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  1. Sakhai

    Discussions pertaining to the resale of HF2s

    Quote: Originally Posted by dan1son Foam pads are an after market replacement part. Not a product in the normal sense. It's very normal for full retail to be the price for that. His products are discounted and competitively priced, and, in my experience, he's very good about...
  2. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by The Monkey And how large an operation do you think Todd is running? Probably the size of a regular shop, not the size of a warehouse. Then again even regular shops discount their merchandise, while warehouses have a much, much wider range of products...
  3. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by The Monkey Who are "they" and what were you expecting "them" to charge? You already know the answers to these questions, but I'll humor you. TTVJ, and a comparable price to their competitors.
  4. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zanth We are discussing the large bowls not the regular ones. I don't see the large (salad/super) bowls for $15. Of course you don't. It's more than obvious we're referring to both bowls - the jumbo and regular - within the same series of posts, but...
  5. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by SemiAudiophile i just checked and the prices on the salad bowls look the same to me at $45. B&H does offer free shipping though, but they are out of stock and don't get them until 7-14 days. i don't see the RS1 for $550... i would go to Todd because...
  6. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by SemiAudiophile was that good or bad? if it's indeed good, Todd might soon see a whole bunch of orders for salad bowls. It sounds good, but I can't describe the sound. I've sworn off analyzing sound for a while. I'd rather just enjoy the...
  7. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    For whatever reason, I never bothered to try the HF2 with the GS bowls, but you guys gave me that idea. And dang...
  8. Sakhai

    SRH840 impression

    Quote: Originally Posted by ajreynol ^ oh, so they're $130 now, but you paid $170 at the time you purchased them? While I think that's a good deal, I think I'd rather spend the extra $20 and know that I can return them if I'm not satisfied. Also, I was considering the AKG 271 M II's...
  9. Sakhai

    SRH840 impression

    It's more than obvious that RMC was violating their terms with Shure by advertising them for 129.99. They were doing us a favor, and we were able to get them for a low price. It's highly likely that JR was the company who snitched RMC out to Shure, looking at all the customers on here who tried...
  10. Sakhai

    Simple, reversible mod for GS-1000

    Quote: Originally Posted by s1rrah ... ... What tha hell's all that black crap on your drivers?
  11. Sakhai

    The Inherent Value of Burn-In

    Quote: Originally Posted by jawang I'm not sure if I understand your post. I did not mean to say that burn-in as a PHYSICAL phenomenon is bogus. Clearly, it DOES occur, there is no denying this fact. I meant to say that the drastic audible differences caused burn-in is (in my current...
  12. Sakhai

    i love my grado 60's but..

    Quote: Originally Posted by crossmd I disagree with all of this.(save the Grado=uncomfortable part which I removed from quote.) I think the bowls are the most uncomfortable, and I noticed a sound improvement in my SR80s, with the 414 pads(Quarter Mod). Ebay has the 414 pads for half...
  13. Sakhai

    Which first Grado should I get?

    The SR60i has improved bass and can't be compared as the SR60. Just keep in mind that you're not upgrading as you move up their line. You're paying more for a different sound.
  14. Sakhai

    Shure SRH240 Unboxing

    You said earlier you used them for all of zero hours before forming an impression of them. Your sound impression means zilch because of that. All of my Shures have needed burn-in in the past.
  15. Sakhai

    Defective HD800?

    Did you buy the right adapter? There should be 3 metallic surfaces on the plug. You said you bought a mono adapter. (2 metallic surfaces). That basically means you're only going to get sound on one side. Go buy a stereo adapter.
  16. Sakhai

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Comparing the HF2's to all other things I have's made my mind spin. After a while, things start sounding the same. I'm happy with my SR60i with bowls. I don't need anything better to enjoy my music.
  17. Sakhai

    Shure SRH840 - How Does it Really Sound?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Acix lol, not ugly, just fetish. I'll take the challenge to compare to the Sure, If someone has them in the bay area. The Guitar Center on Van Ness has them in stock now. I saw them.
  18. Sakhai

    SRH840 impression

    Quote: Originally Posted by SchneiderStudios Nope, i know when i hear bad sound quality. its just rubbish. Rookie move. If you're going to pay shipping and lose time, you might as well keep them for a week or two and try them out. Nothing in this league sounds their best out of...
  19. Sakhai

    i love my grado 60's but..

    Senn pads suck. Don't every buy them. They absorb so much sound that music doesn't sound right anymore. You'll end up paying more by trying to save money. Grado's are generally very uncomfortable. First, try bending the headband out. Bowls can help, because there's less padding pushing...
  20. Sakhai

    The Inherent Value of Burn-In

    Quote: Originally Posted by jawang I think iggy posted a very compelling arguing for why burn-in may be bogus... Every pair of headphones has people who dislike them. Even the HD800 and similar models have SOME people who dislike their specific sound. There is not one headphone in...
  21. Sakhai

    The Inherent Value of Burn-In

    Quote: Originally Posted by ABathingApe You can't have burn in without fatigue That's not fatigue. When the material's stiffer than normal, you burn it in to make it have normal flexibility. When the material has abnormally greater flexibility due to excessive wear, then that...
  22. Sakhai

    The Inherent Value of Burn-In

    Burn-in and material fatigue are two different things.
  23. Sakhai

    JMoney Denon Ear Pads

    Why doesn't Jmoney just list his product on Amazon Marketplace? He'd have the customer base of the entire country. Replacement earpads aren't exactly easy to find for these headsets.
  24. Sakhai

    SRH840 impression

    But how does the SRH840 compare to higher priced headphones? Everyone wants to compare it to comparably priced headsets, but the question is whether it's underpriced at $200. Does it compare to $300 sets, for example?
  25. Sakhai

    Skullcandy Headphones

    Can someone come up with a mod for SC's? Put good drivers inside it.