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  1. z-iron

    UE900 with better bass?

    Hi folks, Is there an IEM like the UE900 but with better bass? Detachable MMCX cable, good isolation, comfy negative profile in ear since I sleep on my side with them in. UE900s are ok but I'm a bit disappointed in the bass, tried all the different ear tips. Everything else I'm happy with...
  2. z-iron

    Ultimate Ears UE 900 Discussion and Impressions Thread

    Can anyone tell me which tips will provide the best bass with the ue900s? I don't mind paying like $30 with shipping for these, I want more bass!    I was using a double-flange silicone, but 1 of the tips has gone missing... I ordered a triple flange silicone of ebay for like $10 about a week...
  3. z-iron

    Shure SE846: A New In-Ear Flagship From Shure. Finally! (Impressions p26-28)

    didn't read the thread but lol @ the clear cables / plastic. looks like you're wearing a hearing aid. this stuff better come in different solid colours   might as well buy a custom fitted one for around the same price anyway.
  4. z-iron

    Coolest Looking Headphones

    ES7 for sure; I have one of these and I get compliments from people all the time.
  5. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    hmm... very nice links! Thanks! (and nice 1st post as well, bluesw) I was planning to get the es7's from (about 12500 yen) But whats the deal with Stax? Aren't those things speakers? = sound leaks?? And the W5000 is out of my price range...
  6. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    yeah, I guess I'll have to be careful not to scratch the mirrors
  7. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    lol, yeah but do they have mirrors?? damnnnn!!! *ahem* Anyway, I'd like to use the cans as a portable and not get laughed at... which will happen with those stax...but with the es7, it'll look good, sound decent, won't need an amp, etc. Maybe I'll consider electrostatics in a few years...
  8. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    wow!! closed can, killer looks (especially in black), not too expensive, not too big.. someone also said they sound like grado sr80's with more bass? ... what more can I ask for? Thank you Carl!!!!
  9. z-iron

    Help needed on selecting a pair of headphones/earphones.

    hd650 would be better all around with an amp, especially if you're going to use your cd player to drive them (is that even possible??). I don't own an amp, but I guess the idea is if you connect your headphone through the amp, the sound quality is better.. same goes for cables.
  10. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

  11. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    mm... maybe I should stick with audio-technicas then? at least they look fairly nice, even though they're quite large...
  12. z-iron

    IEM Reccomendation (Less than $100)

    Can you get the e3 for less than $100??? (new) I thought it was only the e2...
  13. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    what a butt-ugly can!!! (sr-2050) It looks like they took 2 microphones / speakers and glued them to a headband!! If I took the cans that I am to purchase outside, I'd like to not get laughed at..
  14. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    sounds like Akihabara might be a hit-or-miss place...
  15. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    Isn't stax that super expensive kind??? Retails for $1500 or so... that's out of my range... unless if they make anything under $300
  16. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    "market chains" = yodobashi, etc. ? I guess I'll have to go into Akihabara to get them at a cheap price??
  17. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    only audio-technica?? I was hoping there would be a few more...
  18. z-iron

    cans that are cheaper in japan?

    I'll be headed to Japan in a couple weeks, so does anyone know what cans are cheaper in Japan than they are here?
  19. z-iron

    HD5,A3K,X5L,H320,which has the best sound quility?

    I haven't heard the other players, but I like the HD5's sound quality as well. (with shure e4) Its impossible to hear the buzz unless if the song is extremely quiet.
  20. z-iron

    PICTURES: Proof That Grados Are Not Ugly [56k-oh well]

    The plastic ones are ugly as hell. The wood ones are ok, but the metal ones are nice!
  21. z-iron

    Monolith MX7000 Premium 1GB Review

    Quote: Originally Posted by SgtE Lol, if you can't handle the extra 64 grams you shouldn't run, might brake a leg or something... (sry, just had to say something ) Anyways, I think 64 grams is too heavy for a flash player.
  22. z-iron

    Decided on E4C, what about tips?

    I like using the double-flange ones. (never tried the triple flange or comply)
  23. z-iron

    Portable players that do hiss with low-imped and the ones that dont

    (unamped) Sony HD5 with e4c, faint hiss audible only during the quiet parts of songs.
  24. z-iron

    Monolith MX7000 Premium 1GB Review

    It says on the site that this player is approximately 64 grams?!?! - its a FLASH player! Damn, that's heavy! I was planning to go running with this sort of thing, but I guess that's out of the question now. And since I live in Canada, I guess it'll be $300 (2GB)for me as well!
  25. z-iron

    Sony Walkman Flash players confirmed

    So when this player comes out, I'll be able to buy their previous ones flash players for a lot cheaper!