flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Feb 8, 2017 at 11:42 AM Post #616 of 39,431
When I was a teen metalcore/hardcore was very big, IMO the landscape has shifted more toward doom/death/black in the past decade or so with hardcore bands merging more with punk.  Some very cool punk/black metal hybrids coming out right now.
When I was a teen I was at Led Zep ,Queen, and Bad Company concerts.
Feb 8, 2017 at 11:45 AM Post #617 of 39,431
Metal, huh? the old NY Times Jazz Critic, Ben Ratliff, was also in love with Metal, said the most interesting music came from that genre (not counting jazz, of course). I'd be curious about specific album recommendations myself, always interested in something new. My younger daughter is into punk/metal/punk-pop, I've gone to see some bands with her, Breaking Benjamin is one that comes to mind, some others as well. They all seem to love these screamo vocals, which I just don't get (if you guys are not young, I'm ancient, but that's another story :wink: ).

Read some article a while back about how the brains of people who like metal and classical are the same in many ways.  I can PM you a list, I maintain one.  My favorite genres are Atmospheric Black Metal, Black Metal, Doom, Stoner, Sludge, Death, Blackened Death, Blackened Doom, Sludge Doom, Epic/Symphonic Black, Folk Black, Doom Death and Shoegaze Black. Metal has it's roots in blues.

Thanks, @Ike1985, that would be great (I'm 63, went with my 18 year old to All Time Low, Breaking Benjamin, Weezer, Skillet, and some other bands, who I guess aren't metal, but have some metallic influences to them-not Weezer, I just like them).
Feb 8, 2017 at 11:57 AM Post #618 of 39,431
When I was a teen, it was The Dead, The Band, Dylan, hippie dippie stuff...
Feb 8, 2017 at 12:02 PM Post #619 of 39,431
When I was a kid it was all Christian music. DC Talk, Jars of Clay, etc...

Now I listen to all everything, but mostly the all the greats I missed out on in my teens: Rock from the 60s and 70s. :D

I'll tell you, listening to Marylin Manson makes me feel ever so naughty. :cool:
Feb 8, 2017 at 12:10 PM Post #620 of 39,431
When I was a kid it was all Christian music. DC Talk, Jars of Clay, etc...

Now I listen to all everything, but mostly the all the greats I missed out on in my teens: Rock from the 60s and 70s. :D

I'll tell you, listening to Marylin Manson makes me feel ever so naughty. :cool:
Feb 8, 2017 at 12:59 PM Post #621 of 39,431
When I was a kid it was all Christian music. DC Talk, Jars of Clay, etc...

Now I listen to all everything, but mostly the all the greats I missed out on in my teens: Rock from the 60s and 70s.

I'll tell you, listening to Marylin Manson makes me feel ever so naughty.

speaking of Manson , i wanted to leave this masterpiece album for @flinkenick  , this song is written about that other Manson....
one of my Desert Island Discs 

Feb 8, 2017 at 1:19 PM Post #622 of 39,431
When I was a kid it was all Christian music. DC Talk, Jars of Clay, etc...

Now I listen to all everything, but mostly the all the greats I missed out on in my teens: Rock from the 60s and 70s.

I'll tell you, listening to Marylin Manson makes me feel ever so naughty.


Manson is way more talented than he gets credit for.
Feb 8, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #623 of 39,431
There two kinds of people on this forum IMO.  Stereophiles who wanted better sound to hear the music they love and thus became audiophiles while retaining their love of music above all else and audiophiles who didn't spend their teen years immersed in music magazines, moldy hole in the wall record stores, going to every live show within a 5 hour drive and standing in the rain for hours to get in to see a band they love cramped into a tiny club with terrible sound properties and their adult years on music sites constantly downloading all the latest releases 24/7.

So beautiful described and I know I absolutely did spend my teen years immersed in music magazines, moldy hole in the wall record stores, going to every live show within a 5 hour drive and standing in the rain for hours to get in to see a band they love cramped into a tiny club with terrible sound properties and I don't regret a single minute (not even the ones in that rain) of all these 'musical adventures'

  speaking of Manson , i wanted to leave this masterpiece album for @flinkenick  , this song is written about that other Manson....
one of my Desert Island Discs

Yep...''On the Beach'' is a classic and also my favourite NY album 

Feb 8, 2017 at 1:32 PM Post #624 of 39,431
Not that long ago, Neil Young was on a PBS tribute to Bruce Springsteen. You know, he out energized, out-punked, out-intensed, every other artist there at the tribute. Pretty amazing!
Feb 8, 2017 at 1:51 PM Post #625 of 39,431
This afternoon I visited a school where my oldest son (11 years) is supposed to go next year, for a classroom tour. I had to take my youngest too, who is only 5, but absolutely crazy about music and I'm not talking about kids stuff here. He loves the Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Marley, etc. and this started already last year. I'm still pretty amazed about it as I don't have the feeling that I'm pushing him that way at all and I remember that I didn't have the slightest interest in music at that age.
When he saw a drumkit in a music room he immediately ran to it, took place and started hitting that kit like crazy

Well gentlemen, I think I saw the reincarnation of Keith Moon and the future of rock there at that same moment

Feb 8, 2017 at 1:55 PM Post #626 of 39,431
This afternoon I visited a school where my oldest son (11 years) is supposed to go next year, for a classroom tour. I had to take my youngest too, who is only 5, but absolutely crazy about music and I'm not talking about kids stuff here. He loves the Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Marley, etc. and this started already last year. I'm still pretty amazed about it as I don't have the feeling that I'm pushing him that way at all and I remember that I didn't have the slightest interest in music at that age.
When he saw a drumkit in a music room he immediately ran to it, took place and started hitting that kit like crazy

Well gentlemen, I think I saw the reincarnation of Keith Moon and the future of rock there at that same moment

i got a beatles tape at 5 and i am sure it paved the way for my good taste in music
i am sure with you as father he is gonna turn out to have amazing taste in music
Feb 8, 2017 at 2:02 PM Post #627 of 39,431
To those in praise of Zeus, have you actually spent time with one? It's a good product from a marketing perspective (just think, nearly everyone here thinks it will be #1, but they're I would assume mostly blind listeners).

The Zeus was not my cup of tea at all, personally.
Feb 8, 2017 at 2:14 PM Post #628 of 39,431
which indian? the aztec/maya or buddha?

LOL, I guess the 'Buddha' variant though I'm not sure they'll appreciate the classification 

Lol. Well, let's just say, the type of Indians from the land, that Columbus was originally intending to find..
Feb 8, 2017 at 2:23 PM Post #629 of 39,431
To those in praise of Zeus, have you actually spent time with one? It's a good product from a marketing perspective (just think, nearly everyone here thinks it will be #1, but they're I would assume mostly blind listeners).

The Zeus was not my cup of tea at all, personally.

Yep, I've spent a lot of listening hours over the past 2 weeks (just got it) with Zeus XR (non Adel). And I must say that I was surpised when I saw that you wrote this in 'the other thread': It sounds like a poorly amped HD800. Not my signature. Too cold and revealing and no bass. Andromeda is superior if you want treble detail and air. It even has more bass!
Now, I haven't heard the Andromeda, but I've auditioned the HD800 (ended up with the HD700) multiple times (mainly well amped) and I just don't understand your experience. Sure, Zeus is no ''bass monster'' but imo the bass is very well implemented and not bad at all. I like the Zeus....a lot!

It doesn't have a warm signature indeed, but its imaging, resolution, soundstage etc. is off the charts imo.
Are you sure you had a good seal when you auditioned the Zeus?
Feb 8, 2017 at 2:34 PM Post #630 of 39,431
Yep, I've spent a lot of listening hours over the past 2 weeks (just got it) with Zeus XR (non Adel). And I must say that I was surpised when I saw that you wrote this in 'the other thread': It sounds like a poorly amped HD800. Not my signature. Too cold and revealing and no bass. Andromeda is superior if you want treble detail and air. It even has more bass!

Now, I haven't heard the Andromeda, but I've auditioned the HD800 (ended up with the HD700) multiple times (mainly well amped) and I just don't understand your experience. Sure, Zeus is no ''bass monster'' but imo the bass is very well implemented and not bad at all. I like the Zeus....a lot! :ksc75smile:

It doesn't have a warm signature indeed, but its imaging, resolution, soundstage etc. is off the charts imo.
Are you sure you had a good seal when you auditioned the Zeus?

Maybe it was simply too cold for me. The soundstage was great, but I thought the Encore had better layering. The ZeusR was too flat for me, but the XIV had great mids and soundstage but for me at the expense of other tonality I prefer. I had in comply tips and got a good seal.

Have you heard u18? For me I preferred that presentation. I'd be curious your comparisons between the two.

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