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  1. Rotaryphone

    Running little dot I+ without tubes on them

    I never tried it before. Why don't you try it let me know. I think that would be better idea. But really, there won't be any music.
  2. Rotaryphone

    DAC/amp combo for HD650

    Nothing wrong with combo you know. I don't know why you think that but you will need good cable to connect amp to dac too, which cost money. I'm happy with a benchmark DAC1. It's not cheap but I still think it's good value.
  3. Rotaryphone

    HELP, value my Amp please, 70's, Made In Japan, rare/unknown ~

    I can't tell how beautiful she is without looking at her. Most of old amp is like how you described.
  4. Rotaryphone

    DAC/amp combo for HD650

    Basic benchmark. I found that is pretty damn good. You can also use your old cd/dvd player as transport and get good sound out of it.
  5. Rotaryphone

    Sonus Faber's new flagship: How didn't this project get canned before it was too late??

    Why does it have to be so damn heavy...geee...something like 675 lbs. Better make sure the floor can support them.
  6. Rotaryphone

    Headphones better than Speakers? A system that GLOWS?

    Headphone is like looking at HD pictures, page by page. Speakers are like watching HD movie. It just can't be same experience.
  7. Rotaryphone

    akg is considering to remake the k1000 but only if it gets enough love on its facebook page

    I thought few members here having a hard time just to get in touch with someone/anyone in AKG at all. If I buy something from any company, I would expect good after service. I hope my k702 never breaks down. So, I'm not sure to support AKG at all. Just a thought of mine.
  8. Rotaryphone

    Beats studios are not overpriced.

    Quote: So, you just bought one it seems. If you like it then, enjoy. It's your ears anyway. Thing is, if anyone upgrade to beats from stock earphone from any brand's mp3 player, then it will sound awesome.  
  9. Rotaryphone

    Are the Q701 just repackaged K701?

    I think it's more of k702 but it's just a name anyway..
  10. Rotaryphone

    ATH M50s, AD700, or SHR 840?

    AD700 is good with jazz.
  11. Rotaryphone

    For Canadians: HD555 for $79.99 @NCIX In-Store sales this weekend (Oct 2-3)

    Web site says, they close on sat and sunday. Which is oct 2 and 3 rd. Do they open this weekend?   edit..nevermine. only one store closes, and other 2 are open. I really don't need other can.....
  12. Rotaryphone

    Less than $150 Headphone

    I never heard the m50 but if you listens bass heavy song like rap and hip hop you might be dispointed with ad700. AD700 is good can that lacks that punch people are looking for in raps.
  13. Rotaryphone

    Getting my only pair of headphones...

    I have gardo 60, hfi 780, ad700, hd 650 and k702 and I use them all with ipod and they all sound pretty good. Not as great as using with amp running cd player but it's ok. Out of 5 headphones I own, k702 sounds best with my ipod video ( I know it's old ).
  14. Rotaryphone

    what's the current hotness for burn in? (skeptics need not enter)

    I just hook it to ipod and play music all day, when I'm at work. That all.
  15. Rotaryphone

    Do people in Austria just have really small heads or what? (AKG complaint thread)

    I think ultrasone hfi780 worst out of hd650, k702 and ad700 is most comfy for my head and I got big melon.
  16. Rotaryphone

    My ATH-AD700 Mods Thus Far

    Yeah...that black grill is much better than that barney
  17. Rotaryphone

    Newbie question

    Good dac and amp is a must if you want that hd800 to sound like it ment to, otherwise you will be dispointed. There is a few dac/amp that are cheaper than hd 800.
  18. Rotaryphone

    Well...I thought I was a Grado man...

    HD650 is pretty laid back I think. Should give it a shot.
  19. Rotaryphone

    post your HD650 setup

    Arcam 23 cd player to matrix m stage to hd650.
  20. Rotaryphone

    Fake Sennheiser HD650-> are there any ?

    Yes. I do have one. I got arcam cd23 to matrix m stage to hd650. I enjoy a lot.
  21. Rotaryphone

    Fake Sennheiser HD650-> are there any ?

    You could have just took yours to the store and compaired. Didn't they had one for demo?