Recent content by rumatt
  1. rumatt

    Fit identical to UM-1's, but cheaper?

    Quote: Interesting.  Are the tips similar to that of the UM-1 / UM-2?  Do you know if they'll fit the exact same tips?  No right?
  2. rumatt

    Fit identical to UM-1's, but cheaper?

    My girlfriend loves her Westone UM-1's, but she destroyed her first pair by wearing them at the gym.  Can anyone recommend a set of in-ear headphones that fits the same (uses the same ear pieces) but is cheaper?    She doesn't really care about sound quality but wants the fit and sound isolation...
  3. rumatt

    Jitter Test: Can you hear it? (downloadable samples)

    If you click on the link to the original jitter test, the first reply is Steve N who pretty much trashes them. Hahaha. The rest of the replies seem to be spam? This idea is pretty cool, but the details of how it's done determine whether it's a useful exercise.
  4. rumatt

    Corona to Head-Fi: 'DROP DEAD' - Corona Declares War Against Us All

    Quote: Originally Posted by snejk Still, on a real hot day after working in the garden I prefer an icecold Corona to a Belgian beer. +1 Well, except that I don't work in a garden.
  5. rumatt

    If a K1000 runs off of speaker outputs, why not any headphones?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericj Oh god, you people "you people" ??? A tad condescending, eh? Quote: actually believe that more gain necessarily means more noise? It's not a function of the amps gain, but the speakers efficiency. The noise output of the amp is...
  6. rumatt

    Is FLAC worth it..?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Aman FLAC is scientifically not worth the hard disk space, if your only goal in encoding to this format is to listen. I don't know whether I can hear the difference between FLAC and 320K MP3. And at 10 cents of HD space per CD, I couldn't care less...
  7. rumatt

    Is FLAC worth it..?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Solan 1 CD: 250MB in FLAC 1 HD @ 500GB: $150 Price per CD: 7.5 cents. CDs that are not worth 7.5 cents to store are not worth listening to. Agreed 100%. Except wait for a deal on the 500GB drive and you'll get it for $100. Then buy two, so...
  8. rumatt

    I don't know what bad headphones sound like anymore!!!

    Quote: I don't know what bad headphones sound like anymore!!! I can loan you my HD-650's if you like.
  9. rumatt

    Backing Up Music Files

    Quote: Originally Posted by feverfive I have 2 external harddrives I use for backup purposes; externals HD's are so cheap these days, it's not easy for me to understand how people who spend thousands on audio equipment won't spend a couple hundred for external HD's... +1...
  10. rumatt

    How to split 500 for max pleasure ?

    Quote: How to split 500 for max pleasure ? Hookers and cocaine. But seriously... I'd second the vote for buying used. Monitor the classified here and wait for a good deal.
  11. rumatt

    hd 650s are awesome

    I'm going to have to give my 650's one more shot based on their reputation here. Every time listen to them I end up going back to my k701's and being much happier. The bass is much better in the 650's and I wish the k701 was better in this regard, but for everything else I prefer the k701s...