Recent content by CompGamer
  1. C

    Audio issue

    Alright, so i used some 400 grit sandpaper, let it sit in deoxit for a couple hours and re-inserted and still a hum/buzz. Something weird i discovered, if im listening to music and i shut off the Darkvoice, the hum instantly goes away and the music is crystal clear for about 10 seconds until...
  2. C

    Audio issue

    got some 400 grit and cleaned them off nice but still, not quite as loud but they are still humming. Will that go away after some burn in time?
  3. C

    Tube amp background hum normal?

    same, my stock tube died and no longer plays volume out the right ear, i switch to an elctro harmonix gold pin and now it hums like crazy...
  4. C

    Audio issue

    Quick question, i replaced a the 6SN7 tube and that fixed the volume issue but now my left ear cup has a strong hum and the right a weak hum, that doesn't change with the volume, does that burn off?
  5. C

    Audio issue

    Quick question, i replaced a the 6SN7 tube and that fixed the volume issue but now my left ear cup has a strong hum and the right a weak hum, that doesn't change with the volume, does that burn off?
  6. C

    MHA-100.... Audiophile that also games

    Hello all, I have a pair of HD700s current running off a Modi Multi-bit and Dark-voice amp. I've also used (albeit for like 1 song) a pair of LCD-3 on this set-up and they honestly sounded similar/slightly betters than my HD700s but not $1000 better.... What I'm getting at is I've noticed that...
  7. C

    Audio issue

    Hello again all, So for some reason the right ear cup in my Sennheiser HD 700's has been producing very low volume. (I have to go into the EQ and set the left channel balance to 25% to match the sound.) This issue also persists if I use audio from Xbox or Pc. I beleive the issue is with my Amp...
  8. C

    LCD-GX - Compatibility confusion

    Hey man, thanks for the info! I can't wait to get these bad boys! I've heard alot of good stuff about the planar headphones
  9. C

    LCD-GX - Compatibility confusion

    Hello all, I just put in my pre-order for the LCD-GX gaming headphones recently and due to the ultra-low impedance I'm unsure if my current rig would work or not; I dont want to blow them out! Also, does the frequency response range of the dac/amp bottleneck the performance of the headphone...
  10. C

    New Darkvoice 336se smoking. Help

    I read comment by somebody with a similar complaint. They said they tried again with a fire extinguisher nearby in the smoke eventually stopped and then it functioned perfectly. Is it possible it's just adhesive or something burning off while it's getting up to operating temperature for its...
  11. C

    New Darkvoice 336se smoking. Help

    Mild. Smells a bit like something fried but I have to put my nose against it to smell that.
  12. C

    New Darkvoice 336se smoking. Help

    Hey guys, I just bought a new dark voice 336se and plugged in the tubes and turned it on a and no more than 10 minutes later I hear what sounds like a very quite sizzle and a bit of smoke coming out. Please tell me this was dust or normal. Only plugged into power no input
  13. C

    Best Gaming Setup $1,000 max (Console)

    Is that was" isolation" means? Other people hearing it? Idc about that. I though it meant the ability for the cans to isolate sounds or be sharp. Don't hate me i lol
  14. C

    Best Gaming Setup $1,000 max (Console)

    Hmm... well the setup is over my budget but I could stretch.. Is hd700 that much better than hd650 ? Uber MB is worth the upgrade?