My name is Ed, and I am a Night Owl / Insomniac.
Apr 19, 2006 at 3:57 AM Post #121 of 239

Originally Posted by 1911
damn..i guess the sun comes up in southern california before nor-cal

Well, I do live very close to sea level.

And yes, I often sleep in late.

Apr 19, 2006 at 7:55 AM Post #122 of 239
They say the human body is more emotionally driven at night than logically driven, hence why we get more creative at night.

My reason, simple; the last thing you have to do is go to bed. I also enjoy the peace and quiet. The only bad thing about being a night owl is that I sleep in. (oh yeah, and I also get the munchies...I just had a can of peaches and it's 4 in the morning)

I have slept in until 9 - 10 PM the next day and have stayed up all night. My mom used to think I died or something and would ask me "What kind of person doesn't even get up to go to the bathroom?"

Here's to all you night owls...the offical time is 04:05 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Have a good night, y'all.

*BTW, you think having left South Korea 19 years ago, I would have adjusted to the jet lag by now...duh. Ed...I think this whole night owl thing is a Korean thing...ask Jahn or 1911.
Apr 19, 2006 at 8:16 AM Post #123 of 239
don't ask me, it's only 4 fifteen am here. stomach hurting like a mofo, can't sleep.
Apr 19, 2006 at 9:50 AM Post #124 of 239
I should have gone to bed ages ago, but I picked up my new power conditioner (Monster HTS-5100 Mk II) tonight.
I've just spent the last hour or so rewiring the electric portion of my headphone rig. Of course, now that I've got it up and running again, I have to give ita listen. Already the main fault of the Furman it replaced has been fixed: when other major components are turned off or no, I no longer hear a drop in the sound.

As with all such things, the improvments with power tweaks are ...subtle, and it'll be quite some time before I've identified what it is about the newly clean power that makes things sound better.

With the addition of the power conditioner, I'm now pretty much ready for the next logical step ...which is going balanced.
The only issue with that of course being the considerable cost of a balanced amp...

What was that about sleep?
Apr 19, 2006 at 10:12 AM Post #125 of 239
It's just after 3 AM here on the west coast, and I'm ready to postpone sleep for another hour or 2. I just took care of my aching stomach by eating 3 tacos that were refridgerated yesterday (not as bad as you'd think), I have an e-mail to reply to, and I just got to world 6 in Super Mario 3.


Originally Posted by imho
They say the human body is more emotionally driven at night than logically driven, hence why we get more creative at night.

That's very true for me. I'm not exactly the artistic type, but most of my wilder thoughts occur after midnight. At this moment, I'm torn between buying a couple college text books (for fun, of course), ordering half a dozen CDs in an effort to expand my taste in music, and becoming a bum in Santa Cruz, California for the summer.

Now I want to eat some peaches.
Apr 19, 2006 at 10:39 AM Post #126 of 239

Originally Posted by Edwood
<everyone> "Hi, Ed!"

Call it what you will, but for all the frequent posters here, you have probably notice that I post here into the wee hours of the morning.

I don't know why, but I just simply find myself staying up until 4-6am. I can't begin to count the number of times I've found myself saying, "S**t! The suns starting to come up, I better get to bed!"

I guess since I work at home and am self-employed, I have to option to, but my wife is not a night owl, she is a morning person. (oh joy). So perhaps it is because it is the only time I am actually alone to listen to music with nearly zero noise. Even though my wife does not like my staying up late, I think she enjoys her personal time in the early morning.

But I have always been a Night Owl.
[size=xx-small]o rly?
ya rly.

I don't know why, but I am also the most creative at night. If I go to bed early, I find myself thinking up crazy ideas or solutions to problems, and then I have to get up and sketch/write down my ideas before I forget them.

So any other Night Owls here? (wish I could make a poll, it's not working today.)
And is it because of general insomnia, or just find yourself staying up. For the most part, I just find myself staying up, I lose track of time, and before I know it, it's like 5 in the morning.

The internet (and Head-fi) is primarily to blame for my staying up really late these days.


I'm 13 (yes, yell at me some more), and I have a similiar problem. I have read some studies and heard about them indicating children can easily go to bed at 3-4 am and need to wake up later, but I find myself commonly going to be very late on school nights (average kid goes to bed I would predict around 12-1am, I stay till like 6 am.) I don't believe it's stunted my growth because I am already the tallest one in my family (at a whopping 5 foot something, damn my families short.) The best part of it is, even on 1-2 hours of sleep, I still am good to go, no need for me to get any caffeine intake (well, maybe some iced tea, but no energy drinks or cofee.) Also, I sleep after school for several hours, last night I slept from 4 pm till 11 pm.
Apr 25, 2006 at 8:24 AM Post #128 of 239
Arrgh... I've been struck by insomnia (must happen about once every other week or so). Slept part of the day on Sunday, was up all night and then all day yesterday, now I'm having a hell of a time getting to sleep tonight. It's like I've been awake too long and my whole system is in a mode of fighting off sleep. When it happens like this, I have little choice but to try sleeping once every hour or two, then after tossing/turning awhile get up again and wait more. Hate this, hate this...
At least it's still only 1:30AM here, still got a chance to get some snooze while it's still dark.
Apr 25, 2006 at 11:22 PM Post #129 of 239
Copied this over from the "Can't Sleep" thread...

Hope this helps you guys...

I feel like Carrie in "Sex and the City" responding to almost every single thread here with an advice and I seem to have had ALL the troubles you guys are having. You are talking to one of the biggest Insomniacs ever. He**, I was up until 10:45 AM yesterday morning, and today I went to bed at 5 AM and got up at 5:30 PM. (I work from home when I am not traveling and I have this week off)

Insomnia is caused mainly by...OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), stress, bi-polar disorder and depression. Not to mention sleep apnea.

Human beings have three VERY basic needs: EAT, SLEEP and REPRODUCE

Why do you think there is so much talk about sleep. Try natural remedies before going to pills (see links below). If you ARE going to try pills, then DEFINITELY try natural pills before going to over-the-counter and as a last resort to Rx.

Because I travel so much and experience jet lag and different beds/rooms, I have become a chronic insomniac.

These work the best...
Try light excercising (earlier in the evening, NOT right before going to bed)
DON'T do anything excitable or something that will keep you up before going to bed (watching sports games, reading intense novels, drink caffinated drinks, surf the internet...).
DON'T drink alcohol or eat late.
AVOID any kind of light...TV, Computer, flourescent...
DO relax.

If you have room with multiple windows, get light blocking curtains.;_y...tion=1&sp=pall

Unfortunately, I had the displeasure of resorting to medication. Sleeping pills, the Rx types ARE addictive, no matter what anyone says, and as my doctor would say, should be used "SPARINGLY".

The most common form of over-the-counter remedies are (they are all antihistamines or more commonly known as allergy pills):
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Benadryl, Nytol)
Doxylamine Succinate
Chlorpheniramine Maleate (Nyquil)
they all work, but might cause side effects and make you feel groggy the next day.

The most popular natural remedy among jet setters to cure jet-lags tends to be Melatonin and Valerian Root.
My favorite form of natural sleep remedy for the above 2 ingredients?
Vitamin Shoppe's Sleep Naturally
+ another favorite of mine; Hyland's Homeopathic's Calms Forte

Then, there are the Rx types, which you DO need a prescription from your Doctor. The most common ones now a days are:
Lunesta (eszopiclone)
Ambien (zolpidem)
Sonata (zaleplon)

Just remember, Rx sleep aids have know to cause SEVERE (sleep walking, eating) side effects when mixed with alcohol. You need to be EXTREMELY cautious.

Try these other products.

My favorite? Sleep CDs...yes, there is such a thing and it is ALL natural and safer than anything mentioned above...and they DO work...another excuse to use your CANS in BED!!!

Here are many more links to sleeping disorder:

I swear I should have been a Doctor or a pharmacist instead of an accountant. Don't stay up all night reading these links.

Apr 26, 2006 at 12:51 PM Post #133 of 239
Thanks imho, some good info. I agree fully about sleep aids being addictive, and the over-the-counter ones are not that effective (For me there's a narrow window of time where they're effective, and if I don't manage to fall asleep in that time period they don't help or even make things worse).

Sometimes the most effective sleep aid is just try & try again, getting up for awhile in between if you need to. In my case, insomnia is an OCD-like thing... not diagnosable as OCD, but behaves in similar ways. I just pop awake repeatedly on the cusp of sleep, sort of a loss-of-control issue. Very nasty.
Apr 26, 2006 at 5:22 PM Post #134 of 239
I'm a semi-cured insomniac. I had some very severe sleep issues a couple of years back and it almost got me fired. I was off work for months and that led to legal battles and so-on. Very nasty indeed.

Sadly the pills didn't work. The natural ones had zero effect and the Rx ones (like Ambien) exacerbated the problem as they had the opposite effect on me and made it worse. I was finally able to get it under control with training at a sleep disorder clinic using a disciplined approach to sleep regulation and learning the triggers that can keep you alert at night. The course was over a 12 week period and even now I still have some trouble. Thankfully I can reign it in when it starts to become an issue but it never really leaves.

We night owls are cursed.
Apr 26, 2006 at 5:40 PM Post #135 of 239

Originally Posted by smeggy
I'm a semi-cured insomniac. I had some very severe sleep issues a couple of years back and it almost got me fired. I was off work for months and that led to legal battles and so-on. Very nasty indeed.

Sadly the pills didn't work. The natural ones had zero effect and the Rx ones (like Ambien) exacerbated the problem as they had the opposite effect on me and made it worse. I was finally able to get it under control with training at a sleep disorder clinic using a disciplined approach to sleep regulation and learning the triggers that can keep you alert at night. The course was over a 12 week period and even now I still have some trouble. Thankfully I can reign it in when it starts to become an issue but it never really leaves.

We night owls are cursed.

Yes, but atlesat we get to see the beauty of the sun rising in the morning while most people are sleeping their butts off. Heh, I still get weird responses when I say how beautiful the sun rising is every morning, people are always like "what do you stay up to watch it?" :p.

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