APureSound: The Ultimate Cable Manufacturer Introduces The V3 Headphone Cable
Jul 3, 2009 at 6:29 AM Post #766 of 846

Originally Posted by XXII /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Congrats, I really enjoy my APS balanced W5000. I'd love to hear your impression of them with the Phoenix. Are you sure you only need 6ft though??

I only sit about 3 feet from my amp, so 6 is really an overkill already.
Jul 3, 2009 at 9:10 AM Post #768 of 846

Originally Posted by moonboy403 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Me wallet isn't so happy about APS!

But your ears will be
Jul 4, 2009 at 8:36 AM Post #769 of 846
Is it just me? Are the V3 really this transparent/neutral. My DT48 are very transparent by themselves, after doing some serious listening, I noticed that bad recordings sound worse and more revealing of flaws.. On the flip side, good recordings sound better.. It really is a catch 22.. With some songs they sound like 20.00 headphones, others, they sound priceless....... Am I imagining things?
Jul 4, 2009 at 8:39 AM Post #770 of 846

Originally Posted by moonboy403 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh yea, I picked another APS V3 balanced cable for my HD650 in the FS forum.

Me wallet isn't so happy about APS!

From my experience, they don't get in the way of the music, or add any flavor.. If what I'm hearing is true, that is truly remarkable..
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:48 PM Post #771 of 846

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is it just me? Are the V3 really this transparent/neutral. My DT48 are very transparent by themselves, after doing some serious listening, I noticed that bad recordings sound worse and more revealing of flaws.. On the flip side, good recordings sound better.. It really is a catch 22.. With some songs they sound like 20.00 headphones, others, they sound priceless....... Am I imagining things?

No imagination there. It will only get even better once you fully burn in the cable and your ears will get used to picking up even more detail.

Jul 6, 2009 at 7:58 PM Post #772 of 846

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No imagination there. It will only get even better once you fully burn in the cable and your ears will get used to picking up even more detail.


Oh Alex. How I curse thee.. The sound stage definitely is bigger. I use my Yamaha receiver, and use it's straight enhancer mode. It extends the highs and lows. I use this 90% of the time to compensate for the DT48a narrow sound stage. After getting my recabled DT48a back, I notice myself going to it less and less. I know use straight PCM most of the time. Another thing is, the SE mode know feels more artifical and fake. The straight PCM mode feels more genuine to me now. Yes, the resolve and micro detail has improved.. During the Kill Bill finale, you can easily tell it was a studio setting.. It is snowing, but manufactured. I never really got the connection untill I heard it with my recabled DT48a. The reverb was more noticeable and clear, along with the controlled room setting. So far I am very impressed with the construction and build quality. And impressed with the audible improvements. I had major regret with my Cardas recable purchase. I felt I wasted 150.00. And feel I was lied to in a sense buy others including respected website vendors. I have no regrets here or buyers remorse. You are the real deal. Thanks again Alex, for making a wonderful cable at a fair price.
Jul 8, 2009 at 7:10 PM Post #774 of 846

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From my experience, they don't get in the way of the music, or add any flavor.. If what I'm hearing is true, that is truly remarkable..

I have to agree. I just hear the music coming through, uninhibited. With the stock HD800 cable, so much detail is not making it's way to the transducers. With the V3, you hear everything and it's neither strident or warm, but just right.
Jul 8, 2009 at 9:11 PM Post #775 of 846
I've just ordered HD800 cable and RCA interconnect!! I can't waiiiiiit
Jul 9, 2009 at 5:35 AM Post #776 of 846

Originally Posted by DC5Zilla /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've just ordered HD800 cable and RCA interconnect!! I can't waiiiiiit

You might have a love/hate relationship. The HD800 is said to be very transparent.. These will open the flood gates if it effects the HD800 like it did my DT48.. Which UE also rates as very transparent. Lossless sounds more 'true', genuine, open, and you get closer to the music un inhibited.. Now. The flip side is the total opposite..
Jul 9, 2009 at 7:12 AM Post #777 of 846

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You might have a love/hate relationship. The HD800 is said to be very transparent.. These will open the flood gates if it effects the HD800 like it did my DT48.. Which UE also rates as very transparent. Lossless sounds more 'true', genuine, open, and you get closer to the music un inhibited.. Now. The flip side is the total opposite..

all of the music I have are flac files compressed from EAC through accurate rip... so am I safe to go?
my source is pico dac
Jul 13, 2009 at 10:53 PM Post #778 of 846
What is the current turn around time for something like the D5k?
Jul 20, 2009 at 10:03 PM Post #780 of 846

Originally Posted by wakeride74 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What is the current turn around time for something like the D5k?

The current build time is about 4 weeks from the time of payment.


Originally Posted by M3NTAL /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any update on HD800 Connectors?

See my next post.

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