Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
Feb 11, 2016 at 8:43 PM Post #1,801 of 12,406
The DAC chips aren't the only components inside the Yggy, but a whole bunch of capacitors, resistors, diodes and what have you. In my experience with components, the heat from leaving them on seems to affect them over the first 250 or so hours. 
I think I posted it before, but when I first got the Yggy, I A/B'ed it with the Mojo and they sounded the same. However now if I A/B them the difference is striking. 
I don't claim to understand why, it just is what it is. 

Feb 11, 2016 at 9:57 PM Post #1,802 of 12,406
My Yggy is about 80 hours burnt-in and compared to my very inexpensive usb powered DAC they sound very very similar.  My usb powered dac is still ahead in clarity and detail and about equal in other areas with the exception of tonality/timbre for which I give a slight edge to the yggy at this point.  I do have an ultra low noise power supply for my mac mini so that of course helps the usb powered dac immensely as that is it’s power source.  Hard to believe that another 4-5 days of burn-in will elevate the yggy past my cheap usb powered dac but if it happens I plan to report the miracle on this thread.  So far I would say the yggy is a normal sounding dac- nothing special at all with the possible exception of timbre- but nothing bad either.  Sorry to spoil the party- but this is what I am hearing - all of course IMHO.
Feb 12, 2016 at 12:17 AM Post #1,806 of 12,406
I cannot take the credit! Yggy is sooo good even a casual listener will enjoy! Prior to Yggy I also had Gungnir (now a part of my home office system) which is also very nice. I questioned if I would be able to hear the improvement with Yggy. Short answer YES. Yggy is a significant step up by any measure. Have fun!
Feb 12, 2016 at 1:32 AM Post #1,807 of 12,406
Not everybody would read hundreds of posts if you just started here, but periodically the same topics get re-hashed, like many of the recent posts. So it's deja vu for me and likely for many.
  • Does it really need to be on for days to break in? Deja vu .... Yes.
  • Does it need music playing to break in? Deja vu ... No.
  • It sounds suspicious that it needs days to reach optimal temps. Deja vu .... Yes it sounds strange but it may have little to do with temps and regardless it still  takes days to break in.
  • If it takes hours/days to get back to optimal temps and/or sound after being turned off, maybe we need a heater, and/or a UPS, and/or etc. Deja Vu ....Or, just leave it on.
Next will be, "How about changing the fuse?", etc. .... Deja vu.

That's the only one I have to question.

It may not need music playing through it to reach an optimum working temperature, but in my opinion is does need music playing and an amp connected to its outputs to burn it in properly.

Re-reaching optimal temperature after having burned it in may need it only to be on for X# of hours, but by then you're only trying to get it up to temp, not trying to burn it in.

Anyway, you're right that these topics keep coming up again and again. And no one is going to read +200 pages nor are they probably going to search those pages all too well.

I just look forward to hearing new comparative impressions or reading longer term, more stable impressions :)
Feb 12, 2016 at 2:02 AM Post #1,808 of 12,406
I cannot take the credit! Yggy is sooo good even a casual listener will enjoy! Prior to Yggy I also had Gungnir (now a part of my home office system) which is also very nice. I questioned if I would be able to hear the improvement with Yggy. Short answer YES. Yggy is a significant step up by any measure. Have fun!

Now this is the point that I am stuck on, the difference between the Gumby MB & the Yggy. I have read different reviews that basically say the following:
  • Very little difference - Gumby is a touch warmer & best bang for the buck
  • Yggy is clearly a step up, more resolving
  • Yggy is more analytical, what the Gumby lacks in resolution it makes up for in musicality
There was even a Yggy vs Gumby MB blind test where (from memory) 3 listeners picked what they thought was the better sounding Yggy on 3 out of 4 tracks played and were a little shocked to find out that it was in fact the Gumby that they liked.
As always, I guess it would have to depend on your setup and the source material. I know that some of the pro Gumby reviews use a wyrd or similar as the Gen 2 USB is not as good as the Yggy Gen 3.
I think my setup is a touch on the warm side but it's been so long since I listened to another decent system - I'm just not sure.
As always when buying new gear - I am overthinking this 
Feb 12, 2016 at 5:25 AM Post #1,810 of 12,406
Feb 12, 2016 at 6:35 AM Post #1,811 of 12,406
  My Yggy is about 80 hours burnt-in and compared to my very inexpensive usb powered DAC they sound very very similar.  My usb powered dac is still ahead in clarity and detail and about equal in other areas with the exception of tonality/timbre for which I give a slight edge to the yggy at this point.  I do have an ultra low noise power supply for my mac mini so that of course helps the usb powered dac immensely as that is it’s power source.  Hard to believe that another 4-5 days of burn-in will elevate the yggy past my cheap usb powered dac but if it happens I plan to report the miracle on this thread.  So far I would say the yggy is a normal sounding dac- nothing special at all with the possible exception of timbre- but nothing bad either.  Sorry to spoil the party- but this is what I am hearing - all of course IMHO.

Can you describe your setup, and what USB-powered DAC you are using as reference?
It might help to get a few more eyes on your posts.

Feb 12, 2016 at 7:43 AM Post #1,812 of 12,406
  My Yggy is about 80 hours burnt-in and compared to my very inexpensive usb powered DAC they sound very very similar. 

From one POV, they should sound very similar.  Otherwise one of the DACs is clearly broken or euphonic.
One question would then be what differences do you hear and are the differences worth it to you?
Another question, if you're made of money, is what in your system needs to change for you to hear any differences?   For example, on my desktop system with small speakers that only go to 150Hz I wouldn't be able to hear any differences in bass response.  (One of these days I hope my system is so good that cables and powercords make audible differences :wink: ).
Of course, it isn't necessarily very logical to try to find differences.  There are plenty of other ways to spend that amount of money where it would be easier to hear differences.  New headphones or Magnepans would make things sound very different.
i comment because I personally am undecided about which takes priority.  A new DAC or a new streamer or save up for new transducers.  Feedback like yours move the needle towards streamer and away from DAC.
Feb 12, 2016 at 8:22 AM Post #1,813 of 12,406
  Can you describe your setup, and what USB-powered DAC you are using as reference?
It might help to get a few more eyes on your posts.

mac mini with mojo ultra low noise linear “Joules V” power supply- ridge street audio enopias USB cable- Wyrd- yggy- Shiit audio balanced IC’s- Master 9- LCD-3.
Versus:   mac mini with mojo ultra low noise linear “Joules V” power supply- ridge street audio enopias USB cable- Wyrd- ultra-fi USB powered dac- cheap single ended copper IC's- Master 9- LCD-3.
I don’t want to get eyes on my post.  Not trying to impress anyone-   just stating exactly what I am hearing.  It is not a matter of “is it worth the difference”?  because the ultra-fi dac is superior and I am not paying even $50 for a downgrade (although not by much). The ultra-fi is clearer- more detailed and just as smooth, just as natural, and maybe a bit more musical to my ears.  It is slightly thinner sounding than the yggy but I prefer that- it is more realistic to me and also could be because the lcd-3 is so thick sounding already.  Please remember that the Joules V ultra low noise power supply is necessary for the usb dac to win because of the ultra clean power being delivered to the usb dac.  The yggy has a built in linear power supply already.
I really hope all this changes in the next week.  I only have about 80-85 hours of burn-in.  I plan to make a final evaluation at about 13 days of continuous burn-in before my return window ends.  I want the yggy to win.  I bought it because of all the hype of how good it is.  It is very difficult for me to believe that hundreds of supremely satisfied buyers who have reported on head-fi could be wrong and I am right. On the other hand- I am entertaining the possibility that this is all a bunch of hype and people are falling for it.  Burn-in will tell the true story to my ears.
Edit:   By the way- as an aside- the Shiit company is one of the MOST honest in this business.  They are so straight-and so accommodating and devoid of super-hype.  I only have the greatest of praise for them regardless of if I do or do not keep the yggy.
Feb 12, 2016 at 9:03 AM Post #1,814 of 12,406
Feb 12, 2016 at 9:08 AM Post #1,815 of 12,406
I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point.  If you don't hear a clear difference after sending audio to your yggy for a week then comparing to your previous reference, then send it back,  
I wasn't impressed during the first 3 days.  Sure the yggy showed some promise during that time, but this is its you "haven't seen nothing yet" phase.  Give it a week.
Then you get to listen to your entire lossless library over again.  I'm not sure sure if it keeps getting better after that or if I'm just continually amazed at how good it is.  Most likely both.
Edit: I assumed you were coming from a typical delta-sigma dac but I stand by my comment.  Hope it works out for you.

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