gaming HD 600 or HD700? SOMEONE FILL ME IN, I'm READY TO SPLURGE !!!!!!!!!!
  4. HariBhushan


    The HD650 is a legendary headphone.   The main flaw of this headphone is the some-what mid-bass hump and bass texture(bass roar, sub-bass, explosive explosions, etc..) that isn't as jaw droppingly good, like it is on phones such as the DT990's.   The HD650 needs amp like in the Woo Audio 3...
  5. HariBhushan

    Connecting Amp and Dac to sound card.

    Hi head-fi     Right now I'm using HD650 with a little dot mk3 amp and the little dot dac.    I am trying to get a sound card for my pc because my set-up is stereo and it does not support 5.1 in games.  So is it possible to get a sound card for my pc and use the 5.1 dolby headphone...
  6. HariBhushan

    How do i make the HD650 more neutral and less bassy?

      Quote: HD600's treble would probably remind me too much of the beyer dt990's.  So this is definitely a no-go for me.       Quote:   thanks Uncle_Erik,  this is exactly the kind of information i might need.   I as well had thought of going with either a blue dragon...
  7. HariBhushan

    How do i make the HD650 more neutral and less bassy?

    Hey guys   I am looking to make my HD650 sound more neutral and more reference[ish] type without going with the HD600/HD800 approach. The reason is I find the HD650 treble perfect to my ears(but i wish it could be a little more warmer) but I want the bass to be toned down a bit because I...
  8. HariBhushan

    DT880 600ohm BS

    Catharsis, I'm going to agree with you about this "600ohm so-called conspiracy theories"   Right now, I own both DT880/600 and DT990/600 (herp, derp///  I actually wonder how i ended up with 600ohm version of these phones/// herp derp)    I have tried the DT880/600 and DT990/600 from...
  9. HariBhushan

    Questions about RP-DH1200, ATH-M50, Audio 2 DJ and PA2V2

    ath-m50 would work pretty good in your case.   you might need a soudcard/amp combo like one of those dbasso models tho.
  10. HariBhushan

    Long awaited Smyth SVS Realiser NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE

    Quote: lmao. I'm wondering the same thing. I had a pm quite a while back and that dude spammed those A's in every sentence. lol  
  11. HariBhushan

    Bass IMPACT!!!!!! Thats all I ever asked for in life :(

    Quote: thanks again for your thoughts. This is sure going to be a tough choice.   Quote: do the XB700 have more impact and slam than the DT990's? The XB700 has more bass quantity, but how does it compare with the quality of the bass? I'm sure the DT990's is  more richly...
  12. HariBhushan

    Bass IMPACT!!!!!! Thats all I ever asked for in life :(

    Quote: interesting. thanks for sharing your opinions.   Indeed, The Woo 3 would probably never work with the Sony XB series since it's an OTL, but I also have a Musiland Monitor 02US(as my main dac), and that has quite a decent headphone jack for low/high impedance headphones. So I'll...
  13. HariBhushan

    Bass IMPACT!!!!!! Thats all I ever asked for in life :(

    so is the XB500 or XB700 series usually forgiving of bad recordings? I really would like to give these a try since I definitely need something more fun and bass heavy to compliment the HD650's.  The thing with the DT990's is that while they produce quality bass, impact, and prat,  I can barely...
  14. HariBhushan

    How much effect does source have on the headphones in terms of sibilance?

    I mostly think it's the recordings. A bad source can make sibilant stand out and make it even worse, but i think It's the recording/mic fault. A better amp and a smooth source does help, but don't expect miracles.   the HD650's mask sibilance quite well because of their rolled off highs +...
  15. HariBhushan

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    listening to some Marvin Gaye right now with my HD650's.   loving each and every second
  16. HariBhushan

    Beyerdynamic DT990 good for movies?

    hey, maruzen, you said that you use the Xonar Essence for your dt990s on 6 channel for movies? How does that work for you. Can this card alone handle these headphones?  There's no way you can bypass your Xonar to your little dot tube amp and still have those 6 channels surround sound for the...
  17. HariBhushan

    Is $36 a good price for a used Sony XB500?

    not really. spend another $15 and you get them for $50 brand new.   is budget really that tight for you?
  18. HariBhushan

    Worth selling the 2005/6 DT880 250ohms to get the 600ohms version?

    Quote: LOL. thanks for the laughs hodjy, you really made my day
  19. HariBhushan

    Worth selling the 2005/6 DT880 250ohms to get the 600ohms version?

    I just don't know what to tell you mbtenma. TheWuss and I hate the brightness of the DT880/600, but you find them balanced and neutral.   This is all subjective. I guess it just varies from ear to ear, amp to amp, user to user,  I guess
  20. HariBhushan

    Worth selling the 2005/6 DT880 250ohms to get the 600ohms version?

    well.. i probably would classify the dt990 as the brighter headphone, but because of its heavy bass, the treble sparkle doesn't really  stand out too much. Is it fatiguing? a bit, yes, but not really noticeably in bass heavy tracks. but the treble still fatigues me no matter what.  The DT880...
  21. HariBhushan

    Worth selling the 2005/6 DT880 250ohms to get the 600ohms version?

    600 beyer ohm theories are all a bunch of b.s. beyer are probably laughing their asses off and tricking you guys into thinking they sound better.   I'm ready to sell my 600ohm and try some 250ohm'ers. screw 600ohm, 250ohm is where the real party is !  
  22. HariBhushan

    Worth selling the 2005/6 DT880 250ohms to get the 600ohms version?

    I wonder how the DT880/600 or DT990/600 would sound on the Beta22 or RockShopper m^3.   some have reported it smoothes that colouring that recordings are always adding and makes it sound extremely sweet. And like i said, The DT880 and DT990's are treble oriented. Nothing you can do will...