The diary entries of a little girl nearing 30!
Jul 28, 2012 at 9:53 PM Post #10,711 of 15,119
Everybody needs to make a living - even the cat poster woman...

Yeah, but I'm guessing there's some non-cube-warrior job that she also rocks at. And she'd be able to show off that talent and go do that, instead of sitting in a cube and being miserable (and accordingly making everyone else's life miserable).
Jul 28, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #10,712 of 15,119
Well guys I'm enjoying those Custom Universal fit IEMs so much that I could not give them back :wink:. I'm a proud owner now and will eventually send them in to be made into the intended Custom IEMs.
Jul 28, 2012 at 10:03 PM Post #10,713 of 15,119
Well guys I'm enjoying those Custom Universal fit IEMs so much that I could not give them back :wink:. I'm a proud owner now and will eventually send them in to be made into the intended Custom IEMs.

Cool!  You should post some pics when you get them back with your molds in place.
Jul 28, 2012 at 10:11 PM Post #10,714 of 15,119
Will do. It's gonna be hard for me to even part with these when getting them remolded ;`(
Not to mention possible refits needed...

Jul 28, 2012 at 10:15 PM Post #10,715 of 15,119
Nonsense. I'm male and I'm complex.

Wait, when did this happen? 

It's not a hard and fast rule of course, I'm just noting that men (like most of my friends) tend to have some rather direct thought processes.  For example, "target acquired" ---> "acquired target" ---> Miller Time.  Whereas my lady tends to follow a different path... "Hmm, how do I feel about said target?  And why all the agression?  Why not try to work things out with the target?  Wait, I think I need some new shoes.  Okay, let me make a list of some other things we need around the house.  Might as well acquire those too while we're out getting the target."
I have a sneaking suspicion that she's the brains of the outfit.
To quote James T Kirk: I fear nothing.

To quote Montgomery Scott:  "Uh, it might profit ya to let Dr. McCoy give ya the once-over."
All women like the heat, so I doubt it.

Yes, I forgot about that.  Okay, I'm going with the emotional change theory.
Jul 28, 2012 at 10:32 PM Post #10,716 of 15,119
It's not a hard and fast rule of course, I'm just noting that men (like most of my friends) tend to have some rather direct thought processes.  For example, "target acquired" ---> "acquired target" ---> Miller Time.  Whereas my lady tends to follow a different path... "Hmm, how do I feel about said target?  And why all the agression?  Why not try to work things out with the target?  Wait, I think I need some new shoes.  Okay, let me make a list of some other things we need around the house.  Might as well acquire those too while we're out getting the target."

You should be aware that the ways you are saying women and men tend to act are the ways that women and men are expected to act in a specific cultural context. I wouldn't think there is much biological evidence to support the idea that men are predominantly predisposed to think like sharks / cavemen and women think like gentle grazing consumerists outside of what has been drilled into us from historical precedent. 
Oh if only we could slay the nature vs nurture bugbear once and for all! But it keeps things fun.
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #10,717 of 15,119
Nonsense. I'm male and I'm complex.

Wait, when did this happen? 

It's not a hard and fast rule of course, I'm just noting that men (like most of my friends) tend to have some rather direct thought processes.  For example, "target acquired" ---> "acquired target" ---> Miller Time.  Whereas my lady tends to follow a different path... "Hmm, how do I feel about said target?  And why all the agression?  Why not try to work things out with the target?  Wait, I think I need some new shoes.  Okay, let me make a list of some other things we need around the house.  Might as well acquire those too while we're out getting the target."
I have a sneaking suspicion that she's the brains of the outfit.

You're absolutely right! Early on, our species' survival dependent on these mindsets: Men - Linear, Women - Cyclically. Infants (and small children) would be in trouble if Mom lacked this trait. But, this is my view...from where I'm side. 
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #10,718 of 15,119
I wish degrees were awarded based on practical skills like that. Instead of "electrical engineer" it should be like a series of qualifications from "novice" to "master level" where "master level" is something like:
"Disassemble, move, and re-assemble one of the following: SETI Array, LHC, etc unassisted (except for moving heavy loads)"

The thing is, that many, possibly most, people move from "novice" to "master level" by career experience, and once you have about 10 years of experience under your belt, a degree isn't even terribly relevant in my opinion.  So if you had degrees with levels like that, there would be incentive for employers to not honor novice level degrees, making things worse for novices.  It could also encourage experienced people to waste their time going back for a new "piece of paper".
Generally speaking, problem solving skills are a much larger indicator of success in technical fields than formal education IMO.  Though for some people, formal education can be a good way to learn problem solving.
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:13 PM Post #10,719 of 15,119
It's not a hard and fast rule of course, I'm just noting that men (like most of my friends) tend to have some rather direct thought processes.  For example, "target acquired" ---> "acquired target" ---> Miller Time.  Whereas my lady tends to follow a different path... "Hmm, how do I feel about said target?  And why all the agression?  Why not try to work things out with the target?  Wait, I think I need some new shoes.  Okay, let me make a list of some other things we need around the house.  Might as well acquire those too while we're out getting the target."

You should be aware that the ways you are saying women and men tend to act are the ways that women and men are expected to act in a specific cultural context. I wouldn't think there is much biological evidence to support the idea that men are predominantly predisposed to think like sharks / cavemen and women think like gentle grazing consumerists outside of what has been drilled into us from historical precedent.
Oh if only we could slay the nature vs nurture bugbear once and for all! But it keeps things fun.

This is at once fun and funny. 'Cause history will show influential groups and individuals always trying to have their way. 

Jul 28, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #10,720 of 15,119
You're absolutely right! Early on, our species' survival dependent on these mindsets: Men - Linear, Women - Cyclically. Infants (and small children) would be in trouble if Mom lacked this trait. But, this is my view...from where I'm side. 

umm no, there's really not any good evolutionary evidence for that. Hunting in larger groups to bring down prey isn't a linear sort of event and child care (especially when you're talking kin groups) doesn't require a specific mindset, aside from paying attention when it's your turn.
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:33 PM Post #10,721 of 15,119
You're absolutely right! Early on, our species' survival dependent on these mindsets: Men - Linear, Women - Cyclically. Infants (and small children) would be in trouble if Mom lacked this trait. But, this is my view...from where I'm side. 

umm no, there's really not any good evolutionary evidence for that. Hunting in larger groups to bring down prey isn't a linear sort of event and child care (especially when you're talking kin groups) doesn't require a specific mindset, aside from paying attention when it's your turn.

umm, YES. And that's ok for us to have differing views on mindsets - hardwired vs learned. Well before the activity... "aside from paying attention when it's your turn" where do men/women get their innate abilities from? Womankind and mankind have the ability to learn and reason, but everyone starts from somewhere (Biologically wired). 
Also, not everyone hunted in groups. Or hunting for food, though it played a huge role, was their sole concern for survival.
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:40 PM Post #10,723 of 15,119
This is at once fun and funny. 'Cause history will show influential groups and individuals always trying to have their way. 

The trend or motive for that matter throughout history is 99.9% of the time in the name of greed and self-fulfillment.

If time machines existed, my criteria would never change: good food, people and music!
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:43 PM Post #10,724 of 15,119
You should be aware that the ways you are saying women and men tend to act are the ways that women and men are expected to act in a specific cultural context. I wouldn't think there is much biological evidence to support the idea that men are predominantly predisposed to think like sharks / cavemen and women think like gentle grazing consumerists outside of what has been drilled into us from historical precedent. 

Or upbringing for that matter.  Oh I am very aware.  Moreover, this is based upon personal observations of people I actually know, thereby reducing my sample size to a statistically insignificant number.  But that don't mean it ain't true to some degree.
You're absolutely right! Early on, our species' survival dependent on these mindsets: Men - Linear, Women - Cyclically. Infants (and small children) would be in trouble if Mom lacked this trait. But, this is my view...from where I'm side. 

umm no, there's really not any good evolutionary evidence for that.

Well now this is an interesting point.  Generally speaking, men do possess physical traits that are more conducive to hunting prey.  More muscle mass for sudden bursts of strength, increased upper body strength for stronger (albeit less precise) usage of the arms, etc.  As nature tends to be efficient, we can at least infer that these traits developed in males for a purpose right?  Predatory behavior would seem to make good use of the above traits.  And speculating further, if males did evolve to take on that role, would it not make sense that men are better able to put blinders on and zero in on prey?
Hunting in larger groups to bring down prey isn't a linear sort of event

But ignoring most everything else (save self-preservation) for the sake of bringing down prey does show a linear - if not single-minded - way of thinking.  Mind you, I'm not trying to paint my own gender as one consisting of simpletons that can't walk and chew gum at the same time.  I'm just pointing out that we may excel at either walking OR chewing gum when called upon to do one or the other extremely well - particularly if survival depends on it.
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:56 PM Post #10,725 of 15,119
umm, YES. And that's ok for us to have differing views on mindsets - hardwired vs learned. Well before the activity... "aside from paying attention when it's your turn" where do men/women get their innate abilities from? Womankind and mankind have the ability to learn and reason, but everyone starts from somewhere (Biologically wired). 

Also, not everyone hunted in groups. Or hunting for food, though it played a huge role, was their sole concern for survival.

There's a fair amount of evidence for differences in male and female mind development. What there isn't a lot of evidence for is that the development mapped to the cultural expectations/roles of men and women.

You could say that childcare is linear, by defining the sole goal as keeping the kid alive.

But I think we're going to have to agree to disagree or take it to pm. I don't want to start a fight here.

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