legcramp reacted to MakeItWain's post in the thread The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club") with Like.I haven't actually. I'd never tried those but I have tried the Maxwell enough to know that they compete very well with super high end...
legcramp replied to the thread The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club").Did you happen to own the previous versions of the Maxwell (Penrose or Mobius), if so can you compare their sound quality to the...
legcramp reacted to MakeItWain's post in the thread The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club") with Like.Get a pair of Audeze Maxwell and hit that EQ. You're done. Wireless, amazing battery life, can be used for gaming, ain't that bad for...
legcramp replied to the thread Emotiva BasX A2m Flex Speaker + Headphone Amp.Sweet! I've been running the same setup for a while now with a Musician Pegasus Dac, this setup is it for me.
legcramp reacted to Nuge's post in the thread Emotiva BasX A2m Flex Speaker + Headphone Amp with Like.Very well! It sounds great with the HE6SEV2
legcramp replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).How's the FPS footstep positioning compared to Penrose/Audeze? The latter are terrible for competitive fps gaming.
legcramp reacted to xsankar's post in the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109) with Like.The drivers are slightly different, but acoustics is much better because of new ear cup design. We have done quite a bit of work for...
legcramp replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).Did you guys work specifically on audio positioning for footsteps and soundstage accuracy for the Maxwell and improving it from the...
legcramp replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).Mobius and Penrose owner checking in here. I love the Mobius and I love the Penrose even more because of the 2.4ghz usb transmitter...
legcramp replied to the thread Low end. Cheap. Generic. Otherwise bang for buck cable thread!.That looks amazing for the price, thanks I'll pick one up.
legcramp reacted to HiFiRobot's post in the thread Low end. Cheap. Generic. Otherwise bang for buck cable thread! with Like.I just got this one for my Edition X with the 2 x 2.5mm. Can't comment on if there is any difference in sound, at least not yet. But I...
legcramp replied to the thread Low end. Cheap. Generic. Otherwise bang for buck cable thread!.Any recommendations for a 2.5mm HIFIMAN cable with a 6.5mm plug? I am just looking for a more usable cable vs. the tangled crappy mess...
legcramp replied to the thread Audeze Penrose X and Penrose.I really love these headphones... sounds great for music, movies, is very comfortable and the mic is good for meetings for WFH. The only...