My name is Ed, and I am a Night Owl / Insomniac.
Apr 8, 2006 at 12:46 PM Post #107 of 239
This may be hard to believe but during the week I do not sleep (usually), I sleep on Saturday (unless I'm out) and Sunday night for about 8 hours. I did not read the whole thread, is there anyone else is this boat? Or should I say submarine. I've never bothered seeing a doctor about it but I believe it's a mixture of physical/psychological problems and a conscious effort to stay awake, being in school and the work that is associated with it leaves me feeling robbed of my free time. I've been like this for the past 6 years of my life. I don't feel it's a hindrance, I don't experience fatigue due to sleep deprivation. I must admit to having some wicked-bad dark circles under my eyes but I think it adds an air of mystery and darkness that really works on those "tormented" ladies
Apr 8, 2006 at 12:59 PM Post #108 of 239

Originally Posted by SubRosa
This may be hard to believe but during the week I do not sleep (usually), I sleep on Saturday (unless I'm out) and Sunday night for about 8 hours. I did not read the whole thread, is there anyone else is this boat? Or should I say submarine. I've never bothered seeing a doctor about it but I believe it's a mixture of physical/psychological problems and a conscious effort to stay awake, being in school and the work that is associated with it leaves me feeling robbed of my free time. I've been like this for the past 6 years of my life. I don't feel it's a hindrance, I don't experience fatigue due to sleep deprivation. I must admit to having some wicked-bad dark circles under my eyes but I think it adds n air of mystery and darkness that really works on those "tormented" ladies

dude you body needs sleep to rejuvenate itself..when you are 40 you are gonna look 96
Apr 8, 2006 at 1:35 PM Post #111 of 239

Originally Posted by Edwood
Crap. The sun is starting to come up. Time for bed.


damn..i guess the sun comes up in southern california before nor-cal
Apr 8, 2006 at 1:59 PM Post #113 of 239

Originally Posted by 1911
dude you body needs sleep to rejuvenate itself..when you are 40 you are gonna look 96

My body is not physically active the entire duration of my wake, obviously. I haven't seen any adverse physical affects besides the darkness under the eyes which I am genetically predisposed to anyways (family thing). Like I said, my mind and body rest during the weekend. I'm sure I must microsleep ( but I am not consciously aware of it, which is the norm. I've researched (lightly) the negative affects (there are positive affects, yes.) of sleep deprivation and in my opinion, inhabiting this sleep deprived body, I can say that they have not affected me in a measurable way. I believe this is because they are more "dangerous" during the developmental years of life, and though this began some 6 years ago, I seem to be fine. It is said it may affect growth and cause troubles with memory but I have an exceptional memory and I am not short in stature or underdeveloped in other physical arenas (I am over 6 feet tall).

It's 6:59AM here, just for anyone interested.
Apr 8, 2006 at 2:13 PM Post #114 of 239

Originally Posted by SubRosa
My body is not physically active the entire duration of my wake, obviously. I haven't seen any adverse physical affects besides the darkness under the eyes which I am genetically predisposed to anyways (family thing). Like I said, my mind and body rest during the weekend. I'm sure I must microsleep ( but I am not consciously aware of it, which is the norm. I've researched (lightly) the negative affects (there are positive affects, yes.) of sleep deprivation and in my opinion, inhabiting this sleep deprived body, I can say that they have not affected me in a measurable way. I believe this is because they are more "dangerous" during the developmental years of life, and though this began some 6 years ago, I seem to be fine. It is said it may affect growth and cause troubles with memory but I have an exceptional memory and I am not short in stature or underdeveloped in other physical arenas (I am over 6 feet tall).

It's 6:59AM here, just for anyone interested.

then you are a must clone yourself immediately and i am sure 7-eleven/wawa will have a bidding war on your progeny
Apr 8, 2006 at 2:26 PM Post #115 of 239

Originally Posted by 1911
then you are a must clone yourself immediately and i am sure 7-eleven/wawa will have a bidding war on your progeny

Haha, I wouldn't say I'm super human but good idea about 7-Eleven, but nevermind the clones, I think I'll apply.
Apr 18, 2006 at 10:30 AM Post #117 of 239

Originally Posted by Edwood[b
So any other Night Owls here?[/b] (wish I could make a poll, it's not working today.)
And is it because of general insomnia, or just find yourself staying up.

I'm generally just a night owl, but when I do have insomnia it's fairly serious (usually at least 48 hours up without any sleep). Looks like tonight's gonna be a late one for me, it's 3:30AM here, I have no particular responsibilities tomorrow and am so not in the mood to go to bed. Music and occasional browsing for a while longer, I guess.

P.S. wish more people would post at these hours... even the posts from Europe are slim around this time (4AM pacific).
Apr 18, 2006 at 1:35 PM Post #118 of 239
I would be posting more into the wee hours of the morning, but I'm actually working right now (have been all through the night). Ugh. Going to finish it up before I catch a flight to NYC.

Yikes, the sun is coming up, so it's time for me to go to bed.

Apr 18, 2006 at 8:16 PM Post #119 of 239
I feel the exact way you do. When I was younger, however, I was a very early bird. Nowadays its like.. all day long I am not interested in certain things, but come night time its like i crave them. For example, drawing and writing.

I think its a privacy issue as well. My entire house goes to sleep at a fairly decent time (before midnight) every night, and my mother and I stay up til 3-4-5.. sometimes later. Sometimes we are hanging out, other times we do our own thing the whole time.

IDK why it is though... Most people tell me its because I dont want to go to sleep.. but it just seems so untrue.. because I love sleep!
Apr 18, 2006 at 10:03 PM Post #120 of 239
I am fully a night owl who is forced into a daytime work routine (oh horror!) and it sux as my best hours are the wee ones. Work aside I am a 5-6 am bedtime type, as it is I have to get up in the morning and I really hate that whole AM thing. It's obscene.

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