The discovery thread!
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:34 PM Post #16,606 of 104,282
  You ARE nuts for selling your X1's, but you're NOT nuts for loving your LE's so much (I can say this pre-burn in and only 2 songs in)...

Geez, this is what I wanted the BE's to sound like. 
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:37 PM Post #16,607 of 104,282
  You ARE nuts for selling your X1's, but you're NOT nuts for loving your LE's so much (I can say this pre-burn in and only 2 songs in)...

^ D'YAM just my luck i ALWAYS get dud drivers that take forever to sound right weakkk!!!
Congrats WAYNE on those lovely new gems of your!!!
Let us know how you hear/like them. :)
From all that you have stated i can already tell their sound is your ideal signature as well. Never fatiguing yet so bold/ full and engaging.
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:40 PM Post #16,609 of 104,282
  From all that you have stated i can already tell their sound is your ideal signature as well. Never fatiguing yet so bold/ full and engaging.

Odd, but that's exactly what I was just thinking. I was wondering if I was just hallucinating or something. But you just typed it, so it must be the truth lol.
Oh, and the instrument separation/imaging, and size of the soundstage is pretty impressive. Pretty good depth/headstage as well. Hmm!
Edit: I've said enough about the LE's in this thread for the time being, so I'm switching over to the VSD1 thread...
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:52 PM Post #16,610 of 104,282
Odd, but that's exactly what I was just thinking. I was wondering if I was just hallucinating or something. But you just typed it, so it must be the truth lol.

Listening to my M200 right now and i like the LEs better tbh, cuz there is just his graininess to the sound of these M200s that is iffy. The LEs are even more spacious in presentation with better clarity esp. for hip hop beats you can literally hear the artist hitting their mpcs it sounds that realistic. O.O
Maybe my sources are not ideal for these M200 but damn these LEs like i said me makes wonder what the hell  idoing with all my gears, cuz i don't even need any of them anymore. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Oh and WAYNE think you might have been drinking wayyy too much of my Troll-Aid tbh. HE HE HE

Nov 12, 2013 at 7:16 PM Post #16,611 of 104,282
Listening to my M200 right now and i like the LEs better tbh, cuz there is just his graininess to the sound of these M200s that is iffy. The LEs are even more spacious in presentation with better clarity esp. for hip hop beats you can literally hear the artist hitting their mpcs it sounds that realistic. O.O
Maybe my sources are not ideal for these M200 but damn these LEs like i said me makes wonder what the hell  idoing with all my gears, cuz i don't even need any of them anymore. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Stop talking crap. I can talk. I know what I'm talking about. I already told you that you are supposed to get the VSD7 or VSD7 Bass. The LE are supposed to be tuned to show how the VSD7 sounds but not as good. So, don't tell us you don't need anymore gear. Don't start talking like your gonna be happy with your LE's and sell off all your stuff and leave this place!!!!!! 


Nov 12, 2013 at 7:17 PM Post #16,612 of 104,282
You are making me nervous Sf memg! You sayin I should've bought the LE's instead of the M200?
Nov 12, 2013 at 7:25 PM Post #16,613 of 104,282
Audiophilia Nervosa strikes again... There will always be something newer, better, something someone else likes more... If you like what you got, just enjoy it (of course, don't check out MY buying history

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Nov 12, 2013 at 7:52 PM Post #16,614 of 104,282

Nov 12, 2013 at 7:52 PM Post #16,615 of 104,282
  Stop talking crap. I can talk. I know what I'm talking about. I already told you that you are supposed to get the VSD7 or VSD7 Bass. The LE are supposed to be tuned to show how the VSD7 sounds but not as good. So, don't tell us you don't need anymore gear. Don't start talking like your gonna be happy with your LE's and sell off all your stuff and leave this place!!!!!! 


You are making me nervous Sf memg! You sayin I should've bought the LE's instead of the M200?

^ LoL do TAKE NOTE that these LEs are my "ideal" sound signature, so one man's treasure might be another's trash. That might sound like a cop out but we all have our personal biases so....
Alls i know is that these are literally kicking my arse regardless of how much they cost, and i like them more than every iem i have heard so far.
That's why i said VSonic is scaring the schiit outta' me cuz if they are able to tune these LEs to this level and sell them at this price, their higher end up coming releases will no doubt blow my mind even more. That's why i had to let go of gears that ain't cutting the cheese for me meng.


edit: Hmmm maybe i just got low standards....
edit2: @ marco nah those M200 are great iems and is one of this most 3Ds i have heard, but personally i love just love the more natural/ realistic presentation of the LEs over them. Here is my initial write-up of the M200s which is still pretty consistent with how i am hearing them now, but there is just more bass quantity with the stock tips than the ones i was using at that time.
Nov 12, 2013 at 8:57 PM Post #16,617 of 104,282
Nov 12, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #16,618 of 104,282
We'll have to agree to disagree on the MSRP POV because I believe that if I buy something like the VSD1 Classics for $35 and they sound like they're $35 headphones than I have just found a cheapo pair, but if I buy something that is MSRP'd at $200+ dollars and they sound like $30 headphones I will be highly disappointed in the company that produced them. The problem with Beats is that they never fit their target price point. Beats are not bad headphones if you can pick them up for $60, but when they start breaching the $100+ range they start to lose value fast. Well, supposedly the new beats don't suck, but Monster isn't involved with them. If you're going to pick a headphone that Monster has created to attack I would say something like the Monster DNA which is a $50-$75 headphone that is priced at $150. Though they did create the Monster Inspiration's which is pretty close to accurately priced. I would bring them down about $50 bucks into the $200 range.

Though this is not why I am quoting you! I wanted to tell you that I have to take back what I said about the Gratitudes. They're not two times better than the VSD1 classics. I only A&B'd my VSD1 against my friend's VSD1 LE. I didn't take the time to A&B against the Gratitudes at the time. The VSD1 are actually.. how do I put this.. colder than the Gratitudes. The Gratitudes are just warm and thick. They remind me so much of the comparison against the VSD1 LE except they have a bit more dimension. The VSD1 is actually the flatter--not the flattest--and more precise headphone. Which is something that I am shocked by because they do have a slight bass emphasis. The Gratitudes bass can be almost overpowering in some songs, but it never distorts or disturbs the other frequencies. The range seems wider on the VSD1 classics, but more rich on the Gratitude. I would say that you're definitely correct about the sound signatures being in the ear of the listener and that the Gratitude and VSD1 Classics sound signature are just to different to make a definite statement on which is better. I might have to borrow my friend's VSD1 LE to do a proper A&B of them because that is a lot closer to the Monster's sound signature.

^ Nice can't wait for that A/B comparo. These LEs take amping/ EQing like a champ, so if you have different sources do try them out cuz they might surprise you.
When hooked to my Rockboxed Sansa Clip+ and Fiio e17 combo they sounded better than straight outta' my 5th gen ipod classic, but the more warm/ bassy sound signature of the e17 is not the most ideal for these LEs. So when hooked up to my venturecraft amp which bypasses the crappy dac of my ghetto @ss 4th gen nano, these shine like crazy. There is much more resolution in the sound which makes for a even more transparent, clean but yet bold/full and explosive experience that just grabs you by the b@lls!!! O.O

The bass on these when hooked to the venturecraft reminds me of my Super Modded Double Stuffed JVC S500s but there is much more texture, is smoother, less picky/peaky/ revealing and just sounds like a full size set of cans due to their big outta' the head presentation. This was the main reason why i just sold off my Philips X1s, cuz these LEs are a more enjoyable listen for me overall. The bass on the X1s just didn't have the texture nor lushness i had desired and sounded kinda boxy to me when compared to the gr07 BEs and these LEs. The X1s are good but it didn't live up to what i had hoped for esp. in the bass department despite they have amazing bass quantity for a open set of cans. The bass quality wasn't too shabby as well on the X1s no doubt about it, but i needed better that's all.
Anywho keep posted on that A/B meng.

This gets back to what I had said impressions of open headphones (and, to some extent, shallow fit iem's) is that they do the soundstage/imaging thing great, may get bass clean and pitched well, but often take some of the color/texture out of the instruments. One is not better than the other, just a question of personal preference. I happen to like more body and texture in my instruments, am willing to sacrifice a soundstage that stretches out very wide on both sides. I do tend to keep a lot of phones, as I enjoy the different sound signatures, even if I like 1 overall better than another. Sometimes different records will respond better to different sound sigs. Meng, makes me nervous to agree with you, but that's how it goes. Personally haven't heard the X1's, have coveted them (breaking the old commandment, "thou shall not covet your neighbor's headphone!"). but I can imagine being disappointed in certain aspects (mostly have been waiting for another killer deal).
On another note, speaking of unnecessary headphone purchases-just got Senn Amperiors today, gonna play with them a bit, later...
Nov 12, 2013 at 9:14 PM Post #16,619 of 104,282

On a different note, indie-folk band Court Yard Hounds (is there such a thing as mainstream folk?)...good track to check resolution/imaging of your gear, lots of layers/instruments/detail (and I think it sounds good)...
1 more...

Nov 12, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #16,620 of 104,282
Out of the box-Senn Momentum sounds great. It does the soundstage thing, good bass, clean sound, too early to tell about comfort, will need break in if I can put them away...
OK, one last song, sounded great on the Momentum


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