My name is Ed, and I am a Night Owl / Insomniac.
Dec 29, 2005 at 4:10 PM Post #62 of 239
I think I am the only morning lark here

The latest I will sleep (I mean LATEST) is 1am in the morning, however any activity besides surfing the net or watching TV beyond 11pm will probably aggravate my temper. MUST wake up between 7-8am latest for my morning jog.

For the first time I feel weird.
Dec 30, 2005 at 7:35 AM Post #65 of 239
Night Owl here too. Most nights its 2:30 at the earliest and most of the time later. I don't usually wake up will about 1:00 because I am on break. Going back to school will be rough, but this semester will be better....class everyday at 11:00 now instead of 8:50. I find that I get more done at night. Its quite, no one is bothering you, you can just relax and take it all in. Its really hard for me to do that during the day, especially at the dorms
Dec 30, 2005 at 7:50 AM Post #66 of 239
i spend most a night on here. reason why i'm up late, and late for school/work somedays... new years resolution...cut back on the head fi.
Dec 30, 2005 at 8:23 AM Post #67 of 239
Headfi keeps me up till 1 ... gah must sleep now.. (that and ebay bidding..)
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:21 AM Post #68 of 239
I try to get to sleep by 2am, but when there's a test or lots of work due the next day, a steady supply of no-doz keeps me going all night until the next day is over
Dec 31, 2005 at 4:35 AM Post #69 of 239
I am definately a night person. In fact, I have to get up for work at 7 am tommorow and am none to pleased about it. I just plain dont fuction well in the AM. BTW, Redline blows all the other energy drinks out of the water Redline

Its like legal crack in a can, and has the worlds longest warning label on a beverage. You only need half a can to get superwired up. I mean wired. I drank half a can, and 2 hours later I was still jumping up and down.
Dec 31, 2005 at 4:36 AM Post #70 of 239
vacation is wonderful, havent gotten into bed befor 5am all week

Ive been over at a buddies house and we've been playing 360 all week. I had gotten a case of bawls for xmas but now its pretty much gone, we've been trying a lot of the energy drinks though:

Diet Rockstar -Bad... tastes way too sweet
sugar free monster - 3rd favorite, not very sharp but a smooth taste by comparison
Monster Kaos- has sugar but I tried it anyway because it had lots of fruit juice. its now my 2nd favorite drink, the peach and pinapple juices create an almost mango flavor thats very pleasing + it has lots of caffiene
Sugar free Bawls - how can you go wrong here? me and my buddy have downed a case of this stuff over the course of a week
sugar free Sobe No Fear- this stuff is very good, very fruity. hardly tastes like an energy drink but was very expensive (store was selling them for 3.25)
Sugar free Redbull - this stuff isnt anything expensive, its half the size of all of the others and usually more expensive. not too strong either
I tried one or two more but Cant think of the names right now

EDIT: havent seen that redline stuff anywhere, how's it taste?
Dec 31, 2005 at 12:35 PM Post #73 of 239
Its got an odd taste to it. Kinda tastes like a not so bad tasting cough syrup/soda water mix. Slightly thicker then the others too. Its not unpleasent tasting, and you only drink 6 oz at a time max anyway.
Dec 31, 2005 at 12:53 PM Post #74 of 239
I am also an insomniac. Whenever I visit family, I can't sleep until 7AM or later. Then I wake up after noon and my whole day is wasted, and the vicious cycle starts again. It's the computer and the internet -- I'm addicted to it.

Back at Berkeley I try to take sleep medication which sometimes works but most times not. Anyone have a cure for insomnia?
Dec 31, 2005 at 8:05 PM Post #75 of 239
I am always up in the early morning since i get off at midnight from work and even then i stay up at least a few hours.The worst part is waking up and knowing that in a few hours it's back to work

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